Confused about first doctor appointment, update got my app 22nd oct!


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2009
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Just been to my doctors to confirm the pregnancy and get everything sorted, I've always disliked my doctor I think he's pretty useless so I don't have much faith in him, but just wanted to check if this is right, as I can't remember from when I had Lily!

He did all the usual stuff worked out my due date, family history, height and weight etc, prescribed me folic acid and then told me he will refer me to antenatal, and the midwife will contact me to arrange an appointment, but only when I'm 12 weeks. I thought this was a really long time to wait, I know they can't do much but I thought maybe I'd go in at 8 weeks to check the heartbeat?

I'm in the UK, is this what happens now? I'm just a little disappointed I have to wait that long.

Thanks girls x
First of all, congratulations! I too had a rubbish doctor yesterday, googled for my EDD and refused to prescribe me folic acid. Anyway, you're meant to initially see the midwife between 6 & 8 weeks not so late as 12, as far as I know that's the norm x
That's what I thought! Thank you :) he also said to me 'well they will see you at 12 weeks then 20 weeks then they will only see you when you give birth' and I knew that was rubbish!!

Do you think I should wait until about 7 weeks for them to contact me? And if they don't I will ring. Or do I ring in a couple of days?
This is my first and I just happened to have a doctors appointment when I first found out and he did nothing but handed my details on to the birthing centre.

Weeks later I got my appointment date in, I will be a little over 11 weeks and my scan will be the following week when I am a little over 12 weeks. I thought it was really long too but I think it is the norm if your considered low risk? I was a little miffed at the "helpful" booklet they sent out with my appointment letter which listed tests that should be done at 8 weeks!

I have googled the tests and they seem to be for higher risk pregnancies so I guess they just decided to skip them, NHS budget cuts?
Yeh it wouldn't surprise me that that's what they are doing, I just really wanted to hear babies heartbeat as soon as I could :(

Thanks for your reply :)
I think it depends where you live, our hosp do the booking in appt and 1st scan at the same time so I won't see anyone now until 11 weeks when my scan is booked for unless I have any probs. I was shocked by this too the first time around!
I think even if you get a booking in appointment for 8 weeks, they are unlikely to look for the heartbeat unless you get a scan at the same time (not always the case on NHS).

Your 12-14 week dating scan will be the first time they definitely look for HB and then some midwives don't like to use doppler earlier than 16 wks in case you can't hear anything yet. (From what I remember from last time round).
Around here they refuse to use a doppler before 12 weeks, and usually won't do it until 16 weeks. Most of them can pick up a heartbeat quite reliably from 12 weeks onwards, but midwives don't want to worry a mother needlessly.

As for scans, unless they have a reason (high risk, not sure where in your cycle you are etc) they won't do one until 12 weeks, so often times that's the earliest you'll get to see baby's heartbeat.

As for your booking in appointment, with my first daughter I had my first appointment on the same day as my 12 week scan. I did have an early scan at 7 weeks, but that was arranged by my gynae.

With my second I saw my midwife at 5 weeks, but that's because it's a private company rather than your ordinary NHS run hospital midwives.

This time I'm still with the same privately run company, but my first appointment is next week Monday ... but by LMP (which they go by until you've had a scan confirm different) I'll be 12 weeks then. In reality I think I'm only around 8 though.
Last time I went to the docs as you did, they referred me and I got a letter to come to the health centre at about 9 weeks, then scans were done at the hospital at 12 and 20 weeks but to be honest they only did medical history and blood tests at the 9 week they won't look for hb as its too early. Once you are referred your care is passed onto midwives anyway so you're unlike to see the doc again at all!
This sounds about normal to me but on the late side of normal. With DD I had my first apt at 8-10 weeks but that was as early as they would see me. If you don't like your Dr. anyway than I would find a new one and ask for an earlier apt. Hope you see your little heartbeat soon.
This sounds totally normal.

For the first 5 months you really only see a health professional every 4-6 weeks. Hearing a heart beat is tricky early on and if its not heard undue worry is created and baby grows at such a fast rate that any measurements are hard to compare with any sort of norm.
I'm not from the UK, but I know that generally speaking hearing the heartbeat doesn't happen until at least 12 weeks, and sometimes later. 8 weeks is too early for that. However, I agree that 12 weeks is too late for an appt. Its good to have blood work done around 8 weeks etc. GL!
Ahh thanks girls, I feel so much better about it now! I just can't remember what happened with lily and when it's not your first pregnancy you always compare jt to what happend at your first and I'm sure I remember it being sooner! I know the scans are only 12 and 20 unless your high risk which I'm fine with it was more just blood word and things.

But I've had a look on the NHS website and it does say anytime between 8-12 weeks so they could end up contacting me sooner than 12 weeks.

Thanks for you help ladies!! :flower:
That's what I thought! Thank you :) he also said to me 'well they will see you at 12 weeks then 20 weeks then they will only see you when you give birth' and I knew that was rubbish!!

Do you think I should wait until about 7 weeks for them to contact me? And if they don't I will ring. Or do I ring in a couple of days?

I'd give it until 7 weeks and then call yes, he sounds like an ass!
That's what I thought! Thank you :) he also said to me 'well they will see you at 12 weeks then 20 weeks then they will only see you when you give birth' and I knew that was rubbish!!

Do you think I should wait until about 7 weeks for them to contact me? And if they don't I will ring. Or do I ring in a couple of days?

I'd give it until 7 weeks and then call yes, he sounds like an ass!

He really is an ass!! :haha:
Got my pregnancy notes through the post this morning and my first midwife app for 22nd oct! I knew my doc was abit off as they would of had to contact me before 12 weeks, but he said at 12 weeks they will ring! Well anyway, I'm happy now :) I will be 8 weeks
Ive just seen my midwife at 8 weeks. simply because im high risk.
usually they will leave it a bit later so then you arent waiting long for your 12 week scan :)
that comes in the post! exciting! ill be stalking my post box until it arrives x
Firstly it's only recently become common to have a scan or check heartbeat in the first tri! I have 3 boys with the first two I have an appt until I was past 10 weeks, with the first one I only had one scan that was at 17-22 weeks. My 2nd I had to scans but only when I was further along well into 2nd tri. My 3rd I had 3 scans 1 at 10 weeks one at 20 weeks and then at 34 weeks I was huge with him they thought I had twins but he was just big!

When I got pregnant with number 4 I was seen right away to confirm had 2 more after that the last scan showed baby stopped at 5.5 weeks I was suppose to be 11 weeks! Pregnancy number 5 I didn't know I was pregnant until I was miscarrying we think I was 7-11 weeks! Pregnancy number 6 I had scan at 5 weeks 7 weeks and 13.2 weeks the last scan my baby girl had died within 24 hours of the scan!

I'm pregnant for a 7th time , twins this time! I had a scan at 5 weeks and will go back when I'm 7-8 weeks! I am high risk so I will be watched closely!

I know with my first. 3 pregnancies I was seen once a month or every two months unless I needed to be seen then the appointments got closer as I got near the due date !
I too am having to wait till almost 12 weeks to see a GP, this is my third, i think unfortunately, theres such a high pregnancy rate atm that its easier on the NHS to book appointments a little later.

I've just updated I get my app at 8 weeks, I thought that's when I would have it for blood tests and they can book my scan for 12 weeks. We always get 12 week scans here :) x

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