Hi guys, can I join?
This will be my first cycle of clomid, and yes, I am excited. I am feeling so much more positive now.
DH is 33, I am 30, trying for our first since June 2012. MMC last April, and then another MC in June.
I'm not a 100% sure when AF started, Friday or Saturday, so I might just start this evening. 50mg twice a day.
Cycles are regular, progesterone is fine, DH SA is good. I'm just exhausted from trying and failing and loosing babies
We time perfectly, I temp and use OPK, I know exactly when I ovulate. It's just, ugh. I know clomid isn't magic but at least I know I'm doing something more.
It'll be nice to go through this with you guys! (sad we have to though
) Hopefully BFP for everyone!