Sorry this cycle didn't work for you Damita, I did acupuncture before I tried clomid, I did 6 weeks worth and my cycle never came before acupuncture I had regular 45 day cycles and i don't know if they are linked but It didn't work for me. I did like the massage they did for me afterwards though
Af is heavier today (cycle day 1 of full flow) than usual. Since TTC my periods seem light. Maybe it's the stress! I was worried my lining would be thinned on clomid so in a weird way, I hope I get a heavyish period. I had brown sitting for 2 days... Did you? Again I had that since TTC so maybe my stress is causing a hormonal imbalance. Baaaad back pain this time though.
Very odd indeed I have just had streaks of light blood on wiping yesterday and then almost dried up this morning, sorry for TMI. I know I havent ovulated as I have had scans so am wondering if this is start of my AF I'm not due for another 10 days or so
The line was faint on a frer and it freaks me out cause AF is due today but there was definitely a second line. I am basking in it now just in case my body decides to be a bitch and be a chemical or something.
I called my dr yesterday after i got a bfn and asked them to call in my clomid so I would have it. but I took a frer this morning and the second line popped right up. I changed all that yesterday after I picked up my clomid. Lol.
That's fantastic! I hear round 3 is the one most women fall pregnant on So happy for you! Btw - no such thing as jinxes, you are gonna have a baby!!! yay!
It only took 8 months! Lol. I hope it is a sticky bean. Like I said, it just scares me a little cause af is due today and the test is awfully light. BUT I have never been pregnant before... so I have no idea how my body responds to tests.
Well I've been ttc for many years, and in my experience a line is a line - no amount of wishing or hoping will make a 2nd line show when you are not pregnant. No use worrying about a chemical (I've had one) as it will happen if it's going to. Right now you are pregnant and should celebrate!! I've had 2 BFPs in my life and even a week after AF was expected I only ever got faintish lines. Even a urine test at my Dr's office showed negative when I was pregnant. Depends a lot on the individual. Praying for a sticky bean for you!!!!
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