clomid & metformin support buddy


Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2011
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Hey girls :flower:

Im not sure if anyone would be interested, but thought I would offer, as I know it would of helped me a lot while ttc.

I am a clomid & metformin success story - currently 30 weeks pregnant after 18months of trying.

I had a really long, up & down adventure to get to where I am now and appreciate how difficult it is when everyone around you seems to have a pregnant belly and you dont!

Not sure if anyone else can relate to this, but I also didnt tell anyone other than my best friend & obviously OH what we were going through so i had no support, other than reading posts on here. I cut myself off from friends that were pg as i felt everyone around me was falling pg so easy, and I was some sort of failiure.

Anyway, eventually in April 2011 I got my precious second line :cloud9: and if anyone reading this would like a support buddy/someone to chat to/ask questions please feel free to message me. I would love to help someone out, or support them on what can be, a very difficult journey:hugs:

I am currently on my 2nd round of Clomid 50 and first time using Metformin. I hope to get my BFP soon. thanks for sharing your story, it truly gives me hope :flower:
hey, I'll be starting metformin today! I'm not sure the dosage yet.

I'm currently on my first clomid cycle at cd 17 and am unsure if I ovulated. If cd 30 comes and still not ovulation then I will be taking provera to bring on af and taking clomid again at 100mg instead of 50mg. Really hoping this works!
I will keep everything crossed that it does work for you chick x
I am in need of a clomid and metformin buddy!! I took one round of clomid alone 50mg and no ovulation and then another round alone 100mg and no ovualtion again (they were confirmed no ovualtion from a 7dpo progesterone test). So yesterday I started prometrium to start AF, I also started metformin. I have PCOS and have a slight glucose intolerance. I am not overweight and exercise regularly so hopefully this will help. I was devestated to find out I was not ovulating with the help of clomid! I would love to hear success ppl had with adding metformin with clomid?!?! I will stay on 100mg clomid this cycle but will take 1500mg metformin daily! Oh and I am a little scared the metformin will give me stomach problems?? I have heard many ppl say it made them sick, I really don't want this to happen b/c I want to see if it helps with clomid! Thanks for any input... this site has been a lifesaver these last few weeks :)
This is such a wonderful thing for you to do!!! Congratulations to you and your partner!!! I really needed this lift this morning and you have helped me feel so much better. We have been ttc for 22 cycles and this is my second round of Clomid and I have been on metformin for 2 months. I'm 11dpo and losing hope fast. Clomid has really been affecting my moods and we are not sure whether to try a third round. I can handle the cramps, nausea, hot fluses, sore breast etc but it's the moods that are becoming a problem. Some days I feel like a screaming banshee lol. Thank you for being so kind and offering support to us as you know how hard this journey can be! Xox
Hey babyteach, I just wanted to add that metformin did make me sick in the belly for the first month but now I have no side effects at all. Make sure you always take it with food and try and stay away from carbs and sugar as eating them made things worse for my tummy upset. Hope you are one of the lucky ones with no side effects from it!
Thanks Chook!! I started last night with one pill and this morning one more and tonight another. Then tomorrow I will take 2 in the morning and 1 at night. I noticed today my stomach is a little upset nothing to bad though but we will see once I am up to 1500 a day (which will be tomorrow). Thanks for the tips, if I have to deal with a stomach ace for a bit I can deal as long as it helps my ovualte! Did it help you ovulate?? Sorry to hear about have mood swings from clomid, I never did only hot/night flashes for me. Which are not fun but I can deal with it. Maybe ask your doctor about ferama I don't know much about it but I heard it is like clomid but with less side effects. I don't know if it's more expensive though.
Thank you, I'm going back to gyno to discuss option this afternoon. I'm in Australia so it's morning here. I have a history of mental illness which years of therapy and hard work is now under control but the Clomid seems to be making it raise it's ugly head again. I know it's artificial and it will stop when I stop Clomid but it still scares us when the old me shows up. Hope that makes sense lol. I'm not crazy just had a terrible child hood that caused the mental illness and I was finally settled and "normal" for a couple of years until Clomid came along. I started metformin with one 500mg in the morning for a week then morning and lunch for a week then three times a day. We will forget the upset bellys and side affects once we have that precious baby in our arms.
P.s I ovulated the first cycle and I will get my results for this cycle this afternoon so I will let you know xox
Sorry to hear about your childhood, I am glad you got some help. It always helps to talk to someone and sort things out. I totally understand why the clomid affects you, I heard it can give ppl mood swings so it makes perfect sense if you have a history. Hope they can find something w/o the side effects. Austraila!!! I would love to go there someday :) A friend of mine student taught there and said it was wonderful!

I wonder if I should be gradually working into the 1500mg dose of metformin?? I will be taking the full dose tomorrow my third day taking it! When you ovulated the first time with clomid were you on metformin? I did not ovualte my first two rounds but I was not on metformin so hopefully this does the trick!!

Praying for us to get BFP for christmas :)
Hey girls.:hi:

I'm on my 3rd weeks of Metformin, my doctor has told me if nothing happens with just the Metformin in 3 months then she will put me on clomid, cross my fingers this is all i need :)

Good Luck to you all :hugs:
I was on metformin when I ovulated my first time on Clomid but I used to ovulate on my own some months. They put me on metformin and Clomid to help my prostergene level. I hope I didn't come across as a sad sack just didn't want to turn over ladies off Clomid if there thinking about starting it by scaring them with my complaint of mood swings so I thought I would explain my situation. I'm sure you will ovulate next cycle and I have my fingers crossed for you. Australia is a beautiful country but I've never been over seas to compare! I wouldn't stress to much about taking the full dose so quick. If you do get really sick though you could always build it up slower later on. I'm sure your doc knows what he is doing and what will suit you personally.

Hey kathrine I hope the
I will try that again, hey Katherine I hope that metformin works for you! Good luck
Hey girls :flower:

Im not sure if anyone would be interested, but thought I would offer, as I know it would of helped me a lot while ttc.

I am a clomid & metformin success story - currently 30 weeks pregnant after 18months of trying.

I had a really long, up & down adventure to get to where I am now and appreciate how difficult it is when everyone around you seems to have a pregnant belly and you dont!

Not sure if anyone else can relate to this, but I also didnt tell anyone other than my best friend & obviously OH what we were going through so i had no support, other than reading posts on here. I cut myself off from friends that were pg as i felt everyone around me was falling pg so easy, and I was some sort of failiure.

Anyway, eventually in April 2011 I got my precious second line :cloud9: and if anyone reading this would like a support buddy/someone to chat to/ask questions please feel free to message me. I would love to help someone out, or support them on what can be, a very difficult journey:hugs:


Congrats on your bfp, it was lovely to read that. I have just started my Provera and Metforminand once af has started will be on clomid too. I hd clomid on its own with no monitoring few years ago and four failed iui. My new FS is really lovely and I have a new sense of confidence.

I have also cut myself off as I was tired of friends and family members getting pregnant withough 'trying' or necessarily wanting accidently. It became too hard. I'm determind to do everything I can this time, am doing acupuncture and will be using digital opk's this time so no mistakes and doubts!

Thanks for offering your advice and support, great to know someone has been there and done that and has the success story to show too!

hopefaith: I just started metfomin after two failed rounds of clomid alone (when I say failed I mean no ovualtion). I am also taking prometrium to induce AF, last pill will be Thanksgiving. After AF I will add 100mg of clomid along with continuing to take metformin. Sounds like we might be on the same cylce, we could be buddies :). As far as the cutting ppl out that are getting prego I totally get it. A couple months ago in a two week span two good friends and my sister-in-law told me they were prego. One started trying a month after us and my sister-in-law tried for two months. It was very hard although I was happy for them it remined me of all the troubles we are going through!! This site has been a lifesaver!! Only ppl who are going through it really get it.

Sending holiday **baby dust** to all of us!!
So the metformin does not give me too bad of stomachaces anymore but now I have really bad bloating from it. Making my clothes tight, ugh! Anyone know when the bloating should go down? I am taking 1500mg, 1 with breakfest and 2 with dinner. I sure hope it goes down... I look pregnant, wish this was the case :)
Hello everyone.
I am struggling too! I was recently diagnosed with PCOS after TTC for 1 year and with no luck.
Although I have PCOS, my cycles have always been regular. NO more than 35 days. Since I went to the doctor I have had 2 completely strange cycles. (And she didn't do anything to me). Currently I am on "stand by". I have not had a period since 14 of Sept. I am waiting for my period so I can start the first round of Clomid.
I am not pregnant, I just took a blood test which was neg. This is completely strange for me, and I am trying not to stress too much as this could cause even more of a delay.
I have contacted my doctor, and have an appointment on the 5th of Dec.
I have also heard that with PCOS women, HCG rises very slowly. Women have not gotten a BFP until after 6th week. Any thoughts???
I am on my 3 or 4th round of clomid with metformin, I think I may be ovulating now or soon. I hope this time works!

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