I was on the pill for years, and it was only when I came off it to TTC that I realised how much it affected me - my mood and my sex drive both improved a lot!
I decided not to go back to it, so we use condoms instead.
The only 1 of those I object to is the coil - it bothers me that the egg is fertilised but not allowed to implant, whereas the others the egg is not fertilised. Feels a little wrong to me, much as I know I'm being silly!
It's not silly to feel uncomfortable about that, but that's not what happens. I researched into the copper coil before getting it (I'm not sure what the mirena does but I assume it's similar but with hormones) the primary function of the copper coil is to stop fertilisation, the copper released changes the fluids so that sperm dies before reaching the egg. Nothing is 100% and on the rare chance an egg is fertilised, yes, the coil will stop implantation, so obviously this
can happen, but does not happen every month, so I can understand why someone may object if it can possibly happen without you able to do anything between fertilisation and implantation.
The coil can be used similarly to the morning after pill in that they will insert it after unprotected sex as a way of stopping implantation, but as I say primarily it is designed to stop fertilisation.
But I don't think it's silly to feel uncomfortable about it, it would me too if I thought it could happen every month, I am extremely fertile and have fallen pregnant both times I have had unprotected sex so it really would nt sit well with me