I lost 50lbs at the beginning of this year and my inspiration was getting married in April this year and also I knew my BMI had to be below 30 for IVF.
BUT, since losing our little Angel, Douglas on 23rd July I've piled on 17lbs again through comfort eating

Not a happy bunny, very disappointed at myself.
I didn't know Clomid caused weight gain though????
I've got to admit, I'm a bit apprehensive about dieting, etc., whilst trying to conceive though
I'm currently 13st 5lbs (was 15st 10lbs in January)
I was 12st 2lbs before losing baby when I was training for a triathlon.
I'd like to get back to 12st initially and then maybe down to 12stone, but to be honest, conceiving is my number 1 priority right now, I'm not unhappy at the weight I am, just frustrated at my comfort eating and undoing all my hard work
I'll post up a before and after pic in a bit...