CM confusion this month! Need advice!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2012
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0 things just got weird. Every month since TTC...(we are on 8th), I always get creamy CM after O and it continues until AF. Which I thought too many times was a sign of pregnancy.
However, this month...for the first time...after O, I had a couple days of creamy CM...and today (4 or 5 dpo) its like it is gone. Almost completely dry. Just a very little when I wipe and that is it. I wouldnt think much of it but also this morning when I took my shower I noticed that my nips were extremely sensitive. This also has not happened like this until now.
I have been so disappointed every single month thinking that my signs were all there...but this month its been totally different than before. Also, I O'd earlier than normal (cd 10)...which I average between 13-15. So needless to say I am extremely confused.
And I have had AF or O type cramps on the left side and middle ever since O. The 2 days before and day of O the cramping was O like and on the right. Weird.
Any insights would be much appreciated!

Thanks ladies!!:hug:
i read up on this as i had cm last cycle - apparently it doesnt mean anything, some pple get it some dont

implantation ocurs between 6-12dpo so its too soon to have symptoms
I know when implantation is supposed to take place. I'm just having trouble because this month everything is different than it was for the past 7. And I have been reading that sore nips does start around 3-4 dpo for alot of people. At the same time I found a few people who had alot of CM during their post-O times, then had some creamy cm that almost disappeared around the time of implantation. I'm just frustrated about my situation because it isnt my norm.
Also, when I got pregnant with DS, I tested + at about 9 my OB said I most likely implanted pretty quick.
im normnally dry after ov but this cycle im still getting ewcm and i ov;d on wed

i think our bodies (mine specially) likes playing tricks
I agree mine is really messing with me. This cycle is the first I have had really thick CM still at 6 dpo. Usually its thinner...more like EW. I dunno. But this time it has been unusually thick just when I go to the restroom. Today though (6 dpo) I have been cramping quite constant and achy...much like AF is coming. However, she is still not due for 6-8 days!
My temps are gradually going up...bout .1 every day since O. I just hope that the differences this month from all the other months is a good sign.

My test date is Feb 13 according to great it would be to give my DH a + test for Valentines Day! Wouldnt ever be able to top that one!
And I noticed you are in the UK?? My DH and I really want to travel to the UK at some point! I have been to Italy...but DH hasnt been anywhere. Anyway, good luck to you! I hope we both get our :bfp: this month!!!
i was thinking this morning about how different this current cycle of mine is compared to last and ive come up with the following: (not sure if it will make sense)

if past cycles have ended in af, then anything different this cycle has got to be a good sign

If this cycle was the same as all the others, then chances are, it would end in af

Italy is lovely, ive been there a few times but not for many many years, ive been through a lot of europe and plan to emigrate to Malta in a year or two

Ive only ever been to New York when i went to usa as my cousin lives there - i loved it, loved the americans, loved everything - my cousin was talking to me about applying for a visa as her husband could offer me work and somewhere to live but just as we got serious about it, she found he was cheating on her so she left him!

bang goes that idea lol

UK is lovely, outside of london, so many places to visit - london itself is very expensive and just geared up for tourists

tell your hubby that you need a holiday before you get a bfp lol

Good luck hun x
Haha...I agree! I figure that since this one is so different...then maybe there is a good chance. Then again, (though I hate to admit it) my silly body could be playing a cruel trick on me. Being almost 35 I am really hoping it happens soon because I dont want to get much older before having my second. My son is almost 13 and honestly...I thought I would already have another by now.
Then again...built in babysitter!!

I watch alot of house hunters international...and I've seen alot of different areas of Europe and the UK in particular does look beautiful. I'm not much on really big cities...but I do like the smaller towns. Love to get into the cultures. Lived in Japan for a year while in the Air Force...and that really got me into traveling.
We have talked about a European vacation (holiday) maybe next year. Depends on the baby situation. And we both need to get passports.

I'm glad you liked NY...but there are alot of beautiful places to visit in the US. I'm in Texas and absolutely love it here! But I dont live in a huge city like Dallas...I hate those places. My city is smaller but pretty nice. And I love being driving distance to the gulf...we are heading there this summer to enjoy the beaches and waterparks.

I will tell you what though...I REALLY hope this week goes by very fast with NO :witch: showing up.
And I hope for you there will be an absence of her too!! Lets hope and pray and cross our fingers for this to be our month! What a wonderful Valentine's Day it would be!

DrgnFly, can't say I have an answer for you, but I'm like you where I get creamy CM after ovulation all the way up to AF showing up. So many people say it's a good sign but I get it every month along with my BFNs! So I'd say that anything out of the ordinary is good! Also, your chart is impressive this month! Hope this is good news for you!
Thanks Linz!! I always get that creamy cm after O all the way to AF which I kept getting all excited about since everyone else who got BFP's seemed to have. Although mine always turned out with AF showing. So I figure the fact that its thick this time, which has NOT been normal has GOT to be something. Otherwise my system is just a mess. LOL
Hopefully you will also get your BFP!!! Good Luck!!
Well, well....lets just add another weird thing to the mix, shall we?? LOL
So I had that AF type dull cramping most of that seems to have disappeared a little while ago. Now my legs feel like I just ran a marathon! And I have been working behind a desk! How strange is THAT?? I have to say that NEVER, EVER has happened to me before....not after O, not before or during AF....NEVER. So, I just hope I can make it through this week...until my test day...Feb. 13, with NO AF and w/o testing and getting a false BFN to early. Yeah...we'll see if I manage that one. Although I only have 1 test left at home...and really dont want to waste money on more if I dont have to.

So, I am throwing lots of baby dust out to y'all and hoping some of it falls on me too!
Haha...I agree! I figure that since this one is so different...then maybe there is a good chance. Then again, (though I hate to admit it) my silly body could be playing a cruel trick on me. Being almost 35 I am really hoping it happens soon because I dont want to get much older before having my second. My son is almost 13 and honestly...I thought I would already have another by now.
Then again...built in babysitter!!

I watch alot of house hunters international...and I've seen alot of different areas of Europe and the UK in particular does look beautiful. I'm not much on really big cities...but I do like the smaller towns. Love to get into the cultures. Lived in Japan for a year while in the Air Force...and that really got me into traveling.
We have talked about a European vacation (holiday) maybe next year. Depends on the baby situation. And we both need to get passports.

I'm glad you liked NY...but there are alot of beautiful places to visit in the US. I'm in Texas and absolutely love it here! But I dont live in a huge city like Dallas...I hate those places. My city is smaller but pretty nice. And I love being driving distance to the gulf...we are heading there this summer to enjoy the beaches and waterparks.

I will tell you what though...I REALLY hope this week goes by very fast with NO :witch: showing up.
And I hope for you there will be an absence of her too!! Lets hope and pray and cross our fingers for this to be our month! What a wonderful Valentine's Day it would be!


built in babysitter sounds good lol

im typically british - dont mind living abroad as long as they speak english lol - too old to learn a new language

im not keen on cities either - too built up for me, i live in a town but the city is only a short journey from me

NY was nice to visit but i couldnt live there, we drove for what seemed like hours but were still in NY but not sure where i was lol it was a small town

this week is going to drag for me, af is due in 6 days

but fingers crossed for both of us xx
Girl I know what you mean! I am too old for learning new languages too. I can usually get by with a few phrases...but thats it.

I know this week is going to drag for me AF is due in about 6-8 days...depending on this month's cycle. But I am really hoping it doesnt show up!

Lots of :dust: and X'd fingers for us BOTH!! I am hoping we can both get on here and post a :bfp:!!! I, for one, will be in TOTAL shock if I get that!
Girl I know what you mean! I am too old for learning new languages too. I can usually get by with a few phrases...but thats it.

I know this week is going to drag for me AF is due in about 6-8 days...depending on this month's cycle. But I am really hoping it doesnt show up!

Lots of :dust: and X'd fingers for us BOTH!! I am hoping we can both get on here and post a :bfp:!!! I, for one, will be in TOTAL shock if I get that!

well if you cant learn a new language - ive got no chance - im yearsssss older than you and the old grey cells are slowly dying lol

i think im due monday or tuesday next week

Well once i wake up from fainting - i'll be on here showing you the pic - and hope you do too xx
LOL...yeah well my grey cells are depleting pretty quick too! I swear I think too much!
But yes I will definately be on here tryin to post a pic of my :bfp:!! (Of course that is IF the positivity fairy allows it to happen)
I plan to test on either Monday or Tuesday. I might push till Tuesday morning which would actually make me 1 day late. (I think)
Of course this is all IF the witch doesnt show...which I am almost ready to do some chanting or something to keep her away. LOL...hey, a little magic cant hurt!
going by last cycle - i think af is due sun/mon

your very good at not having tested yet!
Yeah based on my last cycle and my FF looks like I am due Mon or Tues also.

LOL...thanks! I am not great at waiting...but I only have 1 test and dont want to go buy any more. (I hate wasting money)
So..IF I can hold out...I will prob test either Mon or Tues. Going to try to wait till Tues. That way I can use it as my Valentine's gift to DH.
I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high though. After the past 8 months of nothing...I've kinda lost the excitement. Figure I will get excited when there is something to be excited about.
According to what I've read up on CM starts out dry after AF and then gets sticky, then creamy, then wet/watery, and then "egg-white"-like during ovulation. It gets thicker at your most fertile, so maybe you're just really fertile this month? Who knows though, with your other symptoms let's hope it could be a bun in the oven! :) good luck!
Well I know I already O'd...bout a week ago. I am at 7 dpo today. I am hoping for the best. After the last 8 months of the exact same cycle....this one being different...I am just waiting to see what happens. I dont expect anything but I am still trying to stay positive.
you HAVe to stay positive - your only 1 day before me!

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