clomid club

:hi: girls been and got last bits for my son for school afm af has packed her bags yayyyy let the sex marathon begin xx xx
Good evening all... I'm supposed to do my CD21 bloodtest tomorrow but I've had absolutely no signs of ovulation yet. No cramps, twinges, CM, nothing! Did any of you have no symptoms from clomid but still ovulated??
BabyForMe83, I would go have the test done anyway, not everyone has twinging/pain when they ovulate. Good Luck x

Congratulations snl!!

I've taken 100mg days 2-6 this cycle. I'm on day 14 with no sign of ov yet :shrug:

Has anyone experienced later ov after taking clomid? I don't usually ov until between day 18-24 but I usually have a load of cm by now :nope:

How's everyone?

It's only made me Ovulate one day later than normal, but then again I don't have PCOS. My sister does though, so FX'ed for you:) She finally has her beautiful little girl after years of going undiagnosed. Are you on metformin?

I'm not on metformin yet. The fs has given me 3 months of clomid to try but if that doesn't work they're going to give me metformin for a bit and then try with the clomid again. I've got one good ovary so she seemed to think it was worth a shot trying the clomid first.

Congratulations snl!!

I've taken 100mg days 2-6 this cycle. I'm on day 14 with no sign of ov yet :shrug:

Has anyone experienced later ov after taking clomid? I don't usually ov until between day 18-24 but I usually have a load of cm by now :nope:

How's everyone?

It's only made me Ovulate one day later than normal, but then again I don't have PCOS. My sister does though, so FX'ed for you:) She finally has her beautiful little girl after years of going undiagnosed. Are you on metformin?

I'm not on metformin yet. The fs has given me 3 months of clomid to try but if that doesn't work they're going to give me metformin for a bit and then try with the clomid again. I've got one good ovary so she seemed to think it was worth a shot trying the clomid first.

My sister also has only 1 tube -once she got an HSG and the dye went through after a little pushing. The next month she was pregnant!
Hello everyone, I am still pretty new here and I have not posted much. Anyway, I had a lap with the ovarian drilling on 6/29/11.Everything was good, I am currently taking metformin 500 mg 3x daily, synthroid, a prenatal vitmins. I went to the dr today, since my period started this moring. So I will start taking 100 mg of clomid days 5-9 of my cycle. I am excited to get to this point. I know it sounds sill lol.
i know what you mean about being excited to start clomid. its very exciting! feeling like things are moving forwards and youre doing something different rather than the usual wait for ov/tww

Hi there,

This is my first contribution to any forum but have been reading threads on this website the past few months. It has given me so much hope. Also, the combined knowledge of the ladies on here is better than any information I have been given by my doc!!

I'll give you a little info about myself. We have been TTC since April 2010 and a few months in I started to chart my BBT and use Ovulation sticks to try and work out my best times to BD. My cycle is either 31 or 33 days and I realised that I was only ovulating around day 24/25 which I read was too late in the month. I took some B6 vitamins as I heard this could improve progestrone but after no luck I went to my GP in Jan 2011. I had blood tests in Feb/March/April before they agreed that I was either ovulating late or not at all so I was referred to the fertilty clinic. My first appointment was June when they asked me to repeat all the blood tests. I was also booked in for Lap+Dye which I had done at the end of July. All results came back great, no blockages etc. I had my follow up appointment yesterday and I have been given Clomid to start taking next month, which will be the first week of Sept.

I am nervous about starting because its easy to kid yourself that it'll work first time, when in reality I know it could take months to work.

I have found it so encouraging to be able to follow other women's jouneys through these forums. I don't know anybody else who has ever taken Clomid. Pregnancy seems to have come easily to all my friends. I have a couple of friends who have successfully gone through IVF because of other medical reasons but its a whole different set of conversations.

Sorry for the huge post. I haven't been able to vocalise how I am feeling to anyone, not even my very supportive DH because I feel like I am holding him back from what he desperately wants in life. He was checked back in May and everything was perfect.

Good luck to you all
Kate x
i'm a new member but already feel at home! my fiance got his results yesterday and he's 'working', haha - waiting for my results to come back and we will be starting clomid / metformin in no time! so exciting! x
Hi Kate and Jessica, Welcome to clomid club and I hope your stays are short and sweet before you are heading over to first tri with your BFP's. x
Welcome ladies!!! AFM- 11 dpo and bbs are sore and bigger. I rolled over in bed this am and felt a pulling sensation in the uterus. I haven't had a pos hpt yet, but I have a feeling...who knows. Guess I'll know soon one way or the other!
i'm a new member but already feel at home! my fiance got his results yesterday and he's 'working', haha - waiting for my results to come back and we will be starting clomid / metformin in no time! so exciting! x

Hi Jessica,

I though I was wierd being excited about starting clomid so its nice to know that you feel the same. I came out of the hospital with a huge smile yesterday. It was Sept last year that I realised I had a problem and using Google found out that Clomid would be the treattment I would need. Its taken 8 months for me to get my prescription and its been a long wait between blood tests, hospital appointments etc. I feel like I have spent the last 8 months counting days (4 days to the next test, 3 weeks to my appointment, 10 days until AF ETC)....each month hoping that something would have changed and that I would get BFP!
Hope you get your Clomid soon and that you aren't waiting long for a BFP X
:hi: girls my opks and preseed come today wooppp just sat her waiting for my son finish in the bathroom so i can get ready hes so slow cleaned all the house think i will take dogs out for a run why the sun is out x x x
BabyForMe83, I would go have the test done anyway, not everyone has twinging/pain when they ovulate. Good Luck x

Thanks! I went ahead and did it this morning. I can't say I hold out much hope though. My body just feels so unresponsive... I have two months of clomid on 50mg left if this month doesn't work. I'm starting to consider just doing 1 month of 100mg to see where that gets me...
BabyForMe83, 50mg didn't work for me hun I had to progress to 100mg which got me ovulating. I would wait and see what your bloods come back as, if they are under 30 then maybe 100mg might be worth a go. x
i took my first clomid 50mg yesterday take days 3-7. Every since i took that pill this morning ive had a bad headache and a weird twingeing pain in my right ovary! Idk what it is has anybody else had this problem is it normal.
yes its normal you get lots of things like that hun i do good luck snl how are you hun when s your scan x x x
Hi girls how we doing? My cousin told me shes 13 weeks preg today! Well she didn't tell me My mum did! Coz she couldn't Tell me incase I was upset! The thing is I am upset! I been tryi g so long she got married 14 weeks ago an is pg! She didn't call me which makes me feel like I have rabies! I no it must b hard to tell sum1 who has had 4 mc an been trying 3 years but god I am human! Sorry I just feel hurt! Plus she's 25 so 5 years younger! I just feel like I never get a break that lucky break that everyone else gets! I feel like I just hit brick Walls!! X
:hugs: Davies. My BFF fell pregnant by accident last year and didn't dare tell me. I don't know what hurt most, the fact she was pregnant and not me or that she kept me in the dark. This ttc malarkey can be very painful and downright unfair most of the time. I really hope some good news is on its way to you soon my lovely, it is long overdue. xx

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