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Contraception and internal confusion about using it....


TTC #1
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
This might sound a tad confusing, so bare with me...

I've had 2 pregnancies in the past both resulting in losses and as much as I am *dying* to have a healthy little baby of my own, I'm kinda terrified of becoming pregnant.

I had a tough time with the miscarriage I had this February, it absolutely killed me inside, and although the pregnancy was unexpected it was something me and my OH were looking forward to... however after the loss, my partner started to distance himself from me, we were hardly intimate and ultimately, less than a month later we spilt at a time I needed him most :(

Only recently we have began speaking again, but I'm wary of him, unable to let him in and I'm moving on... I've been dating someone things are going well..

I've not been feeling well this week, having these almost incapacitating headaches that painkillers can't seem to touch (I'm not a migraine/headache sufferer) and feeling so dizzy and nauseous as well.... I was speaking to an ex-gf about how I was feeling and her first response was... ''you're not pregnant are you?'' I laughed it off but now I checked my dates I realise I'm almost 2 weeks late. I haven't been using contraception admittedly I wasn't thinking and had planned to restart once I got my next af.... I don't know if I'm worried about pregnancy because I don't *feel* pregnant or I'm just trying to ignore the possibility

I feel really confused about contraception, I hate the way the pill affects my body (and I've become pregnant using it in the past), I can't have the shot for medical reasons... the implant was the only thing that worked for me, but that would mean 3 years of not being able to conceive.. as I'm not in a LTR I'm torn between the two, of being cautious and having children properly and just having the baby I ultimately want

Has anyone else here, suffered the turmoil of contraception use.. I see that mainly the women here are in LTR and not single like myself... but I'm interested to hear from anyone on the matter...

thanks a lot in advance

I cant go on any pill due to health reasons, the injection and implant are for the same reason, health issues, then I was left with the coil, I have said no to that cause the hormones in that I had in the pill and they made me bleed constantly till I stopped taking it......Me and the oh however have decided to ntnp, if we werent we would be using condoms, or possibly natural family planning, like using the persona meter or the clear blue fertility monitor.......

I would go get a test and see what you get, it is possible you could be preg hun, are your periods always on time........Take a test and see......
I have the same sort of issues as my mum, she got pregnant on 2 different forms of contraception and it seems that the implant is the only one that has worked for me so far :(

I think I will test, just to make sure... my cycle is usually regular and aside from what i described above I've had a dull lower stomach ache much like period pain but not as painful..

I didn't really have symptoms with my last pregnancy, I tested 'just in case' so who knows :)
I agree, your first action must be to take a HPT. I hope you get the result you want.
If I were you, I'd probably just stick with condoms.
You can get the implant removed! I had mine removed after 7 months. We are in the same boat as we are ntnp but i dont want to back on pill as i have been using it for 13 years! I cant have the coil and put 3 stone on with the implant so im not having that again. Jaden was conceived on the pill and using condoms so i have little faith in them.

Is hard as the other option is charting and just not having sex around fertile times :-(

hope you get sorted soon hun. And take a test in a few days if AF doesnt show.

I did a HPT on friday which was -ve :( I think I've got my af now, why I say think is that its different to what I'm used to - I've been cramping constantly since thursday in the same place, just below my belly button just off centre and on saturday morning when I wiped I saw brown blood/CM I wore a pad thinking its af on its way but nothing has gotten to it - I only see anything when I wipe its now sunday and I'm not experiencing what I would call a 'normal' af - no fresh bleeding, still have dull pain

Its all confusing *shrugs*
I did a HPT on friday which was -ve :( I think I've got my af now, why I say think is that its different to what I'm used to - I've been cramping constantly since thursday in the same place, just below my belly button just off centre and on saturday morning when I wiped I saw brown blood/CM I wore a pad thinking its af on its way but nothing has gotten to it - I only see anything when I wipe its now sunday and I'm not experiencing what I would call a 'normal' af - no fresh bleeding, still have dull pain

Its all confusing *shrugs*

My AF lasted 3 weeks after having the implant out. It is different for everyone but its just your body's way of getting back to normal.


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