Star & Cntrygrl- Thank you ladies! I am feeling positive (even though AF showed) I can handle AF showing up every month but telling DH that AF showed up again and again and seeing the sadness and disappointment on his face is what I can't handle. DH is four years older than me and has wanted a baby for more than two years before we started TTC but I wasn't ready at the time. So its just hard breaking the news to him! He hides his feelings pretty well but I can see it in his face... But hopefully we get things figured out soon. I'm feeling very confident with our new doctor.
TMI Question for all you ladies who have had an Ultrasound/ cd 3 Ultrasound done... I have never had an Ultrasound so I have no idea what to expect. From what I understand they insert some kind of want thing to view my ovaries right? I'm assuming it doesn't hurt? Also, I'm kind of nervous and embarrassed that it is going to be on cd 3... I will still have AF and that just seems really gross that my MALE doctor will be down in that area :-/ I'm already uncomfortable because I've never had a male OBGYN and the only other male that has been down there for medical purposes was the radiologist who preformed the HSG but I was so worried it was going to be painful that I didn't pay attention to the male radiologist. Lol I know I am probably being a giant baby but I just feel nervous, embarrassed and a little uncomfortable about the whole situation. Do they let you go to the bathroom first and take out your tampon or pad before hand? I'm worried I'm going to bleed on the table... Lol oh I know I sound ridiculous but I have all these thoughts going through my head. Insight of your experiences would be much appreciated

Thank you