Confusion about Ultrasounds...


Due June 28th
Oct 18, 2014
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I am really really bummed to hear from my OBGYN that I will only receive ONE ultrasound, and that's at 20 weeks to tell us the gender. Why only one? Is it weird that I'm actually pretty upset and angry about this? (probably mostly hormones talking) :cry: I keep seeing everyone else with early ultrasound pictures and it's breaking me that I won't be able to show one off when my husband and I announce our pregnancy. Anyone else in the same boat? :nope: I am not okay with only getting to see my growing baby once, I mean I worry and wonder enough everyday.
That's odd tbh at least for the US. Everyone I know around here gets at least 3, one at 8 weeks, 12 weeks, and 20. Plus 3D at 30 weeks if insurance covers it. Have you looked at private scans in your area? I have a friend in Minnesota and she's had 2 so far and she's 14 weeks.
My place usually does just one unless you have a history of miscarriage. (which I do). With my second pregnancy I had one at 7w, 10w and 20w. Then I had two chemicals and then this current pregnancy number five I had one at 7w but will not again until 19w 1d because doctor is confident this baby will be fine. Yes I'm paranoid about not seeing baby for so long but what can I do. It sucks. I would see if you can book a private scan somewhere. I was going to but the place near here closed this past year so she (owner) could go back to teaching full time. The next closest is an hour away and I will not put myself nor my child (my daughter or this current baby) during the middle of winter. Yes it is basically winter here and only going to get worse.
It's either their practice or your insurance. You can always pay to have a private scan done (I really enjoyed the one we paid for out of pocket, and they gave us a ton of pictures!). :flower:
for healthy pregnancies, you get less ultrasounds. plus, doctor told me my insurance only covers so many so they'd like to give me the least number possible incase they need to use the amount that the insurance does cover if i had a problem. i dont get my official ultrasound until week 20 but at 8 wks 6 days, my doctor had too many patients in at one time and asked if id like to see someone else to get out faster, and i said yes. the new lady who saw me didnt know why i was there so i was able to convince her to let me have an ultrasound hehe. but i loved seeing baby move and wiggle and so i booked myself a private gender scan(which you pay out of pocket for, insurance will not cover it) and i get two sessions with lots of ultrasound pics to take home(including free 4D ones live and still). its definitely worth it. i thought it was cost alot of money but its cheap(at least to me) and i got professional sonography done. its something i would not ever pass up on any of my future pregnancies! if you can, you should try and book one if you dont want to wait until week 20. i only booked a private gender scan to just see baby move and wiggle really!
It depends on the doctor really... A friend of mine is only getting one as well, she already had it and wont receive another one. I on the other hand had one at 9 weeks...will have my 20 week scan and then a third trimester scan as well...But I am still seeing my fertility specialist during my pregnancy and because I struggled for so long and MC I get more then my friend does. I would be so upset too if I only got one. Another friend of mine is just newly pregnant and she will only get one as well, she has two kids already and has never had a problem during her pregnancies...she plans to go in at around 12 weeks saying she has pain so that they will give her an ultrasound to check on baby. She did this with her second as well! Good Luck
I think it's all a matter of your risk. I have a slip for mine already, but my doctor wants to wait until he knows my HCG is at least high enough to see something.
My doc only orders one around 16-20 weeks. I had multiple quick peeks at my second daughter later in the pregnancy because I had partial previa and then she was not head down. With my youngest I had one follow up scan because they needed a better picture of his heart. I never had one earlier than 16 weeks with any of the three kids. I wonder if it will be different this time since I am 35 and had an early loss last year...time will tell I suppose. It is really hard to wait - I think everyone should be allowed a reassurance scan.
Like others have said it will depend on your doctor, insurance and pregnancy. The 20 week anomaly scan is the most important one.

I had an early dating scan due to erratic cycles with PCOS. I'm with Kaiser and they also cover the 12 week NT scan (in their eyes it's cheaper to be preventative) . The 20 week scan is also standard. Additionally my OB has a basic ultrasound machine in her office, during my last pregnancy she gave me a couple of extra scans when she was concerned about baby's position/weight. Also because I wanted to be allowed to go 14 days overdue I got scanned as part of the fetal non stress test, luckily I only went 3 days over.
Hi there! I'm in the Twin Cities too. Just wanted to let you know that its not uncommon. I only get an early one because I have a history of mc's. With my son I had a ton because of complications. Its nice to only have one, because it means they dont suspect anything to be going wrong with your pregnancy. You can elect for the 12 week one which takes the measurements to see if theres anything to worry about as far as defects are concerned. My insurance did not pay for that one with my son, but we did it anyway, to get to see him again.
In Canada the recommendations by Health Canada is only 1 at 20 weeks. That's it. :wacko:

But, like pp's have said, you can pay for private scans if you like. Also, some doctors do more for different reasons.
This insurance bollox is ridiculous!! I live in the uk and we have the nhs, we all
Get scans at 12 weeks and then 20 and any others if doctors are worried at all! Don't get me wrong your system is good when you have a uber expensive insurance that allows for all sorts of fancy care but not everyone can afford that! Waiting till 20 weeks is way to long to check the bloody bean is ok! Xxx
With dd1 I only got the 20 week scan, and I'm in Canada so it's free. There were no issues, so no reason to do more then the anatomy scan.
I had quite a few more with dd2, as I had spotting then cholestasis at the end. So maybe, 4 or 5.
Also, if mom isn't sure about her dates they usually give a early dating scan :)
I get 3, not counting my NT scan, and I am in the U.S. I have never had a miscarriage, either *knock on wood*. If I did I would get more.
As all pp have said, its going to depend on your pregnancy/history, your Dr/practice, and your insurance. I had an early scan because of my history. Another around 12 weeks to make sure the pregnancy is progressing normally, and I'll have my third this week. Not sure if I'll receive any after that or not.

My sister, on the other hand, had two. One at 20 weeks and one at 34 weeks. But she has gd so they needed to check the size if the baby. If she didn't have gd, sh probably wouldn't have gotten one at 34.
Normally here (an Air Base in Turkey) you only get a 10-12 week scan and a gender scan unless something is wrong. But because of my history, they are doing a scan between next week and the week of Christmas (if mine makes it that long). Honestly I think I may pay out of pocket and get scans every month lol. Since this may be my only one.

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