Tundralife- Yeah I'm kind of giving up analyzing my FF chart this cycle... To confusing and I bet your right, since I missed so many days temping and OPKs that's why FF is probably confused! Lol whatever it doesn't matter, I will find out soon enough if AF shows or not. As for you, I'm glad your DH is wanting to bd

even if it is a few days earlier than ovulation. Remember, they say bd'ing early is better than late because the little swimmers can take a day or to just to find the egg and it is best of they are there waiting for the egg!! Good luck to you
Dannixo- Wishing you the best at your appointment!!! Fingers are crossed that your lining is thick enough and you can go forward with the IUI!!!
Star- About the OPKs... It's not very common that your body will send out an LH surge without ovulation but it does happen. I think says somewhere on the box or in the directions that it does not confirm ovulation. As for you, those sound like some really promising symptoms!!! Fingers are crossed for you

Have you ever had bleeding or spotting that early?
Cntrygrl- Were those some of the same symptoms you had with you last BFP? Babydust to you
Nurse- How are you doing? You've been quiet lately! Hope your doing well
AFM- I'm either 7 or 8dpo and no symptoms or cm of any kind. AF should be here between 4-7 days!! I will probably poas in about 4 days since I still have about 40 internet cheapies to waste ;-)