natjenson, hope you get a little relaxed surprised! Why aren't you trying this month?

Renaendel, OK my dear. Did they tell you approx. how long you'll need to be on break?

fezzle, your temps are definitely looking a lot better. I won't add you though, till you are ready
pirate, I'm crossing everything that I can cross for you!

GP, thanks for hanging around even though you aren't trying right now, I love "seeing" you around.
As for me, I've had EWCM like crazy the last 3 days and it's like a slap in the face! Where was all this when I was trying?! Ugh! April and May are just bad months because that would put us at a due date around the wedding (whether early, late or on time) and the more and more I think about it, I don't want to spend all this money on the wedding and then go into labor lol. BUT I can't actually say we are preventing....just definitely not trying. Only way I'm preventing is not initiating sex, but I've told OH I'm fertile right now so if he wants to initiate then we'll just see what happens.
Hope you ladies are having a good weekend! I think April is going to be another dud, but I'm hopeful for May/June...with all the procedures, femera/clomid, acupuncture, etc...we are gonna see a summer boom! I know it!

(I might even get in on the June action!)