How are you ladies doing? Everyone has been pretty quiet. Not sure if any of you read my last post but AF is now 5/6 days late for me. I am on cd 34. The longest cycle I ever had was 38 days and that was more likely because I had the stomach flu around ovulation time. This is the second longest cycle I've had. I'm not sure what to think... My temps have been high the past few days but dropped dramatically today. But no sign of AF still. I ended up poas Sunday and Monday and both were bfns but... There were a few minutes of staring at each of them when I thought I could see the faintest line but then looked back later and couldn't see it.
I've had symptoms too but whether they are related or not who knows... Not sure what I think or should do. Obviously I have to just wait it out but how long do you think I should go before calling my doctor for a blood test? Lol I talked to DH about it and he said I should wait until I was a month late... Hahahah I looked at him like he was crazy. I think at this point he has lost all hope at a possible pregnancy for us. Should I just go out and buy a name brand hpt? I really don't 'feel pregnant'. Actually my body has felt amazing besides my head cold. I haven't been tired or anything. Here are some of the symptoms I've been experiencing...
Thursday- (AF due) woke up with a terrible head cold that lasted until Sunday.
Sunday- woke up at 4am with the WORST heartburn I've ever had in my life. It woke me up out of dead sleep and almost brought me to tears. Tums helped a little bit but I could feel it once in awhile throughout the rest of the day.
Monday- Smelling everything!!! My work stunk like Garlic and foot oder all day.
Today- Nothing just late AF...
Then I also have a lack of pre-af symptoms: 2-5 days before AF I get acne break outs on my face, Moody & emotional, and backaches. I have none of these symptoms. My face has been more clear than its been in years.
I'm just frustrated I guess. I'm trying my best not to get my hopes up but when I've been TTC for over two years and only have had 2 late periods its hard not to get my hopes up considering that is supposed to be the one sign that tips you off about pregnancy.
Sorry for rambling lol I'm just going insane over here!
Adr- Thanks and I will stay positive even if AF shows up! As far as the faint line goes... I'm not even sure if it was really there or my eyes playing tricks on me. At one point I was totally convinced I could see a very very faint line then I checked it 5 mins later and couldn't find it again... My eyes were definitely playing tricks on me. I am going to wait until Thursday to test again and maybe call my doctor that day to see what he thinks I should do.
Cntrygrl- I'm definitely kicking myself for not temping this whole cycle. I very well could have ovulated later (that's probably the most likely scenario). It's just strange that the first 6 medicated cycles have all been pretty consistent and all shortened my cycles to 26-29 days and made me ovulate earlier than later.
I'm staying positive and keeping my fingers crossed but I just can't shake the feeling that this is not my month. I will update on Thursday! Thanks again ladies.
Dannixo- Sorry I forgot to wish you good luck with your IUI!!! I've got my fingers crossed for youHow long is your LP?
Cntrygrl- That's good that you have the strength to not poas... I still have about 35-40 left out of the 50pk I bought awhile ago. I'm only using them now if AF is late. I think giving our bodies a break from all the meds is so important! I'm even trying to give my body a break from unhealthy/processed foods. Slowly but surely I am eating a lot more natural foods and cutting out all the crap.
Oh and AF did officially arrive!! I'm not upset at all to my surprise. I just keep thinking it gives me another month to get closer to my weightloss goal.
That girl who posted on here must have got the picture! Her post and my post were deleted Lol I'm wondering how my comment to her got deleted though? I wasn't mean or anything! Just telling her she was in the wrong place...