Personally I think it depends on how often you want to run a wash!
I didn't have enough sleepsuits with DD - had to buy an extra 6... she could explode through 2/3 a day no problem (and we don't have a tumble dryer). Thing to remember (and make it more complicated) is they grow so fast that you want to wash them multiple times to get some use out of them!
I would recommend
10 - 12 vests (short or long sleeved depending on season baby born in).
12 sleepsuits - we only changed DD when it got pooped on plus once a day - some people like to change them for bed... I couldn't really see the point - we'd usually used a couple by that point anyway!!
A couple of cardigans
A couple of hats
Socks - if a winter baby - probably not needed for a summer baby. DD was born in August 2012 (UK) and spent her first 2 weeks in just a nappy thanks to a heatwave.
A jacket / pramsuit
6 Cloth bibs (to protect clothes from spit up)
6 Muslins (it's really worth spending a little more to get some that don't bobble and get really rough really quickly... I bought some from TESCO and some from John Lewis - we are still using the JL ones and will for this baby. TESCO ones are all in the bin - our DD has eczema so we are careful about abrasive stuff).
Blankets are good for adjusting the temperature when you are going in and out shops or out of the house over a long period - e.g. from midday sun to dusk when the temp drops etc. - so we had 4 small cellular blankets which got used continually
Personal preference but I never bothered with shoes / outfits - dresses etc. / headbands until DD was 6 months old - bar one nice outfit for Christmas - which she screamed until it was removed! Lots of my friends did - and their children looked wonderful, I just couldn't face the cost and general destruction of the outfit, usually within an hour!
If you can/will wash daily then you could probably get away with 7/8 sleepsuits and fewer vests but I found it a bit more ecofriendly to run a wash every 3 days. Again personal preference but we have always washed DD clothes separate to our own - including Napisan and with no softener. If you chuck all the family's clothes in together you may wash every other day anyway...
I've rambled - so I've bolded the important bits