Completely confused... implantation?


Proud First Time Mommy!
Apr 10, 2010
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I am beyond confused at the moment. AF is due in three days (Wednesday) and my cycles are very regular. It starts with spotting early the day AF is due and by the evening/following morning it has gotten heavier and AF is fully there. Well, a little while ago I went to the bathroom and when I wiped there was blood, light-ish red in colour and very little of it. I wiped again and there was even less, and then none. I've checked once since then and there is no blood whatsoever. I've never experienced this before. I mean I have spotted before, but not three days before AF and then nothing. I don't know what to think of this... Any input?
Earlier this evening I had gone to the bathroom and again found blood when I wiped, very faint (lighter than the previous time). I really don't know what to make of this. When I was pregnant last year I didn't have any sort of bleeding like this. In fact, I didn't even know I was pregnant until I was three days late for AF and the only reason I took a test was to ease OH's nerves and show him that I wasn't pregnant (which didn't go as I had planned). I've been experiencing a handful of symptoms but have chalked it up to wishful thinking and my body playing games due to a mind's desire. But now... I'm honestly not so sure... I don't want to tell OH and have him worried until I know for certain one way or another. I know the only way to know for certain is to take a test, but if this is implantation bleeding (which is the only cause I can think of) then I have no idea when the best time to take a test would be. *sigh* Any thoughts?
sorry cant help much but if it is implanting then wait couple days then test hun gl xxx
hi hun

this is so odd i could have wrote this myself, i had this last night... pinky stuff i wiped away i thought it was af arriving so popped a pad on, im due af friday (well this is my first cycle after a loss so i think its friday if i go by 28 days)... anyway since ive had some browny discharge but nothing more, i took a ic and it had a nasty evap line so i did a FRER and there was a evap line (well i think evap line) there too but it coule be too early and im gonna hold out a couple more days... i actually do not feel pregnant though.... but we will see. Ive never had a implatation bleed with any of my pregnancies either... so why would it happen this time i keep asking myself?....

Keep me updated, take a test hun x
It is so relieving to hear that I'm not alone in this Shell. Last night before bed the spotting increased a little and had more of a redish tint so I was sure by morning AF would be in early swing... but no. Still spotting, only sometimes when I wipe but mostly if I'm trying to find it. It's no longer red like it had been, it's now more pink/brownish in colour. This is driving me crazy. I find myself making trips to the bathroom just to see if AF has started yet. I'm not sure if I 'feel' pregnant per se. I felt nauseous last night after eating dinner, but that's probably because I ate too much. I'm severely bloated, but that could be due to anything right? Yesterday I discovered that my nipples are sensitive to being touched through my clothes, not as much when bare though. I am itching to take a test but I keep refraining from allowing myself to buy one. I have a digital lying around that I am saving for if I get a BFP. I'm not even sure when a good time to test would be. If this implantation bleeding, would my hcg levels be high enough to yield accurate results? AF is due tomorrow, I'm not sure if I should test then or if I should wait till Thursday or Friday. Keep me updated as well, I would be pleased to have you as a test buddy.
hi hun

Yes my cm went like that last night!! proper white stuff with bloody bits in and lots of it!

Well i tested this morning got a bfn, i woke up spotty, bad back and feel altho af is coming...

I also keep getting twinges in my ovary area normally indicates for me af is to come, im so moody and horrible today too. Bit gutted to be honest as was hopeful. My sister just sent me her scan pic and i so hoped to be sharing news that i was also pregnant, but wasnt meant to be i guess.

Good luck to you tho hunx
Looks like it's bad news to us both. I'm so sorry to hear about your BFN. It really figures, as soon as I allow myself to believe that I may be pregnant and become hopeful of the possibility my body decided to stop its games. This morning, there was blood complete with small clots. It's quite saddening to be honest. This month I am supposed to start back on BCP as soon as AF hits, which seems to be now and a day early even. Now I'm trying to convince myself that I should behave myself and go back on them when I have the urge to say 'screw it' and just not take them... *sigh* here goes the first one.
howcome you have to go back on bcp hun?

Im just gutted, its been a emotional day, my sister had her scan today, and sent me a pic got abit sad, cuse the last scan i had told us of our lil man having Pataus :-( my other one is ready to drop next month really wanted to be pregnant by then.

I just went to the toliet i had a big clump of brown stuff almos that rips apart sorry tmi and a bloody discharge again.... it smelt abit too so now im worried it could be another infection post birth! argggh its never easy is it!
We weren't trying, but then again we weren't completely protecting either. We were using the pull out method which I am getting sick of (it takes away from the fun having to focus on when to pull out rather than just enjoying the moment). When I got pregnant last year we weren't using protection but that was because I was wholeheartedly that I couldn't conceive. But, lo and behold, a month after we moved in together I got pregnant. Since then he has been trying to make sure that I don't get pregnant. I've been meaning to go back on the pill for his sake for months now... but I am of course reluctant and always seemed to have found a reason to put off calling the doctor for another day until two weeks ago. So now it's back on the pill and if it's 'meant' to be it'll happen while I'm on the pill.

I'm hoping for you that it's not an infection and that AF is just acting up or that you are secretly pregnant (of course hoping most for the latter). AF hasn't gotten heavy yet. I wiped red blood and a clot this morning so I put a tampon in but when I changed it after work there wasn't much on it. I had really thought it would be much heavier by now. So I don't know what she is doing right now.

I take it you and OH are ttc right? Even though we can't be ttc buddies (as I'm not trying though I wish I were) I'd love to be chat buddies. Who knows, maybe I'll get super lucky and have an egg sneak through the bc barrier.
yeh we are desperately ttc hun, we lost our 3rd lil boy on the 10th february, he was born with a rare condition called Pataus and its been heartbreaking, and my body has not been getting back to normal since! its just one thing after another at the moment and i just want to be pregnant :-( having a really bad few days very hormonal cuse i know im not pregnant this month, af is due but its not arrived and that could be cuse my cycles are gonna be longer i just dunno? anyones guess is as good as mine at the moment!

I hope one does sneak past for you. And im sorry you have to go back on them. Could you not talk to your fella perhaps speak about wanting to have another? and staying off bcp for the meantime?....

Fingers crossed for a new year baby now for me! i wish i was still in the 2010 wagon but it aint gonna happen.... just want my af to show now so i can crack on with next month.

yeh of course we can chat, pm me anytime x

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