Just checking.......are those green tests ovulation or pregnancy tests? x
Just checking.......are those green tests ovulation or pregnancy tests? x
SNL said HPT's, i asked that too.
Have been tricked by lines on opk's before.![]()
myphyemma and Darkest I believe they are because the package says "Fertility Test" and the OPK ones says LH Ovulation Test. Here is a photo of the package:
View attachment 277354
Fertility tests measure your FSH levels.... I have some from first response, so I wouldnt use them to to determine if you are pregnant or to tell if you are ovulating, that isnt what they are for... FSH levels indicate your ovarian reserve and if it is normal or not and you are only supposed to use them on like CD3 (the beginning of your cycle) Do you have the instructions for the "fertility tests" to find out how you should be using them... I hope this is helpful...![]()
Just checking.......are those green tests ovulation or pregnancy tests? x
Just checking.......are those green tests ovulation or pregnancy tests? x
SNL said HPT's, i asked that too.
Have been tricked by lines on opk's before.![]()
myphyemma and Darkest I believe they are because the package says "Fertility Test" and the OPK ones says LH Ovulation Test. Here is a photo of the package:
View attachment 277354
Fertility tests measure your FSH levels.... I have some from first response, so I wouldnt use them to to determine if you are pregnant or to tell if you are ovulating, that isnt what they are for... FSH levels indicate your ovarian reserve and if it is normal or not and you are only supposed to use them on like CD3 (the beginning of your cycle) Do you have the instructions for the "fertility tests" to find out how you should be using them... I hope this is helpful...![]()
Well if that is the case then....I AM OUT
So when I did take the First Response HPT it was a
Well thanks for the update then...will have hope for the next cycle...I am sure the fs will push for the IUI when it comes for sure.
Thanks again for your help. Now its time for me to find that place again...Giving it to God and I am moving on now...![]()
girls how are you all 35 i her congrats is in order hun aww well my cousions baby is home now her a pic of my son and mya x x x
Anyone else exhausted and foggy headed taking clomid? I've only had 1 dose (yesterday) and am due to take todays dose as soon as I eat. I've also had a sore throat the last few days, so maybe my exhaustion means I'm just getting sick? Ugh, I hope this doesn't last the whole time I'm taking it...I don't know how I would get anything done a work.
Hey girls, I have a question to ask.
If your mucus dried up after using clomid what did you take\do to increase it again? I know drinking lots of fluid helps as well as grapefruit juice. I'm not after any meds or supplements this cycle so any "natural" suggestions would really be appreciated![]()