"Comic Relief money should be spent on contraception"

I agree with you Caz. Children in the UK are no less deserving but lets be honest, they don't need the money anywhere near as much.
& anyway, if you dont like donating to africa then don't :shrug:
I think more of comic releifs money should be spent on contraception and education about contraception to prevent people from getting into situations as they are.

But I also think money needs to be spent to help those that are already suffering, it's to late to chuck a condom at them and tell them to stick it on.

I don't think what charity you donate to should be about what country you live in, we all live on the same planet. We are all human beings. We should ALL help each other.
No child will go starving in the UK. NONE. Millions of babies literally starve to death in Africa every year :nope:

plenty of children go starving in this country too, again not saying its as bad as africa

Again i have to agree - the thing is its easy to send money to feed them but next year because of lack of understanding/education/contraception, next year theres gonna be thosands more children starving as they still having babies they cant afford to feed -

But loads of people in this country have children that they cant afford to feed (i.e people who are claiming benefits to bring up their children) I dont see many people saying that benefit money should be spent on contraception in this country.

Money is spent on contraception in this country. Under 25s get free condoms from the sexual health clinics, alot of GPs offer them with the pill too. I don't think it's just about condoms though, ALL our contraception to prevent pregnancy is free and there is education in school about unprotected sex, STIs, AIDS/HIV pregnancy etc.
I have to agree that after 30+ years of raising money for Africa I'm getting a bit disheartened that it doesn't seem to be resolving any of the problems over there. This makes me reluctant to donate and in all honesty I do think there are charities over here that could do with the massive injection of funds that comic relief provide to Africa

Yes and even with all that how many people get pregnant without meaning to or without being able to support their child? How many people still get STIS HIV etc etc....my point is that even with all those things in place in the UK and everyone having access to them we still have these issues, why would putting them in place in Africa get rid of them if it has not done here? Yes, maybe it might reduce to some extent but I dont think it would be the magic answer to the problems there
I think people forget to realise how huge Africa is as a whole.....
There are 955 million people living there 380 million are poor living in poverty as a comparison there is 60 million people living in the uk.

Also comic relief started in 1985 and is on every two years. So thats 13 years of raising money for Africa and the UK to.
comic relief raised £57 million this year but that doesnt ALL go to Africa and im pretty sure what does go there doesnt even scratch the suface but has made a HUGE difference in some peoples way of life. x
No child will go starving in the UK. NONE. Millions of babies literally starve to death in Africa every year :nope:

Actually there are loads of children in this country that do starve as their parents are too sick, poor or just cruel to look after their children properly, believe me as I have worked with kids like this.
What really annoys me is that children in need which raises money for kids in the uk only raised about twenty million last year and even though over the last twenty years comic relief have raised hundreds of millions none of that has made much of a difference. You see the starving, hungry children, which is heartbreaking to see, with their parents who look quite healthy and well fed. If I were in their situation I would go without so my baby could eat, but they don't look malnurished.
Back to the op, would contraception work? No. And all the help and education that they have had over 20 years hasn't helped much either, as they are all in the same situation they were before all the help.
How much can we educate them about contraception when the pope still wont say that contraception isnt wrong?

We (i say we i mean western relegions like catholic) have gone over to Africa converted them and even though they have a massive HIV problem still wont tell them condoms are not a sin!!

If the money we donate helps one child, one village or one family then its worth it.

A few £ to me really means nothing but to a child in africa its the difference between life and death
Like I said, thats social services fault, not lack of money.
No child will go starving in the UK. NONE. Millions of babies literally starve to death in Africa every year :nope:

Actually there are loads of children in this country that do starve as their parents are too sick, poor or just cruel to look after their children properly, believe me as I have worked with kids like this.
What really annoys me is that children in need which raises money for kids in the uk only raised about twenty million last year and even though over the last twenty years comic relief have raised hundreds of millions none of that has made much of a difference. You see the starving, hungry children, which is heartbreaking to see, with their parents who look quite healthy and well fed. If I were in their situation I would go without so my baby could eat, but they don't look malnurished.
Back to the op, would contraception work? No. And all the help and education that they have had over 20 years hasn't helped much either, as they are all in the same situation they were before all the help.

wtf? sorry but thats an awful thing to say. Do african people love their children less or something?!
How much can we educate them about contraception when the pope still wont say that contraception isnt wrong?

We (i say we i mean western relegions like catholic) have gone over to Africa converted them and even though they have a massive HIV problem still wont tell them condoms are not a sin!!

If the money we donate helps one child, one village or one family then its worth it.

A few £ to me really means nothing but to a child in africa its the difference between life and death

I hate the current pope more than words can say. I really do. its disgusting he said condoms will make aids worse.
Just found this Blah

POPE Benedict XVI has announced that 'under certain circumstances', use of contraception is 'justified', but that he does not consider it 'the true way to combat AIDS'.

The Pope mentioned, in one of the 18 chapters of the book, that it was perfectly in order for prostitutes to use a condom, since it showed 'her first step towards morality' and 'the first act of responsibility'.

So its ok for hookers to use condoms but not people in Africa. Makes me feel sick
:roll: makes me ill, it reallyd oes.
Alot of women in Africa dont have a choice when it comes to sex. If their husbands wants it they take it. Do people really think those men are think to put a condom on before raping their wives?

Im pretty sure though if we had just left these people alone in the first place and didnt go over their preaching our morality then the AIDS problem wouldnt be as big as it is now. Relegion seems to be the biggest brick wall in stopping the spread of aids.
I do think that they should use some of the money towards preventing pregnancies over there..be it by the injection or implant (as rape is rife there so condoms wouldn't work)..As Mums who do have HIV/AIDS who get pregnant often end up so ill from the pregnancy that they produce no milk after birth and are so ill they die soon after birth..then the Baby often dies after the Mum from lack of nourishment/illness. By preventing pregnancy you prevent Women from becoming so ill during pregnancy, thus preventing their death and the death of a Baby too.
Africa isnt suddenly going to rid its self of AIDS if everyday thousands of Babies are born to Mums who have passed it to them during pregnancy..its not fair on the Mums or Babies or Africa.
I watched and found it heartbreaking, to watch the little girl Gloria die from pneumonia was horrific.

These children didn't ask to be born but they were and they deserve to live, they deserve to be fed and given clean water and to be looked after.

Yes education is a wonderful thing but some of these babies are products of rape, these 'men' dont care about the women so they clearly wont care about using protection and the hospitals cant even provide oxygen so how are they going to try and help a Mum who says she doesn't want the baby.

Send her home to abort the child herself and then she maybe die in the process like on 'Toughest Place to be a Midwife'?

IMHO if you don't like what the charity is raising funds for then don't donate.

We are not forced to, we can pick and choose who we want to help.

V xxx
No child will go starving in the UK. NONE. Millions of babies literally starve to death in Africa every year :nope:

plenty of children go starving in this country too, again not saying its as bad as africa

Again i have to agree - the thing is its easy to send money to feed them but next year because of lack of understanding/education/contraception, next year theres gonna be thosands more children starving as they still having babies they cant afford to feed -

But loads of people in this country have children that they cant afford to feed (i.e people who are claiming benefits to bring up their children) I dont see many people saying that benefit money should be spent on contraception in this country.

Money is spent on contraception in this country. Under 25s get free condoms from the sexual health clinics, alot of GPs offer them with the pill too. I don't think it's just about condoms though, ALL our contraception to prevent pregnancy is free and there is education in school about unprotected sex, STIs, AIDS/HIV pregnancy etc.
I have to agree that after 30+ years of raising money for Africa I'm getting a bit disheartened that it doesn't seem to be resolving any of the problems over there. This makes me reluctant to donate and in all honesty I do think there are charities over here that could do with the massive injection of funds that comic relief provide to Africa

Yes and even with all that how many people get pregnant without meaning to or without being able to support their child? How many people still get STIS HIV etc etc....my point is that even with all those things in place in the UK and everyone having access to them we still have these issues, why would putting them in place in Africa get rid of them if it has not done here? Yes, maybe it might reduce to some extent but I dont think it would be the magic answer to the problems there

The UK sex ed system needs a massive overhaul IMO but thats another discussion for another day :flower:

I think people forget to realise how huge Africa is as a whole.....
There are 955 million people living there 380 million are poor living in poverty as a comparison there is 60 million people living in the uk.

Also comic relief started in 1985 and is on every two years. So thats 13 years of raising money for Africa and the UK to.
comic relief raised £57 million this year but that doesnt ALL go to Africa and im pretty sure what does go there doesnt even scratch the suface but has made a HUGE difference in some peoples way of life. x

And what about sport relief which is the same charity under a different name? My mum also remembers school events to raise money for Africa, so that would have been late 60's early 70's, we have been raising money for Africa since before comic relief and none of it seems to have even dented the problems over there.
making contraception available to all these women would cost about 3 billion pounds. comic relief has raised no where near that.
Not all these women are going out there readily wanting children knowing what their life will be like,
Every nine minutes a mother dies due to complications from a not safe termination of pregnancy . She most likely had no money or help. She probably first tried to induce a termination herself. Failing that she would have turned to an unskilled, but relatively inexpensive, provider.
I think some money that is raised does go toward contraception but i dont agree all of it should.
And if i was one of these people in Africa and was offered a choice of contaception or food for my children, or a well to access clean water i know what i would choose.
Some people in this country dont realise how good we have it. Yes we have poor people and some children do go without but our version of poor is nothing compared to alot of the worlds!

I feel so lucky that I can raise my daughters in a country like ours. Its not perfect by any means but it is 10000000x better then alot of places!

I cant imagine how these women feel to have to watch their kids die of starvation and then get pregnant again because they are told condoms are wrong and they dont have a choice whether to have sex or not knowing that their next baby is going to die too :cry:
No child will go starving in the UK. NONE. Millions of babies literally starve to death in Africa every year :nope:

plenty of children go starving in this country too, again not saying its as bad as africa

Again i have to agree - the thing is its easy to send money to feed them but next year because of lack of understanding/education/contraception, next year theres gonna be thosands more children starving as they still having babies they cant afford to feed -

But loads of people in this country have children that they cant afford to feed (i.e people who are claiming benefits to bring up their children) I dont see many people saying that benefit money should be spent on contraception in this country.

Money is spent on contraception in this country. Under 25s get free condoms from the sexual health clinics, alot of GPs offer them with the pill too. I don't think it's just about condoms though, ALL our contraception to prevent pregnancy is free and there is education in school about unprotected sex, STIs, AIDS/HIV pregnancy etc.
I have to agree that after 30+ years of raising money for Africa I'm getting a bit disheartened that it doesn't seem to be resolving any of the problems over there. This makes me reluctant to donate and in all honesty I do think there are charities over here that could do with the massive injection of funds that comic relief provide to Africa

Yes and even with all that how many people get pregnant without meaning to or without being able to support their child? How many people still get STIS HIV etc etc....my point is that even with all those things in place in the UK and everyone having access to them we still have these issues, why would putting them in place in Africa get rid of them if it has not done here? Yes, maybe it might reduce to some extent but I dont think it would be the magic answer to the problems there

The UK sex ed system needs a massive overhaul IMO but thats another discussion for another day :flower:

I think people forget to realise how huge Africa is as a whole.....
There are 955 million people living there 380 million are poor living in poverty as a comparison there is 60 million people living in the uk.

Also comic relief started in 1985 and is on every two years. So thats 13 years of raising money for Africa and the UK to.
comic relief raised £57 million this year but that doesnt ALL go to Africa and im pretty sure what does go there doesnt even scratch the suface but has made a HUGE difference in some peoples way of life. x

And what about sport relief which is the same charity under a different name? My mum also remembers school events to raise money for Africa, so that would have been late 60's early 70's, we have been raising money for Africa since before comic relief and none of it seems to have even dented the problems over there.

That doesnt mean we should stop trying!
wtf? sorry but thats an awful thing to say. Do african people love their children less or something?!

I'm not saying that, what I am saying is that if they were truely malnurished and starving their periods would stop, their fertiliy would be so low that they wouldn't get pregnant. Look at girls with Anorexia, some end up infertile due to the damage done to their bodies.

I think that by now that the education and money that they have recieve should have done something, but how can you help people that do not seem to want to help themselves? The children that would have first been in reciept of the charity will now be adults themselves, so really the education about AIDS and HIV should have made some difference- but it hasn't. I won't even go in to the way that some people 'believe' how to cure themselves of AIDS as it is truely sick and would disturb people.

There are many, many places around the world that need help, not just Africa. All I'm saying is that I think perhaps the charity should help different places and that if you don't realise how some children live in this country then you are fortunate. I have seen and worked with them and am ashamed that children are treated like this in a country that supposedly looks after its children.

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