@tdog Have you done an OPK today? I only ask because I was cramping a week before my AF should have been due and that is when I actually ovulated it turns out..
OMG @laurarebecca1 I do see it mine is literally the same when invertedbut deffo see that xx
Ahh I’m glad it’s not just me...going to FRER it in the morning and hope it’s not an evap. The fact I can see it inverted is making me think... I want to go to sleep now haha so I can get up and test!
Laura omg I see that really clearly! So excited to see the next one!
Tdog I see a line on yours too! Good luck with todays test!
AFM ff still hadn't confirmed O with my temps but gave me the option to change it and go by my positive opks/monitor which I did. So now it's put me as 3dpo. Anyone else swapped ff from temps to opk data instead?
I know I'm out anyway as didn't dtd enough. DH was ill through most of it. Managed a couple of time's but needed more to be covered especially as it was never 100%clear when I od (if I did) grrr I'm so down today. Frustrated with my body!
So fed up right now plus I don't really know when af is due now. I think next cycle I'll try a more relaxed approach. No temping opks etc see if that helps. Bet it won't though lol xx
This is how it looks now that I've changed it from temp results to opk results
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