Popping in to say hi! Looks like lots of frustrating stuff going on with you all. As for me, I am just going to heap on more frustration. I've had 5 solid days of fertile signs and
, but still no temp shift! Driving me insane. We're really going for the conception olympics this cycle, it feels like. It's 100 mg Clomid, using some pre-seed when needed, and I officially dropped coffee, my favorite thing ever.
Makes me so sad!
CJ, I wouldn't count yourself out just yet! I won't even let myself test that early because it's just a disappointment. Hope that BFN turns into a BFP soon!
Smiling, I can totally relate to the temping thing being stressful. Hope that dropping that helps!
KeepSmiling, catch that eggie! Yay for getting that positive OPK! Hope this is a good one for you!
Laura, I hope that they're wrong about the non ovulation. Every doctor seems to be different in what levels they believe are normal.
Hope everyone is having a good day, cycles and crud notwithstanding!