Colic support thread


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2006
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Ok Im finding it pretty hard dealing with colic now.........and thought a support thread for those going through the same thing could help keep us sane! We can share our experiences and our tips and advice on what we have found works best.

Could we make it a sticky ?

summer had colic when she was younger and she would just cry for an hour every night, the only thing i found that helped a bit was swinging her :blush: like in my arms but tummy down, but my arms would ache after abit, or bouncing up and down. other than that i know how hard it is :hugs: and she will grom out of it!
ok so for us the crying starts in the evening at around 7/8ish and last for a good 2 hours.....she will act hungry rooting and sucking her hands,then when she latches on she gets really upset and frustrated and starts crying more :-( I try her with her dummy which she again roots for, then screams spitting it out!

With the crying her arms and legs are all over the place, she kicks and makes fists 'punching the air' and she grabs, sometimes pinches me ouch!

She settles on her tummy over my arm being swayed, or she we settle being help upright over my shoulder whilst being swayed..........but then as soon as we put her down the screaming starts stright away! resulting in a sore back for me lol

We have tried infacol with no improvement what so ever....and we are now trying coleif drops....last night I gave her some drops before her feed around 8ish and she was fine, and went down to sleep at 9pm! sucess! Then she woke at 10pm so I gave her a last feed.........but forgot to give her coleif!..........and then the cryin started for 2 hours, when all I wanted to do was sleep! So it looks like the coleif worked! Iv now got to remember to give it to her before EVERY feed............

So I'll keep you updated with how she goes tonight after giving her coleif before every feed...........I am also going to bath her tonight with some lavender baby bath see if that helps settle her as she love sher baths, but I ususally bath her in the morning.

If we all share our stories too we can hopefully beat this colic!
I think Grace has colic. She uses Dr Browns bottles and they've always worked up until about 2 weeks ago. She was teething and bonjela would settle her down. Now she screams and screams for an hour every night and she usually brings up a lot of wind. We give her a bit of gripe water and it helps a little. Bonjela doesn't do anything
I think Grace has colic. She uses Dr Browns bottles and they've always worked up until about 2 weeks ago. She was teething and bonjela would settle her down. Now she screams and screams for an hour every night and she usually brings up a lot of wind. We give her a bit of gripe water and it helps a little. Bonjela doesn't do anything

Iv tried gripe water twice (I know naughty its for 1 month old but she was only a few days off it and I halfed the dose) it didnt do anything though :-( I might give it another try now that she is a month old and give her the full dose. Do you think this is ok to use along with coelif? x
Maiya had colic I tried everything dr browns bottles which did help and infocol there was endless night of cry it was so sad then finally I made the switch to breastfeeding her instead of bottles and its like a miricle she hasnt had an episode since(knock on wood) :happydance:
Maiya had colic I tried everything dr browns bottles which did help and infocol there was endless night of cry it was so sad then finally I made the switch to breastfeeding her instead of bottles and its like a miricle she hasnt had an episode since(knock on wood) :happydance:

I breastfeed and she still has colic really bad :-( Thats the thing I dont get...I didnt think breastfed babies get it. I think it might be her latch, she makes a noise like a slapping sound I think she is taking in alot of air.Im gonig to go to the breastfeeding support group next week and get her to check the latch xx
My likle one as colic and Dentinox is my saviour (she says touching wood).... Infacol didnt work for her, but Dr Brown bottles n Dentinox work a treat xxx

Loving this thread xx
I'm doing Dr Brown and Dentinox too - not sure if it's helping yet...

As for breastfeeding - I've read that if the mother drinks a lot of cows milk herself - than her baby is more likely to have colic - the recommendation was for mothers to cut down on cow's milk (and alcohol and caffeine).
Iv tried gripe water twice (I know naughty its for 1 month old but she was only a few days off it and I halfed the dose) it didnt do anything though :-( I might give it another try now that she is a month old and give her the full dose. Do you think this is ok to use along with coelif? x

They do two different things so it shouldn't be an issue and I HAVE done it with no ill effects. We found that the colic relief meds worked best if they were given 10 minutes before the feed (breast) and it can actually be put into a bottle if you want.
I swore by dr browns bottles but you are BF.
Also i found the boots own brand gripe water the best one.
Infacol seemed to make Tabs worse. She was terrible until she was about 8weeks old.
about 4 times a day now we still do the baby leg exercises which can hel and even have a song when we do it lol :blush:
lat LO flat on a mat etc and do cycling with their legs then bring legs up and do circles with them ,then up and down then side to side etc. That helps release the air in the gut.
We also found that whatever time she gets up in the morning she should be down and settled by in the evening as i think we mistook tiredness for the colic sometimes xxx
I'm BF and Kayleigh gets colicy/fussy and the crampies and I don't drink milk or alcohol and I've stopped the caffeine as well as we had noticed that kept her up longer between feeds. I was so happy to have caffeine back but now I'm off it again.

However, she still has some trouble it just varies in degrees...

She gets it after feeding but she's actually starting to work it out herself as well sometimes. I let her wiggle and kick and squirm and then try burping her and it "usually" works. However, we also have to walk around (my rocking chair doesn't get delivered until a couple weeks :) ) so movement settles her a bit. She also tosses up the milk later and it looks chunky...poor thing it really kills me when she cries...but sometimes it actually helps it pass if I let her scream for a couple of minutes cause when she stops for a breath the burp (or poop) tends to come out.

Also not, they can't burp while crying... my Mum was visiting from the States and actually would sing "You can't burp while you're crying..." until she calmed and the minute she quieted - BURP!!

We also sometimes have to cover her with a blanket while burping or walking and she'll calm down...

We also noticed that the position I held her while breast feeding made a difference and I also try as well if she's drinking fast to try to slow her down but interrupting and burping in between which is a challenge...

But it's only been 4 weeks so we're still trying everything and we'll definitely be taking some of the advice on here to try as well .........

I just hate it as there really isn't much we can do but try to make them more comfortable but you can see in the little faces that it does hurt and they are uncomfortable and can't really do much about it.... poor babies!!!
hsollis I can relate to alot of what you wrote..............what position do you try to slow her down when bf'ing ? Kaitlin gets so hungry, but she is upset and frustrated at the same time, so she latches on, the milk flows too fast, she gulps it and forgets to breath and then she chokes on it then crys her eyes out, its a viscous circle! Iv just given her a bottle of formula becuase of this, the poor thing was shattered and hungry but getting upset/frustrated with the breast, then she took the bottle perfectly and is now fast asleep!

Im starting to feel really useless and hopeless...........I wish there was more I could do for her. I also cant get her to settle before 10 and I really feel like we should be in some sort of a routine by now, but with the colic being so bad, any sort of a routine is out of the window! Instead we spend all night pacing the floor with her x
Im starting to feel really useless and hopeless...........I wish there was more I could do for her. I also cant get her to settle before 10 and I really feel like we should be in some sort of a routine by now, but with the colic being so bad, any sort of a routine is out of the window! Instead we spend all night pacing the floor with her x

I know how ya feel hun, but you aint hopeless or useless.... there are tonnes of parents out there pacing the floor the same time as you with the same problem and remember there is always someone worse lol

Sending you :hug::hugs: xx
My lil man had colic, has down since the word go! poor lil mite.

Ive been the doc so many times and been sent away with diff things to try.

infacol- gave running poo's so had to stop
nothing- which caused worse
Changed milk now on aptimal easy digest helps ease it.
Colief which i have to put in EVERY feed have done for a week now- eases it a bit too.
Doc said to try gripe water, i said it said not for under 1 months on it. But he said to use it :shrug: so been giving it to him on his night feeds now only (colic worse at night) and it helps bring his wind up quicker so he aint in to much pain.

But even with all of this he still bad. So i spend most nights burning holes in me living room carpet pacing up and down!! But i just keep reminding meself it WONT last forever!! XxX
my friend whos baby has had colic preytty much since birth found massaging her baby's belly helped him bring up the wind
It seems to be getting bit better now, the hours of crying/screaming have reduced to about an hour, sometimes less. Iv found that bathing her at night time really helps to settle her, so although they dont need bathing every night, I have been donig with some johnsons bedtime baby bath to help calm her aswell. Iv also booked onto a baby massage course so I know how to do it properly becuase at the moment Im making it up! xx
ok so for us the crying starts in the evening at around 7/8ish and last for a good 2 hours.....

So I'll keep you updated with how she goes tonight after giving her coleif before every feed...........I am also going to bath her tonight with some lavender baby bath see if that helps settle her as she love sher baths, but I ususally bath her in the morning.

If we all share our stories too we can hopefully beat this colic!

i totally agree - bath at night time - perhaps just before her usual crying time - it could destract her.

i had to totally change my diet and that helped my LOs colic. Rest assured it'll pass though - my LO got better all of a sudden around the 3 months mark.

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