Hi Ladies, just got back from the OB who had confirmed my

Actually saw the little pregnancy sac in my first sonogram pic. It's still early though, I'm only just starting my 5th week. So still keeping my fingers crossed.
But I thought it will be good to just share my thoughts on what led to the

, perhaps some of you can identify with these symptoms as well.
1st Clomid cycle
- No side effects
- Hungrier than usual but only during luteal phase
- IUI on CD14 but I think I ovulated way too early for the inseminated sperm to catch the egg
- Usual pre-AF tender boobs, but went away a couple of days before AF arrived.
- No cramps at all
- Ultra heavy AF on the first day, with lots of blood clots. Never had this since my teens! The next 2 days were lighter, but still heavier flow as compared to my pre-Clomid days.
- AF lasted only 4 days
2nd Clomid cycle
- Went for HSG, all clear
- Headaches after taking Clomid
- Hungrier than usual during LP
- IUI on CD14, this time I think I ovulated right before insemination
- OB prescribed 10mg Duphaston (progesterone) to be taken twice a day until AF arrives
- BBT dip on 7dpo
- Warm, fuzzy feeling in the stomach from 12 dpo onwards
- Constipation
- Acne breakout (face and body)
- Mild and short cramps that goes on and off on 12-14 dpo
- Boobs continued to be sore past 14 dpo
- No fatigue, no nausea
- Get hungry more frequently (although my appetite at each meal has not increased)
I'm definitely no expert but my gut feel tells me that the 2nd round was successfully because of 4 factors:
- The heavy AF after the first round had cleared the old uterus lining and any blood clots that had been sticking around, thereby making way for fresh new lining to be built up
- The HSG cleared my tubes of any minor obstructions
- My ovulation occurred right on time for IUI
- The progesterone pills that I've been taking throughout LP
In both cycles I had 2 mature follies which ruptured. But only 1 got fertilised during the 2nd round.
So there you go! I hope this helps and

to all!