Colonoscopy? **UPDATE**


LTW for our LO <3
Dec 8, 2010
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My doctor told me today that i'm going to be needing one of those so i'm waiting on an appointment. Has anyone any experiences of this? I don't want to search google - thats likely to bring horror stories :wacko:

UPDATE: So I got my date. May 19th at 8:00 in the morning. I'm confused though, on the letter they said that on the morning I can still have a light meal and drink. I thought I was supposed to be given laxatives or something to clear the bowels? It says I can expect to be there 3 hours so does it sound like they'll do the procedure there and then? I don't really understand. If they don't give me anything to drink does that mean i'll have to have an enema? I'm so nervous now :nope:
Yep. I had one a couple of years ago when I was 20 or 21, can't remember. The worst part is the clean out the day before. The procedure itself is great! You get an IV, they wheel you into the room and start the anesthesia, next thing you know you're waking up in recovery. I wish I could use that stuff every night! I'm not sure what else to tell you, but I can try to answer any questions. Keep in mind that I'm in the US, I don't know if anything is done differently here. It really isn't all that bad.
I had mine done last year and didn't have an IV, and mine was in a private hospital!

I was fully awake and watched it all on the screen, it was really interesting.

As Jess said the worst thing is the prep the day before, mainly as it tastes so foul... My Consultant gave me Moviprep, you make up a litre at the time they recommend and drink it. I found the best way was to dilute it in clear apple juice, as it took the taste of the stuff away and to also use a straw so that I could aim it at the back of my throat. I think it was 3-4 hours later you then make up the second litre, and by that time you really are shattered!

I would say to stay near your loo, literally leave the seat up, the light on and the door open as when you have an urge it really cannot wait! Tell other people to keep away from the loo lol

My other tip would be not to use loo paper at all, but only baby wipes on your bot. I read on Google a lot of people really hurting themselves and making their bot red raw with loo paper, but mine was absolutely fine with the wipes.

As for the actual procedure, I hardly felt the tubes going in. The only time I had a bit of pain/discomfort (and it was just like bad griping/wind pains) was when they blew the air in to open up the bowel.

It was over and done with in minutes... I did have a bit of belly ache afterwards and used a hot water bottle and did have a 'farty afternoon' due to my bowels expelling all the air they had blown up there :blush:

All in all hun it's nothing to worry about, and I did it completely awake!
Hi :) I had one 5 years ago, it was fine, nothing to worry about. It was done as an outpatient. They sent me some 'picolax' through the post which is a bowel prep you have to drink to clean your system out the day before. That part is the worst as I coldnt really stray too far from the bathroom, and it made me a bit sick, but the rest was a doddle hunni!

I got there and they made sure they had IV access so they could give me some buscopan if I needed it later on. I was awake and watched it all on the screen, the doctor was talking me through what he could see. I chatted to the nurses about The X Factor! It was fine. They need to pump some air into your bowel to inflate it so they can see better, which can cause some pain, it did with me but they just gave me iv buscopan and I was fine again within seconds.

Afterwards you'll find you'll pass alot of wind which is totally normal and the nurses encourage you to. They gave me tea and toast when back on the ward, then I went home! No problems, you'll sail through it chick :)

I should mention that as I also had a gastroscopy at the same time just before my colonoscopy, they gave me some light sedation too for that, but I remember everything clear as a bell and it only served to relax me slightly, I was still fully awake.

If you're particularly nervous don't be afraid to request sedation, but you really shouldnt need a GA hun, there's nothing to it. Good luck xx
Hiya, it sounds much more scary than it is! You'll need two days off. I took 3 as I'm underweight and lost quite a lot from it.

Anyway, I had mine done privately as would have been waiting more than a year public. The day before, I had breakfast and a light lunch, stopped eating at 2. At half 4, started the Klean-Prep. Supposed to drink 3 litres of the sachets mixed into 1-litre each of water. Found it extemely difficult as it tastes awful and only managed about 1 and a half in the end- but it was fine thankfully! IF it turns out you cannot manage to drink all of the preperation stuff and the hospital can't perform the colonoscopy, they will give you an enema first. So it's not the end of the world if you can't stand it- Klean Prep is the worst I think, though some people are able to tolerate it better than others. Apple juice and cordial can be mixed into it, but don't really help I think. Holding your nose works better! It will start to take effect about two hours after you start taking it- the end result should be like water! It's very odd.

On the day, you will be wheeled away and have an IV put in. You can remain awake if you wish but I wouldn't recommend it- I was awake for the first few seconds and found it extremely sore. I was panicking and kept trying to dodge away from them, urging them to knock me out completely! They did tell me beforehand that because I'm underweight, it would be much sorer if I was to remain conscious than someone of normal/above normal weight so that could just be personal experience. Local anaesthetic is great. I think it will take roughly half an hour, I had a gastroscopy done afterwards. Then you will wake up and think nothing has happened! I was saying that they hadn't done the gastroscopy because not enough time had passed! They let you sleep for a while, then give you tea and toast. You are not allowed to drive yourself home. The older you are, the more the sedative will affect you- personally I threw it off pretty much straight away.

It's really not a big deal, try not to think too much about it! The prep can be very tough, but the day itself is absolutely fine. Good luck with your results.
Thanks ladies! I'm waiting on an appointment now. I'm not worried about the actual procedure, just the prep because i'm going to have to stay in a hotel which is going to cost me a fortune, i'm hoping 2 nights will be enough. Is that realistic?

Also do you think travelling would be possible the same day? I mean long distance, i'm worried in case I get more diahhorea (sp?) afterwards because obviously then I wouldn't be able to travel. Did you ladies get more afterwards or were things back to normal?

Sorry for all the questions but it kind of complicates things that i'm going to have to travel about 2.5 - 3 hours to have it done :(
I didn't get anything afterwards hun, I had to start taking my prep at 1pm the day before, with the second part of it at 6pm and by 8.30-9pm it had all settled down.

One tip - my consultant told me that I could have a veggie stock cube dissolved in hot water should I get hungry... it was a lifesaver as I was shattered and starving come the evening!

Good luck with it all, and 2 nights should be fine x x
I didn't get anything afterwards hun, I had to start taking my prep at 1pm the day before, with the second part of it at 6pm and by 8.30-9pm it had all settled down.

One tip - my consultant told me that I could have a veggie stock cube dissolved in hot water should I get hungry... it was a lifesaver as I was shattered and starving come the evening!

Good luck with it all, and 2 nights should be fine x x

Thanks for the info! :flower:
No problem love, but as others have said the prep is the worst bit, but I found diluting it with clear apple juice helped and a straw! lol x x
No I don't think I got anyhting afterwards hun, you should be ok. I don't know what prep they will give you but they're all pretty much as foul tasting as each other. Once you get that down you the rest is easy. They should give you a list of things you can and can't have and when with the prep. I can't remember now but I was so ill at the time I didn't want to eat anyway (not because of the prep, because of my bowel disease!)

GL hun x
I hate to come with my horror story but I swear it was one of the hardest things I ever went through. I cried the whole time. I didn't think that the day before was too bad even though the cramps and the diarrhoea were so annoying. When I arrived at the surgery they gave me an enema to make sure everything was out and that in itself is horrible. Then they shove this metal thing into your bottom and I screamed. They then put a tube up it and start blowing air which was so uncomfortable. I found the whole experience traumatic. I've since found out that I should have asked for a full anesthetic but I didn't know you could at the time. IMO make sure you get a full anesthetic and not be awake at all for the procedure.
I hate to come with my horror story but I swear it was one of the hardest things I ever went through. I cried the whole time. I didn't think that the day before was too bad even though the cramps and the diarrhoea were so annoying. When I arrived at the surgery they gave me an enema to make sure everything was out and that in itself is horrible. Then they shove this metal thing into your bottom and I screamed. They then put a tube up it and start blowing air which was so uncomfortable. I found the whole experience traumatic. I've since found out that I should have asked for a full anesthetic but I didn't know you could at the time. IMO make sure you get a full anesthetic and not be awake at all for the procedure.

Aww no :( sorry to hear you had a crappy experience!!
Didn't mean to frighten you by any means. Just my experience was horrible. Couldn't imagine that they are letting you have something to eat and drink before hand as I had to fast for nearly 24 hours beforehand. Weird. Are they going to do it under anesthetic?
Didn't mean to frighten you by any means. Just my experience was horrible. Couldn't imagine that they are letting you have something to eat and drink before hand as I had to fast for nearly 24 hours beforehand. Weird. Are they going to do it under anesthetic?

I've no idea :shrug: they haven't give me any details. I thought it was a bit odd that they said I can eat and drink. Makes no sense. So I though ok maybe they just want to discuss it or something, but no it does say 2-3 hours :shrug:
Didn't mean to frighten you by any means. Just my experience was horrible. Couldn't imagine that they are letting you have something to eat and drink before hand as I had to fast for nearly 24 hours beforehand. Weird. Are they going to do it under anesthetic?

I've no idea :shrug: they haven't give me any details. I thought it was a bit odd that they said I can eat and drink. Makes no sense. So I though ok maybe they just want to discuss it or something, but no it does say 2-3 hours :shrug:

That's weird. I think they will probably give you an enema. Be prepared. It doesn't hurt. It's just a horrid feeling. They squeez it into your bottom and then you feel as if you will get diarrhoea. I also think it is weird that they didn't give you the drink to take the day before.
I had one in sept last year. Was fine, thought worse than the procedure. I was sedated so dont remember much of it at all and was fine that evening, just felt a little weak from not eating for 24 hours before the procedure and taking the strong laxatives.

Give them a call i'm sure they'll explain everything.
Hope I don't scare you with this story, but I'm prob a rare case!

I had one done a few years ago... Took the disgusting drink, half in the morning, half later in the day. (It was called picolax, or something similar). I could eat a little bit for breakfast and lunch but nothing after that. It started to work the way it should, but at about 8pm that night I started throwing up, and was up a good few times during the night getting sick. Felt absolutely awful. My mum rang the hospital in the morning, they told me to come in and they put me on a drip to keep my hydrated till they did the procedure.

That part was fine, don't remember any of it (had the test with the tube down my throat at the same time). Came round afterwards and still felt rough, but they gave me tea and toast to eat, and told me I could go home. I got up to get dressed and had to run to the bathroom to throw up again. They sent me home, and spent the night and next day still getting sick (diarrhea had stopped by now).

Started feeling a bit better, was keeping down fluids, but the day after I tried to eat some toast I started throwing up again, and by this time I was so weak my mum and step-dad drove me over to A&E, had to wheel me in :blush: They gave me a bed straight away, and put me on another drip, and gave me an injection to stop me being sick. Thank god the injection worked a treat, and by that evening I was getting my appetite back.

It took me nearly a week to get over the worse effects of that laxative thing, and my stomach was raw for even longer. Ugh, I've actually made myself feel sick writing this :wacko:

Sorry if I freaked you out, but you should be aware that there is a tiny chance that you could have a bad reaction to the laxative. I have heard others reacting badly to them. I'm sure you'll be fine, but I would be cautious of travelling while you are going through the 'process'.

Good luck :flower:
I had one a couple of years ago it wasnt the nicest thing to do but it was no where near as bad as what i thought, the clear out is the worst like others have said and i went in changed into a gown was given a enema which was over in seconds then within 30 seconds i had to run across corridor to loo where i stayed for about 10 min then came out and went in the room i wasnt sedated or given anything to calm me down lied on my side on a bed and then the camera is put up your butt! :rofl: the worst part for me was them blowing the air in it gave me cramp and i felt like i needed loo again but they said that was normal and i wouldnt go as it was empty then they said to fart if i had to :rofl: i was mortifed but it was over quite quickly then i just went home. And nothing comes afterwards your totally empty xx
I had one a couple of years ago it wasnt the nicest thing to do but it was no where near as bad as what i thought, the clear out is the worst like others have said and i went in changed into a gown was given a enema which was over in seconds then within 30 seconds i had to run across corridor to loo where i stayed for about 10 min then came out and went in the room i wasnt sedated or given anything to calm me down lied on my side on a bed and then the camera is put up your butt! :rofl: the worst part for me was them blowing the air in it gave me cramp and i felt like i needed loo again but they said that was normal and i wouldnt go as it was empty then they said to fart if i had to :rofl: i was mortifed but it was over quite quickly then i just went home. And nothing comes afterwards your totally empty xx

Thanks for that, you've made me feel a lot better :) did you have to take any laxatives the day before? Or drinks? And were you told to fast? I find it strange that they said i'm allowed to eat the morning of :shrug: I should give them a call really :)

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