Congratulations, Elsa50501! Welcome to the world Baby Isabelle!
Also, I would like to add:
Congratulations, Buttercup84! Welcome to the world Baby Astrid born 09/22!
Congratulations to MItoDC!!!
Big hugs to Renaendel & ClandestineTX, I'm sorry your beans did not stick this time around but I'm 100% sure that your angels can't wait to get back to you!
I hope everyone is well and more people have gotten sticky BFPs.
As for me, I haven't I'm entering year 3 and I wanted it to be a little more hopeful than year 2. I was thinking about reopening this thread if there are any LTTTCers left still waiting for their BFPS and want to join me...anyone?
As long as there are at least 3 of us I'll host starting Jan!
P.S. This would be open to any LTTTCers (anyone trying over 12months) and original members going for #2!
We aren't going to be trying for our next for another year or so but I would definitely stick around and help root you ladies on! I hope that this third year brings you your sticky bean Lilly!
So I'll make the first post all snazzy for us on the 1st, ladies testing give me your dates.
How about we start off with what we are doing differently this year, if anything?
This cycle we are trying BD every 3 days....I might tweak that just a bit once I get my pos OPK...depends on when the BD days fall. I like temping to confirm OV, so I'll be doing that too. I think we'll just take it one cycle at a time. We are moving to Washington some time early 2015, once we get all settled I'll start going through the process of getting a FS so we can do IUI! I'm hoping by July to have that started.
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