Hey there,
I have been ttc since Jan 2013. After one ectopic (lost tube) one MC and 6 months of no luck I am on my first round of clomid to give my "working" side a better chance to ovulate. I took it CD5-9 and OPK says I should be ovulating soon. BTW the Dr. also said I have low progesterone and said clomid should help with that. It is the very first time I feel really hopeful again. That I finally have a real chance at getting pregnant. Anybody else in a similar boat? Good luck to us all
we started in jan 2013 as well, had no bfp's. i am just starting my second round of clomid 2 days ago. had a hsg last month wich showed i am all clear... i have 3 older children and my husband has none... his sa showed it was stellar but shouldnt be a problem.. so we dont know whats going on. i feel hopeful this cycle good luck to you!!!
Eabwhab - I'll be testing in two days, if I don't bite the bullet and do it sooner! I was so hopeful at the beginning of this cycle, and now I'm kind of losing it. Pretty much all my progesterone symptoms are gone, minus very very mild cramping and bloating. Think I'm coming down with a cold unfortunately. I still get a bit nauseous when I eat sweet stuff. I'm not used to so much sugar though, so I'm not counting that as anything good! Fingers are still crossed for all of us though!
I gave in and tested this morning , BFN. My nipples had become more sensitive, so I didn't want to spend the weekend hoping and convincing myself I am pregnant just to be even more disappointed when AF shows up. In a way I knew I was not, I have the usual pulling sensation on ovaries which signals AF is coming soon. But of course I was still hoping. I had so much hope at the beginning of this cycle.... Next cycle I am supposed to take antibiotics so no clomid.
Lack of symptoms does not necessarily means BFN. I think very many ladies don't really have big symptoms before their BFP. How many DPO are you on? Keep me posted, I hope it is your month!
I'm scared to jinx myself by writing this but hopefully this will be our lucky thread. Yesterday I got my BFP. AF was either due Friday or today, not 100% sure. I have af cramps and sore boobs which is usual for pms. My line on frer is light but still a line and I'm praying this is my rainbow baby. Clomid has worked for me first month. How are you all doing? Any updates? Xxx
Update ladies, I started bleeding today, another early loss. I am devastated. Not sure what to do now in regards to. The clomid. Hope we you all get sticky bfps. Xx