These are all my results below if it helps!
Serum glucose = 4.4 nmol/L
Serum TSH Level = 2.3 mU/L
Serum ferritin = 76 ug/L
<Lots of boring things about blood cell counts which are all normal>
Serum testosterone = 1.4 nmol/L
Serum prolactin level = 194 mU/L
Serum progesterone = <5 nmol/L (these were done on Day 5)
Serum LH = 11.7 IU/L (GP said normal, but FS said high & indicates PCOS)
Serum FSH - 6.3 IU/L
Mine might be in different units. My LH is high, especially since it's almost double my FSH, which is an indicator for PCOS, but everything else is normal. I guess they didn't test estradiol with me though!