General chatter while we wait (and commentary on the "pull out method")

Sunday was when i tested diluted and it was a stronger positive but they were still weird lines. The diluted is the torn hcg one. The top hcg is concentrate.
Middle is wednesday and i threw in a different brand and took pic in timeframe but it was fmu again.
Bottom photo is the most recent that i took on Thursday with fmu. I havent taken more because im sick of them not getting dark, the concentrated is faint and the lines still arent going all the way down even though i use from different boxes.
I’ve even tried mixing up between using 10 and 25s trying to see what’s wrong. They’re not negative and not positive.

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Are the orange tests hcg and the blue LH? Or are they all hcg tests? Regardless, the clear blue is definitely positive. I hope you get answers soon.
Guys I'm soo happy we found a great new church today, we've been trying to find one since we moved here over a year ago.. we were going to one that was okay but they have been being weird this month so my husband wanted to switch. He seems really happy. Such a relief and a blessing!

@HalfricanMa those tests are seriously so confusing. I'm sorry you are dealing with this strange situation!!

@shaescott good luck this cycle :) I'm just finishing af and second guessing my decision to skip this cycle.. hahaha the hormones always win!
Are the orange tests hcg and the blue LH? Or are they all hcg tests? Regardless, the clear blue is definitely positive. I hope you get answers soon.
Dark orange is 25mIU/mL, light orange are 10s, and yes blue wondfo are LH. The clearblues have always been giving clear positives. Looking forward to Tuesday’s appointment. She’ll order ultrasound im sure, im just unsure if she has a machine in the office or if i’ll have to schedule at another location. My symptoms were stronger at the beginning of the month than they feel right now, but i certainly still have the movement that I can see. It correlates mostly with times I lie down. And the thirst is still through the roof.
Gigs just saw your “how to embrace major life changes” video pop up on YouTube :rofl: I didn’t watch it but the title alone made me laugh because of your current situation.

Halfrican when was your last period?
Gigs just saw your “how to embrace major life changes” video pop up on YouTube :rofl: I didn’t watch it but the title alone made me laugh because of your current situation.

Halfrican when was your last period?
Ah I’m totally searching that on youtube! Haha! (Hmm..harder to find than i anticipated. Just didnt know anyone on here had a youtube channel. I guess i should’ve assumed so. I’m old lol)
My last period was feb 2023.
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Ah I’m totally searching that on youtube! Haha! (Hmm..harder to find than i anticipated. Just didnt know anyone on here had a youtube channel. I guess i should’ve assumed so. I’m old lol)
My last period was feb 2023.
Oh okay, so LMP can’t be used here. Dang.
Shhhhh shae! :rofl:
Yes i have a very schizophrenic channel, heh. It started as all jewelry related then also had crystals, now it's all over the map with arts and crafts and jewelry reviews and now a podcast that I do with another youtuber. Shae's referring to the podcast. If you're interested I can PM it to you, I just like to keep this baby forum stuff completely separate from the rest of my life lol so if you find me there, don't mention this place haha.

Shea I know right?! We laughed about it, too. I haven't announced to youtube yet but my podcast "coworker" knows. I'm planning to announce this Sunday as long as my appointment this week goes OK. Pretty much everyone else knows at this point that's close. Actually I told a couple of friends via text (we were supposed to see them this past weekend but they had to cancel) and their reaction was super disappointing. They texted back "congratulations!" and that was it (it's a married couple, and they have two kids). There was no, "omg!! how far along are you? When are you due?" NOTHING. Super weird! I'm like...are y'all mad at me? It's the type of reaction someone upset would give OR someone with fertility issues, but they have 2 kids and he got snipped. So I'm like what'd I do?

Then there's the disconnected part of me that just wants to detach from everything from my youth and in some ways I wish I could just cleanly cut ties with everyone I used to know that I don't keep in constant touch with anymore, as crazy as that sounds. I'm sure that's trauma talking but I just don't like thinking about the past and those "friends" remind me of it too much. And frankly I don't feel like the same person now. Some of these friends now, If I met them today, I know we wouldn't be friends, ya know? Especially my gal friends from HS. Like I've just changed too much. I was a depressed loner in high school and now I'm a devoted mom and family is my life. My ideals on things have changed, too. And my priorities; obviously my kids are the priority but I also prioritize hobbies and maintaining a house/farmette over outings with friends. These friends still go to parties and bars and sporting events and that's just not me. Actually that's never been me lol.

Anyway I'm not going to continue on that rant lol I just thought that was a strange reaction from "friends".
Aw sorry that was their confusing reaction. But I can totally relate. There is not one person from high school that i still talk to.

I think I’m similar to you. I’ve never been into clubs. I’m actually more of a morning person, so by 9pm i’m ready to sleep. But nowadays with 2 kids i’m wanting to sleep by 4pm LOL! And yet we want a third! Haha. Although I felt sick most of the night. I ended up taking a zofran and was questioning the idea of a third pregnancy—unless miraculously i’m already there. Haha!
The last pregnancy with the polyhydramnios made it so difficult and my husband deploying made me have to sell our sheep & chickens. I’d like to get chickens again. Been going to the chicken coup to fix it up again little by little while hubby is away. When the spring chicks are hatching we’ll get more. My son loved gathering eggs and cooking them up each morning. I’d like to get an angus heifer & calf or more sheep. I loved the sheep following me!! Honestly, it was wonderful living the literal analogies made in the bible. Shepherding analogies made in scripture have so much more depth after having a bit of experience raising sheep. I also thought to have bison because thats delicious meat, but im not sure how to contain them. My husband was a dairy & sugar cane farmer so we do a lot with his experience. We have an apple orchard but its not producing apples yet and ants—yes ANTS— ate our 6’ almond trees. They bloomed gorgeous flowers fall and spring.
@gigglebox I'm so sorry about the weird reaction your friend had. Makes me wonder if she regrets getting the husband snipped and is having trouble dealing with that? But still the baby should be celebrated in my opinion!!

@HalfricanMa good luck with your appointment! The experience raising the sheep sounds so amazing. At least you got some beautiful memories!
Gigs hahaha I was wondering if the pregnancy was referenced at all in the video, sounds like no.

That’s a bit of an underwhelming reaction for sure. I’d be losing my mind as the friend. I already text one friend of mine like once a month to check in on her TTC, they started TTC in July I think, but she’s just trusting the app estimate of ovulation, and I’m like GIRL USE OPKs!!! I made her a whole informational multi-page Google doc on TTC bahahahaha, she loved it though. I think she’s just trying to be casual about it right now, she’s 25 and got married in June, she’s not exactly running out of time.

I am also not friends with a single person I was friends with in high school. I follow a lot of my high school classmates on social media and some of my ex-friends, and I enjoy seeing them succeed in life and get married and have kiddos. I even like watching the posts of the guy who hit me square in the face with a dodgeball freshman year and laughed, he temporarily blocked his stories from his now wife and told everyone he was planning to propose and like chronicled the whole thing, it was sooo cute. They were high school sweethearts too, so it was extra cute. We’re all adults now, and while I have no interest in hanging out with any of my former classmates, it makes me happy to see them happy. I don’t care about people’s party posts, like whatever, you got drunk at a club again, whoop-dee-doo. But the engagement/marriage/baby/career posts make me happy. One girl got an engineering internship with NASA. Blows my mind. She’s this adorable blonde pigtailed petite girl who I knew at 6 years old, and now she’s out there doing science with NASA.

All that said, I occasionally indulge in some schadenfreude watching ex friends, bullies, and classmates do stupid crap. Like the one girl who just complains about her crystal business every day on Facebook and had a kid with someone who already had a kid with someone else and then was cheating on her, posted he cheated on her while 6 weeks pregnant, and still stayed with him for like 3 years. Girl, your life choices have sucked, and I am just watching this ship burn. But there’s one girl who bullied me in like 3rd grade who I just feel bad for. She was in a domestic violence relationship for years, he was beating her, she finally left thank God and came clean about the whole thing, then her mom died (I think to suicide, she didn’t specify) leaving her to help raise her like 10 year old brother. She’s a manager at Taco Bell. Like, I honestly wish things were better for her. I don’t think she deserves that stuff.

Halfrican oooo the raising sheep comparing to shepherding in the Bible sounds super cool. I’ve turned into a bit of a theology nerd hahahaha, I’m a confessional Lutheran (LCMS, the traditional kind of Lutheran). I ended up there about a year ago after being non-denominational for a few years. I became a Christian toward the end of college. I wasn’t raised a Christian, I was baptized as an infant because my mom was raised Methodist, but my mom is a deist at best and my dad is agnostic, so I ranged from agnostic to deist in my beliefs throughout my childhood. Jesus was not involved at all, not until college, when I had this weird revelation type experience in the midst of exploring witchcraft (standard gen z college student stuff) where suddenly I just knew that I believed Jesus was the son of God and that just because the Bible said some things I didn’t like didn’t mean they weren’t true. I abandoned all the witchcraft stuff that day and never went back. Pretty wild.
Wow Shae, you make me feel like I need to go stalk more of my former classmates, lol!! That is really sad about the last one though. Especially if she was in an abusive often women in abusive relationships were abused growing up (often by a father figure) and just think it's normal. So sad to be left raising a sibling. Hopefully she finds happiness!

Halfrican, your situation sounds so lovely! I'm a bit jealous of the livestock, haha. I have dreams of owning a goat one day, or really any dairy animal (goats just fit our property the best) but I don't know when/if that will ever happen. I was really going that route last year but hubby talked sense into me. It's just too much work right now, and I feel like I'd get overwhelmed by the chores of it (especially milking twice a day) with everything else I have going on. There's a small possibility we may do it sooner rather than later but I'm not counting on it. At least we get milk shares; only a bit inconvenient to have to pick up at a farm every week, but it's certainly less time consuming and costly compared to raising our own. If we ever get a large amount of land, maybe I'd run a dairy down if the grass could support her, but that's a far of dream for now! We do have ducks and chickens though (and some geese). Annoyingly my kids have to be forced into eating eggs, except for one who has only very recently started eating them. If wish they were enthusiastic about eggs!
@HalfricanMa !!! Yesterday was Tuesday! What happened at your appointment????
Hey thanks for remembering Shae! Doc did a blood workup and found the hcg was down to 0.6 so it must have been a miscarriage that absorbed since i haven't bled yet. Believes the recording i showed of movement is likely my digestion and said i’m very thin and now after 2 pregnancies and the latter being Polyhydramnios, my abs are just not thick anymore and thats why im now noticing it.
Anyways, she ordered a transvaginal u/s and abdominal u/s to get a good look at everything. Unfortunately, the imaging center is booked quite a ways out. Soonest will be next thursday but the appointment is at 12:30 and she wants me fasting 8 hrs to include water. Im not nursing too much but still about 3 times a day. Plus my blood sugar falls so easily i really dont know if that appointment is safe. The next morning appointment is the 13th.

Up shot: bad news is I’m not pregnant. Good news is all the tests she ran she said i’m mid cycle and currently ovulating!! In fact, she thinks thats what the mild pain on the left was about. Even better—hubby surprised me by flying home yesterday afternoon rather than his previously anticipated travel day which would’ve been tomorrow. We already got to dtd last night before we even got those results. We’ll be staying frisky!
@HalfricanMa I’m sorry you had to go through all that. I’m glad you got a few answers. That’s great you were able to catch ovulation. Praying things go well this cycle!

I went to a really small private Christian school. I partied a bit in my early 20s, but I haven’t had a drink or did anything like that for so long. I have 2 friends I’m close with that I’ve known since kindergarten, but one lives across the country. The other one lives about an hour and a half away so we try to get together a few time a year. She doesn’t like texting and talking on the phone so I don’t talk to her much in between though. I stayed close with a few friends from my neighborhood through my 20’s, but we’ve all grown apart and barely talk. One completely cut me off and wouldn’t tell me why. Now I’m friends with a few people at church and work. It’s not many, but I like my small circle.

This week has been a rough one. Out of nowhere our landlord basically told us we have a year to find somewhere else to live, I got hit by a driver that ran a red light on Monday(no one was hurt and minimal damage as she just clipped the front), and I got some not great news concerning my ultrasound that I’m processing. They told me I have something called a chorionic bump. It’s rare so I couldn’t find much info, but it puts me at a higher risk and I have to have another ultrasound in 2 weeks to get more info. Some stuff I read was a bit concerning, but it says if a heart rate is detected and baby seems ok otherwise then there’s a 82% chance it will be ok. I’m holding on to hope of the 82% part.
@HalfricanMa YAY ANSWERS!! That is still super weird, especially never having a bleed, but heck yes to ovulation!! This will be the most bizarre scenario if you end up pregnant in two weeks lol But either way yay!! Sounds like things are moving in the right direction. Personally with the answers and all that I'd forgo the ultrasound but that's up to you of course! Fasting's not so bad. I actually have gone 3 days before for health reasons and it sucked doing it but I felt absolutely amazing afterward. Hubby does period fasts, usually 5-7 days but the longest was 12 O_O He has much better willpower than I do lol. Also what a lovely surprise from hubby!!! yay!

@Jules8 what the heck, why would someone cut you off without explanation? How strange. That's too bad. Glad you found support at church. I'm the same, I have always had/prefer a small friend circle mostly because I just can't keep up with maintaining that many friendships. OMG, car accidents are so jarring!! I'm glad you're ok but goodness that's scary. Sorry about the ultrasound :( That is always scary when you get diagnosed with anything abnormal, but I have found things usually go fine. There's a woman in my due date group that got that same diagnoses and had the same problem as you, not much info, and in fact the dr that found it had to refer her to another ob who knew more about it because they didn't. From personal risk where everything turned out fine -- the negative sides are obvious, it obviously adds to the nerves to be considered high risk. On the plus side, you do get more scans and lots of pics of baby, and it's nice to really watch them grown. :hugs: remember the most likely scenario is all will be totally fine!!

AFM....I got a call yesterday from my friend, the one that I mentioned the other day had the weird one word "congratulations" response (well, him and his wife but I'm closer to him, we've been friends for a very long time). Our call was cut short because he had a work call he had to take, but he did congratulate me over the phone and explained he'd been crazy busy with work and out of town a ton and living out of a hotel basically 5-6 days a week for weeks now. So it was nice to get an explanation, and we're trying to work out how/when we can get the families together soon. So that was a nice surprise!

Also I had my "12 week" ultrasound yesterday! Baby was technically 11+5 but measured spot on at 12. He was also about 2 days ahead at 8 weeks so not sure if my date is wrong or he's just measuring a touch ahead, but either way it's consistent anyway! He looked perfect. OB also varified they did do a CBC when I had my bloods done (I didn't know for sure because the script just said something vague like "prenatal workup") and my numbers are pristine. That was such a huge relief after all my scares earlier this year (I had low platelets, anemia, low potassium, low sodium, and other red flags). She said "it's amazing what the human body can do". No kidding! I mean that was only 5 months ago. I'm so, so happy and relieved. She's going to re-check levels at 28 weeks because I have a history of gestational thrombocytopenia (low platelets last time I was pregnant) but hopefully all will be well again then. I hate lab work, it makes me so nervous! But for now we're good so I'm happy. Anyway she said baby looks great; it was technically a "mini anatomy scan" and they checked everything, and all was good with baby. I have my full scan rigth after Christmas, and if all goes well that will be the last I see of baby until he arrives!

I finally, FINALLY feel like this is happening! Ahhh holy crap another baby! I am so happy it's another boy honestly. I was walking around target yesterday and getting overwhelmed by girl stuff lol. Dang they come with a lot of accessories! I mean all the flashy clothes, purses, hair stuff....I'm sure it's all very cute and fun but I'll be honest, I'm glad I can give mine a shovel and let them dig outside to keep them entertained :rofl: And when I need my girlie fix, I'm super lucky to have a cutie of a neice to dote on. And oh my is she girlie!! She loves purses and sparkles and HEELS (yes she's a shoe girl already) and she's only 2!

Ok will post the u/s pics in a sec....

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