clomid club

Congratulations Lisa, wonderful news!! :hugs:

Well I am on cycle 2 of 50mg Clomid, I OVd last cycle and this cycle, which is good news. I am 6DPO.

Had a free consultation with an acupuncturist yesterday, she was lovely. She has had a lot of success helping ladies going through fertility issues. I am going to see her for 6 weeks, once a week, then once a month. I need to give her a week's food diary and diary of my cycles. If I don't get pregnant on the Clomid (2 cycles left), she will work with me through IUI or IVF. I start next week, really looking forward to it! :thumbup:
Congrats Lisa! H & H 9 months!

Does anyone know if clomid lengthens your follicular phase will it also lengthen your luteal phase? I ask because my last cycle was 28 days with a 13 day luteal phase. Before clomid I had 26/27 day cycles and I'm not 100% on the luteal...I think it is usually 13 days. So this cycle I don't think I ovulated yet...or if I did perhaps I did again. I got a positive OPK on CD 13 and another positive today CD 17. I'm certain both were positive and I had negatives in between. I only continued to use the OPK's because this is our last month of trying so I figured might as well POAS as much as possible n use up the OPK's :)

So...I guess I'm worried now that perhaps I was gearing up to O and didn't but then did today or will soon. Then my luteal phase would shorten to 11 theory? I emailed my doctor but I doubt he was in today...hoping to hear back from him tomorrow.

In the meantime I wonder if anyone has experience with this or knows what I should expect.

Oh also my bbt chart looked like I O'd on CD 15 but then temp dropped again this morning. I'm so

Hi Cheercoach! I might be able to help you with this. I had something similar happen to me back in my December cycle and had 2 positives with negatives in between. I never had a temp rise after the first positive (on a digital) and my cbfm never went up either. I called my doctor and they ordered me a cd21 progesterone blood test to see if I had ovulated and it turned out on cd21 I had not. I then went back and did more OPKs and my CBFM only to find I was ovulating on cd24.
I asked my RE what he thought of this and he said you can gear up to ovulate and it doesn't happen. I had had an HSG that month and he thinks it could have shocked my system a little therein delaying ovulation.

I need to mention that I wasn't on clomid but I'm not sure how that might make a difference.. If you were to release 2 eggs, it would be in the same LH surge, a max of 24 hours between, not so many days.

do you chart your BBT?

but to answer you other question, I believe clomid can increase the length of your LP since it often induces Ovulation in a timely manner and the lining has a better shot at being nice and strong (unless Clomid thins it, then I'm not sure what happens) if it affects your progesterone positively then you might have a longer LP.

I would definitely BD today and tomorrow to be sure! I hope this helped at all. GL!!
Thank you for the replies ladies :) I'm still waiting to hear back from my doctor...hoping he'll order bloodwork. I do chart, but when I look at it now I'm wondering if my thermometer is broken or something cuz it just doesn't look right.

I know twins happen on clomid...but I really would just like to catch one egg and call it good :) If we catch 2 I'll be happy...but 1 would be just dandy. I'm worried that I haven't O'd yet and I will O late and hubby will be gone. He leaves tonight for 9 days :( This was our last try...*sigh*

I'll be okay with whatever happens but right now I'm freakin out a bit. Again thanks for the replies.

Babydust to everyone!
Massive congrats Lisa.

Such fab news!! I hope we all get that kind of luck on clomid.

I just got results for my day 21 progesterone and it was 1 :( Guessing that means I didn't ovulate. But spoke to me GP today and she advised to repeat the blood test again next week just in case we checked too early. I think I had all -ve OPKs and wasn't very optimistic that I ovulated although I keep getting on and off lower back and pelvic pain.

I've not had any symptoms still, boobs are small as usual, not bloated etc :(
I'm not overweight (BMI 22) and am generally healthy so quite disappointed that I didn't ovulate on clomid.

Heavenly, my sister also had acupuncture during her IUI cycle and she got a BFP on her 2nd cycle of IUI :) I am considering it aswell. What do you think?

I really hope my AF comes this month so I can get started on my next cycle of clomid. Feeling sad about my progesterone result :( but will try and stay positive.

Goodluck girls

Jugs xxxxxxxxx
I just got results for my day 21 progesterone and it was 1 :( Guessing that means I didn't ovulate. But spoke to me GP today and she advised to repeat the blood test again next week just in case we checked too early. I think I had all -ve OPKs and wasn't very optimistic that I ovulated although I keep getting on and off lower back and pelvic pain.

I've not had any symptoms still, boobs are small as usual, not bloated etc :(
I'm not overweight (BMI 22) and am generally healthy so quite disappointed that I didn't ovulate on clomid.

Heavenly, my sister also had acupuncture during her IUI cycle and she got a BFP on her 2nd cycle of IUI :) I am considering it aswell. What do you think?

I really hope my AF comes this month so I can get started on my next cycle of clomid. Feeling sad about my progesterone result :( but will try and stay positive.

Goodluck girls

Jugs xxxxxxxxx

How long have you been on Clomid hun? I am 46, so am on it for 4 cycles, but then won't waste anymore time, so will then look at IUI or IVF. My FSH is good but my acupuncturist said I need to get my AMH done as if that isn't great, she told me to not bother with anymore Clomid and go straight for IUI.

Don't get too down about the 21 test, that test was no good for me, I had it done a couple of times and it didn't show I ovulated but my cycle isn't the same every month, so my FS said it didn't matter. It may take a bit of the time for the Clomid to work for you. x
Thank you Lisa...I didn't know there were preferences for sharing...I updated so it's available to everyone :)
I'm pretty new to temping so it just looks bonkers to me I guess. I have a few days that are big differences from day before. I think I read that clomid can give you odd temp shifts though. I always take temp 3 times in the morning, usually 7am, and record the highest of 3...normally all 3 are the same or a 1 degree difference.

Also, I thought from the chart I ovulated on cd15...but since I got a os opk after...i dunno.
They're erratic, but most girls temps before ov are erratic so I wouldn't worry about that. Your temps for the last 3 days have been a bit higher, combined with the pos opk I wonder if you ov'd, but didn't have a huge temp jump. Does the program that you're using give you crosshairs once ovulation has been confirmed, like Fertility Friend? You're too funny taking your temp 3 times, you really just need to do it once, before getting up out of bed, moving, or talking. I wouldn't worry about using the highest one, I would instead use the first one, since it's probably the most accurate.
Lol, yeah...I just look at it sometimes and think...hmm that can't be I do it again....when all 3 are close then I'm convinced. Um the ovagraph is the only one I've used. Maybe I'll try a different one...

Thanks for taking a look and for your opinion...this whole thing is driving me batty...thank goodness it's only a short trip :)
Welcome everyone!!:flower:
Welcome to the group to all the new people.

First of all Crazycoolmum... I so understand why you decided to do that, desperation for a baby makes us do crazy things. You are right in that lots of people are just given it like candy and it will probably be fine...Did you even ask your doc to prescribe it for you? I'm not judging just asking out of interest. Cheer coach is right that clomid is very cheep. Each month for me is a couple dollars for the pills and $50 for the testing that goes along with it. (over here you need to be monitored by bloods at least)

If you are worried about multiples I would take them days 5 to 9 and start with 50gm. 25mg is a really low dose, almost everybody starts at 50mg

I sincerely hope others here understand why you doing this. (I considered it myself) Luckily I managed to change doctors to someone willing to give it to me.

Good luck honey.

cavallygirl Good luck hun, my day 13 bloods will be done on Monday :)

Lucynia sorry to hear about the cyst... hopefully they can fix you up quickly so you can get back to it. :dust:

Maurie How are you holding up honey?

Missy I have had some real clomid crazy months but some not so bad. Last month I was all weepy one minute then crazy angry the next complete jeckyell/Hyde thing going on but this month I have been real good, no clomid crazies at all. I don't know if the dose really matters as I have been on 50mg the whole 4 months and from what others have said when they change dose. One tube should still be ok on clomid :) At least now they know what has been your problem and can now fix it :D :dust:

Hope Good luck hun, can't really help with your questions but I'm guessing your doc is just covering as many bases as possable. Sounds like you have a through doctor. Yay you.

Sorry I haven't been on here much. I haven't had the heart. Things have been very tense between DH and I. Not for any reason other than we don't know what to say or do, but it is slowly getting better. I started seeing a therapist :blush:

How are things going for you?

Hi everyone,
I'm new to this site but I hope to get some help and support.
My DH and I have been TTC for over a year now with no results.
His tests came out normal and mine as well. I have regular period and never had any problems. I also think I ovulate regularly on day 14 or 15 (I can feel little pain when it happens and I also use ovulation tests).
Last month I ovulated on my left side on my own. Didn't get pregnant so my doctor decided to put me on clomid.
This is my first month. I took 50mgh on cd 5 to 9. I had first ultrasound on cd11; results- 'nothing on the right side and little something on the left'. Had to come back for another ultrasound on cd13. This time doctor (it was a different person) said I have a cyst on my left ovary and it is over 2cm. She was really surprised that they didn't see anything two days earlier.
This made me really upset as I never had any problems before. I think that Clomid messed up my system. Going for another ultrasound tomorrow cd16 and I don'y know what is next.
So disappointing:(

Sorry for my English (have been living in US only 5 years).
All the best for everybody and please let me know if you have any advise or have been in similar situation

I am sorry to hear that. :hugs: From what I read Clomid can certainly cause Cysts, that is why it is prescribed. I am in a similar situation. I am regular, I ovulate on my own, DH's SA is all good. I do however have low progesterone. They put me on 50 mg day 3-7 we conceived on cycle 2 only to loose baby at 5w6d.

I hope everything works out for you, and you find your success

I am really sorry to hear that:hugs:
How lonh have you been ttc begore you got pregnant?
All the best for you. Stay strong!
Thank you... I had been trying for about 2 & 1/2 years. Timeline is sort of sketchy because we started NTNP but found ourselves wanting a family somewhere in there.

I don't think I updated this thread, and even though some of you already know I wanted to post it here too....I got my first ever :bfp: this weekend!! It was my second round of Clomid. Hang in there gitls, it can happen!! :hugs:

Massive congrats!!! :happydance:
so excited for you :hugs:
hello ladies
I have a question, how late can you Ov on clomid. i took it the 25th of Jan still no sign of Ov no menstrual, just feeling a little sore on my left nipple.
please help :( talk to me ladies
generally between 5 and 10 says after the last pill is taken but sometime a bit longer... If you have more info we may be able to help... were you anovulatory pre clomid, how long are your normal cycles, have you been monitored, are you using OPKs or temping???

My guess is that if you haven't Oed yet you are probably having an anovulatory cycle and need your dose upped.

Sorry I know its not what you wanted to hear. Good luck :hugs:
trying hard, I see that you were given clomid on days 2-6 for all three cycles. Did your FS say why those specific days? I've been given 3 rounds, all for Days 5-9. I'm not being monitored so I'm curious about changes if the first cycle doesn't work.
generally between 5 and 10 says after the last pill is taken but sometime a bit longer... If you have more info we may be able to help... were you anovulatory pre clomid, how long are your normal cycles, have you been monitored, are you using OPKs or temping???

My guess is that if you haven't Oed yet you are probably having an anovulatory cycle and need your dose upped.

Sorry I know its not what you wanted to hear. Good luck :hugs:
Thanks for your reply Trying Hard i means alot to me. well most of the abriviation you guys used i dont even know what some of them mean so i will try to explain my situation the best way i can.

I have irregular cycle when i say irregular i mean iregullllllllllllllllar it varied sometimes it 37 to 60 days. But anyways i went to a GYN he did some test and decided to put me on clomid. before he gave me prometrium to get AF ahter taking the prometrium it came 3 days after and it lasted 3 days. I took the Clomid on the 3rd day that was in Jan 25, i didnt chart because i have pcos and i kept getting possitive so instead we just :sex: every day and sometimes every other day i also use preseed. its been 30 days since my last period and 22 days after the last pills of clomid. So far no af nothing at all just have one sore nipple and some creamy discharge thats all.:cry::cry:
i went back to my GYN yesterday he didnt eben do a vlodd test, he didnt even check me he just prescribe me another dose of cloming this time 100mg and he said to take it on the third of my period if it come this week.:nope: I am so disapointed it is hard to find a good Dr. thats willing to help and that understand how you really feel.
wonderstars. My FS believes that those days get the best results. My days and dose haven't changed because I am responding nicely to the drugs, I'm just not pregnant. I get bloods drawn two days before O and 7 days after so they know I am Oing well on the drugs.


Was the first dose 50mg?

His treatment seems pretty typical to me but a little disappointing that you are not being monitored considering you have PCOS... Even with PCOS you should sign up to fertility freind and start recording you bastial body temperature so you can get some sort of idea of when or if you ovulate especially considering you aren't having bloods or scans. Have you been given anything to bring on your period or will you just start your next round at the end of the week?

Sorry your doctor isn't more helpful.

Sarah. :hugs:
wonderstars. My FS believes that those days get the best results. My days and dose haven't changed because I am responding nicely to the drugs, I'm just not pregnant. I get bloods drawn two days before O and 7 days after so they know I am Oing well on the drugs.


Was the first dose 50mg?

His treatment seems pretty typical to me but a little disappointing that you are not being monitored considering you have PCOS... Even with PCOS you should sign up to fertility freind and start recording you bastial body temperature so you can get some sort of idea of when or if you ovulate especially considering you aren't having bloods or scans. Have you been given anything to bring on your period or will you just start your next round at the end of the week?

Sorry your doctor isn't more helpful.

Sarah. :hugs:
my 1st round was 50mg, i dont know if i OV or not, but im guessing if i did i shouldve start a period already on day 28 or 29 im on da 31 now still nothing. just what i stated earlier one sore nipple thats all.
I was waiting for my period to start than take the second round so if it dont come this week i will call him to give me someting to bring my period than start the clomid.:cry::cry: Im so mad and confused right now.
wonderstars. My FS believes that those days get the best results. My days and dose haven't changed because I am responding nicely to the drugs, I'm just not pregnant. I get bloods drawn two days before O and 7 days after so they know I am Oing well on the drugs.


Was the first dose 50mg?

His treatment seems pretty typical to me but a little disappointing that you are not being monitored considering you have PCOS... Even with PCOS you should sign up to fertility freind and start recording you bastial body temperature so you can get some sort of idea of when or if you ovulate especially considering you aren't having bloods or scans. Have you been given anything to bring on your period or will you just start your next round at the end of the week?

Sorry your doctor isn't more helpful.

Sarah. :hugs:
my 1st round was 50mg, i dont know if i OV or not, but im guessing if i did i shouldve start a period already on day 28 or 29 im on da 31 now still nothing. just what i stated earlier one sore nipple thats all.
I was waiting for my period to start than take the second round so if it dont come this week i will call him to give me someting to bring my period than start the clomid.:cry::cry: Im so mad and confused right now.

Have you taken a pregnancy test?

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