At what point is a FF baby considered constipated? I've read there should be a poo at least every day, but also no poos for 3 days is considered constipated.
My LO is combifed, which should, in theory, prevent this, but we are coming up on 48 hours with no poos and the last one was like modeling clay
We don't have the same brands of formula you all do but also wondering if anyone has used a non-constipation type of formula and were there any other problems with it?
Brought up this to the HV yesterday as LO had been going longer between poos, but she didn't seem concerned about 24 hours without poo. If we don't get any by tomorrow we will be coming up on 3 days so will call up about it again.
My LO is combifed, which should, in theory, prevent this, but we are coming up on 48 hours with no poos and the last one was like modeling clay
We don't have the same brands of formula you all do but also wondering if anyone has used a non-constipation type of formula and were there any other problems with it?
Brought up this to the HV yesterday as LO had been going longer between poos, but she didn't seem concerned about 24 hours without poo. If we don't get any by tomorrow we will be coming up on 3 days so will call up about it again.