Hi girls,
I hope everyone is doing well. Good luck and baby dust to all of you ladies in the 2WW!!!
AFM, I am saving up to do IUI hopefully soon. My October cycle is going to be testing to prepare and evaluate our ability to be able to do IUI. I had my initial consultation for the IUI yesterday afternoon....The DR was very nice and wants DH to get another SA done to start out to see if his

numbers have improved since the first one since it has already been an entire year since the first one. I am hoping and praying his numbers have improved since the first one. I did have DH on the Fertilaid vitamins for a little while and the VR DR told us that his

numbers could improve on their own for up to 2 years after the VR, so I am praying and hoping they have!! The DR said she would hope for him to have at least 10 million

for the IUI in the best case scenario.... But our first SA was only 5 million, so I am feeling very nervous about how the next SA will be... If the numbers are too low than she may suggest IVF, which we cant afford without insurance and would have to look into changing insurance plans for next year to one that has infertility treatment coverage.
The other option is me using donor sperm and still doing IUI, DH says he is okay with using donor sperm if we have no other options available to us, but I am not sure if I am comfortable with it or not.
So as for me my testing will start as soon as my period starts next cycle, which will be in the beginning of Octoboer most likely. Between CD 2-4 I need to schedule a day for blood work to check my FSH levels, and than somewhere between CD 3-8 I have to have an ultrasound to check my ovarian reserve and see how many follicles I have, than sometime during CD 5-13 I have to have an HSG done where they put the dye into your follopian tubes and do X-rays to see if I have any blockages in my tubes...I am a little nervous about the HSG, I also have to take antibiotics before I do the HSG...
So long story short My October cycle will at least get me some answers and an idea of what we will have to do next.... For some reason I am feeling down about all of this, i guess I am just worried that DH's SA is going to be too low and than I am going to have to consider the other options, IVF is pretty intense and costly and i am not sure if I am ready to take all of that on now, and the sperm donor thing, well as I previously stated would take me a long time to wrap my head around it and make a decision....