clomid round 7-12, any success stories?

Blimey, bet he is away alot! :) I struggle to find the time and my hubby doesnt have to go away anywhere lol How old are your boys? My LB is just under 17months. How many children do you want as well? i would like three (hubby only wants 2) My dh is one of three and im one of four, although I only grew up with my brother (I have 2 half brothers) I like the thought that when im not around any more and my LB's grown up he'll have someone else there for him.

Im going to attempt to put my christmas tree up now whilst hes having his nap - we'll see how long it takes for him to pull it over lolol :D x
hi plex. how are you?
im feeling a little peed off today. hubby went away sunday and i thought i had ovulated on friday\saturday but today i have got ewcm so im thinking ovulation today or tomoro? not really sure what to think. had no ewcm on friday but pains in my side. what do you think?:wacko:
hubby isnt bk til friday and that will be too late wont it? i relly wish i had bought the ovulation tests this month. defo buying them next month. i feel like im totally out this month now. oh and im also cd32!
my boys are 6 and 8, we started trying for our third when youngest was 3. i would like 4 but hubby says 3 is enough because he wont change our car.
i was naughty and put my tree up 4 weeks ago!
hi plex. how are you?
im feeling a little peed off today. hubby went away sunday and i thought i had ovulated on friday\saturday but today i have got ewcm so im thinking ovulation today or tomoro? not really sure what to think. had no ewcm on friday but pains in my side. what do you think?:wacko:
hubby isnt bk til friday and that will be too late wont it? i relly wish i had bought the ovulation tests this month. defo buying them next month. i feel like im totally out this month now. oh and im also cd32!
my boys are 6 and 8, we started trying for our third when youngest was 3. i would like 4 but hubby says 3 is enough because he wont change our car.
i was naughty and put my tree up 4 weeks ago!

:hi: - sorry hun Ive not been on for a few days, I seem to have spent most of my time wrapping presents - tree is still not finished, lights on but nothing else hahaha oh yeah and a star on the top but thats it!

When did u dtd? sperm can last for 5-7days so you may not have missed it. I would try anyway when ur hubbys back, im not 100% with charting cm tbh so im not entirely sure about it all - do u get the ewcm for a few days before ov? or literally on the day of 'o'? cd32? oooo were like 7 days apart - I was on cd 39 on Tue :) Maybe ur o'ving twice - its not common but can happen.

Thats a lame excuse for only wanting three!! haha mind u cars arent cheap, when I get preggers i'll have to change my car as its a two door one and theres no way im struggling with my lb trying to get him into his car seat whilst up the duff lol :)

If i'd have had the chance our tree wouldve been up then too - we generally leave ours up way past christmas anyway cos we like it :) Although this year I think itll be up for its shortest eva duration as my boy is at it all the time (thats probably why its not got any decs on it yet! :)
Hi.:) at least you have made a start with the tree haha!

We dtd saturday, I have never checked cm before just randomly thought I would! Lol I really wish this cycle would end so I can start the clomid again, I'm feeling quite positive about my next go on clomid. Hubby is off for 3 weels over xmas so really want to make the most of it;)
How long do you think you have til you get af? Fxd we get bfp's instead of af! That really would be a good xmas pressie!
:dust: :dust:
My tree looks the same as it did yesterday, think im getting used to it!! The lights are all droopy round the bottom of the tree too where hes randomly been pulling at it :D

Know what you mean about wanting this cycle to end so you can start clomid again - im on cd 40bloody3!! Im rather annoyed now lol All I want is to have a normal cycle thats a regular 28days was a blessing when i was younger to have sparce periods but now its the bain of my life :growlmad::hissy:

oooo a :bfp: would be the BEST Christmas present eva :cloud9:

when are you due to test? I'll be testing EVERY day :D If I did o on fri/sat then my testing day should be the 14th/15/16th. I have kept aside a special treat of a clear blue digi with conception indicator hahaha my treat :D even if it is neg I wont care as i wudve got2 use it lolol I treat myself to a twin pack of digi's every cycle and use IC for the other days when I need to fulfil an urge to test and its too early hahahaha I dont go out much, drink or smoke so thats my vice I admit it :) dont know what ill do when im pregnant tho :)

Three weeks of baby making? - u'll need a holiday after the holidays lolol

I'm not really sure when I ovulated so will prob test 16th/17th I feel I am out as hubby was away a lot. I would give anything for a 28 day cycle. Its only been the last 3 years my periods have been so irregular. Before that they were every 32 days. Long but regular. 4 years ago I started piling on weight (thru depression) 3 years ago I was the biggest I have ever been, I have managed to lose 4 stone so far, got another 2 to go. Losing that 4 st has really helped my periods.
Have you always known you had pcos?
What is ovitrelle?
I remember what its like with little ones, I could never have anything below 4 ft haha!
X x
Well done for loosing the 4stone!!!! Thats AMAZING :) what have you been doing to help get the weight off?

I only found out in april this year that I have pcos, I had lots of investigations in 2010 but I was never given a diagnosis. My consultant this time round has been fantastic and has kept me well informed. I asked her if the pcos had started after i had my boy and she told me that i would have been born with that condition. I dont remember seeing my ovaries being polycystic during my first lot of tests though so maybe im having a flare up? I dont know much about it really. All I know is im struggling even on the meds this time round and its kinda depressing.

The ovitrelle I take is a HCG injection which 'triggers' ovulation, I take it on the 13th day of my cycle and I normally o on cd 14/15. Problem is you get pregnancy symptoms from it which i hate cos u feel pregnant every month!! The great thing about the clomid and ovitrelle is that my periods are a steady 29 days :)

Weight Watchers. It has taken me a year to lose the weight, keep losing my motivation and going off it. I just need to lose my last few stone and then i will feel better. Since taking the met i have been losing weight but not dieting, today is the start of my diet again!! if i can lose weight without watching what i eat on these pills then i will be skinny in no time if i diet haha!

I hate the pregnancy symptoms, was always convinced i was pregnant on clomid. Its quite unfair.

Hows the tree coming along?

The metformins doin its job well :) Yeah, soon the weight will b droppin off ya!!

My tree is still the same as it was lol im kinda used to it now - have actually been thinking of getting one of those ready decorated ones or a fibre optic one.....wont actually get one as im tight with my money but am warming to the idea hahaha would save me a lot of time. Cant believe its only 2weeks till christmas now......eeek!! Havent even written all of my cards yet either but wud rather chat on here than do them :lol:

Talking of pregnancy symptoms I keep freaking myself out thinking I feel movements :wako: though obviously im not pregnant, but still, kinda weird - I have heard that cysts make u feel stuff in ur belly when they move too. Have you eva had anything like that?

Hows things with u? Do u do a lot of symptom spotting? I hate it but obsess about it! I go on a site called countdown to pregnancy - its fab and u can chart ur cycles and symptom spot thru ur tww. It kept me sane before finding this place :) U eva been on that site?

Anyway, hope ur doin well xx
Hi. Hope your ok! :)
I have been very organised this christmas, been trying to keep my mind of ttc. Fed up of testing and seeing neg! I tested yesterday cos I had a frer in my room caling me haha. Was neg!
I do symptom spot but just lately I have given up. I seem to get preg syntoms at end of every cycle. Do you find that?
I do feel a lot of movement going on but I' don't know what I thought it was.
No I haven't been on it, I will have a look on it later.
I never used to have a tree cos my boys were into everything, its only last few years I have bothered. That is a good idea to get pre-lit tree but I agree they are very dear!

I can so relate to using a test because its there lolol I cud easily spend a fortune on tests so i mainly get the cheapies but then im left wondering - are they working right? lol
Yeah EVERY little thing thats going on in my body in my tww is a symptom and its horrible when the witch finally arrives as u were so certain that that was the month. Im trying not to symptom spot as much but am failing badly.
Im glad im not alone with the movement thing - I sometimes lie in bed and feel a fluttering/heartbeat type sensation but then i find it hard to tell what is my heart beating outta my chest and something going on in my belly. I have to say there have been a few occassions that ive thought I was pregnant and didnt know but thats just wishful thinking on my part.
Definatly a good move not putting up ur tree for awile - mine might as well have stayed in the loft as I still not put any more decs on it. :dohh::haha:

Talking of symptoms, u getting any possible symptoms yet? Ive been feeling a bit icky but thats about it so far. I think im about 11/12dpo atm.
Well i have just checked ff and according to that i should test friday. I have totally lost track this month, i really have been trying to keep busy and not think about ttc. I hope its right and im not still sat here waiting for af next week. FXD for our bfp's or af. I just want this long cycle over!!
Im feeling very impatient today.
I dont have any symptoms this month, which is weird cos i always do lol I have had cramps for the last 2 weeks. That could just be the met tho.
How are you today?
I know what you mean about the cheapies, if they are neg im always thinking well it couldbe wrong lol xxx
Hello. Just wanted to update and have a moan:
TMI- I woke up this morning with stomache ache, feeling like I do when I come on. Went to toilet and nothing, put a pad on anyway cos I could tell something was going on. I have had a few spots of brown blood.(I'm really sorry if this is tmi) I was quite happy this morning at the thought of starting clomid tomoro but the gyno has always said to wait til af was full flow. Now i don't know what's going on. I just want this cycle to end. Could the met of messed up my cycles? I have never had this before.
Hope your ok xxx
heya hun :)
Funnily enough I was going to say that Ive started spotting too haha mind u I always do the day before im due to start so who knows :D If ur not due till fri and dont usually spot it sounds like a good sign to me - maybe implantation bleeding??? ooo im keeping my fxd 4u!! Not sure about met side effects period wise tho sorry hun.
Ive started af cramping today so im not too hopeful. So are u further along in ur cycle than u thought? My testing times are from tomorrow2 based on my opk's I od on Nov 30/Dec 1 and I generally get my af 14/15 days after that although that was on clomid so it cud be longer i guess?
Yeah I was told that about the clomid too, best to wait until full flow before starting.
ooo and guess what?........
I HAVE FINALLY DECORATED MY TREE!!!!!!! yay to me! :) :happydance::yipee::awww::wohoo::rain::bunny::xmas8::xmas1: hahaha
Hi. I went off to work and have had a really bad stomache all morning, I will be starting clomid tomoro as I have definately started. Gutted I am not preg but very happy to be starting my next cycle of clomid!
If this is your af starting, when will you start clomid?
Yay for you! Woo hoo! I bet it feels more like xmas in your house now!x
sorry to hear that hun :( least u can enjoy christmas without worrying what u can cant eat/drink :) I'll be taking mine from days 2-6, cant believe its 150mg this time, im gunna be a nightmare woman lolol U days 2-6 too? how longs ur period on clomid? is it different from normal? I look forward to having a regular cycle :) hehe
I take mine days 2-6 too! I'm starting them tonight, I feel very hopeful for this cycle, for both of us!:)
My periods used to last 7 days, heavy for 4/5 and spotting for 2 days, and now they are heavy for 2-3 and spotting for 2. How about you?
I'm hoping I won't get any mood swings this time, I'm doing 100mg for next 6 cycles.
Fxd for both us, this month will be our month!
How many days after your last pill do you usually ovulate? On my first month of clomid I had + opk on cd 12 and had a 26 day cycle that month. But as I don't have monitoring ovulation wasn't confirmed x
hahahaha how weird!!!!? im still spotting so i hope to start my full af today - i feel very much like its going to start, then take my first one 2moro. I take the trigger shot on day 13, then it takes 24/48hrs to work but generally i get my + on cd14ish then I take 15 days to get my period. so a 29day cycle for me which is better than the 49day one im currently on lolol Before i spot for a day then full flow for 3-4days then spot for the rest. my last period on clomid was majority spot with a bit of mid flow so im thinking that my lining is getting thin :( glad i havent taken it this month i think. Maybe have a bit of time to recover? Sorry Ive taken a while to reply to this my lb loves the mouse and keyboard hahaha xx
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! Af has arrived WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!! I can relax now and prepare myself for the next round of clomid :D :bunny::wohoo:
Yay! Can't believe how excited we are to get af! Lol!
Our cycles should be roughly the same this month then. Hope your having a lovely weekend!
I haven't had any side effctes yet, can't remember when they usually kick in xx

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