Sounds like you have a good plan ahead Danni, sending you lots of luck for the 30th
ADR, definitely sounds like you have BD at all the right times , hoping your eggs been caught!
Noele, I'm the same with my conceive plus, I used it every time for a couple of cycles now I just don't bother, could be worth another go
cntrygrl, I have had my AMH tested but don't know the numbers, FS just said all was fine, I can't even remember what AMH is?
Lanet, sorry your scan didn't go as well as you wished, but your right, that 1 little follie will grow and it's all you need, sending you lots of babydust
AFM, nothing to report, CD33 and really hoping it will be over by Thursday so I can start clomid again, boobs still hurt but today not as much again, slight period pain after DTD last night but no spotting this month which is different yet again, even after DTD which is when its been happening when I'm close to AF, though last month it happened day 25 and I still didn't get AF until 49 so who knows!
Im babysitting my 2 year old nephew this morning, makes me want a baby even more! though my house isn't well equipped for kids, so far weve played with the bubbles when I was washing up, blowing them around the kitchen, played with a torch lol and fed my poor dog about 20 treats after her breakfast just for entertainment
Poor boy will be glad to get to nursery at midday, thank god for childrens TV!