I posted the below in another thread earlier, hope it helps. The cost I pay for just a consultation is £120, I can't remember how much my lap and dye was as the insurance company paid but it was about £2000 I think as they charge for everything little thing such as anesthetist, surgeon, theatre etc. If you need to know anything else just let me know and I'll try and help xx
We've gone private for all of our treatment so far as the NHS waiting list was soooo long, although we're still on that in case we need it. Everything is so much quicker privately, at my first consultation he did an ultrasound and I was booked in for my lap and dye the following week. We went through our work insurance for everything up until going for IUI - totalled up the bills the other day and the insurance company paid out £4500 - no wonder they said they weren't paying anymore!! Although because it was being paid for think I had a few consulatations I probably didn't really need and wouldn't have had if were paying for it ourselves at that point. I had IUI last month and that cost us with everything included about £2200, the actual treatment was £1000 but we had to pay for the drugs on top of that and then both had to go for blood tests again and they alone for both of us were about £800. We haven't got to have the bloods done again when we try IUI next month so that at least brings the costs down a bit. It's not cheap to go private but its worth it, has definitely kept me sane, I would have completely lost the plot I think if I was still waiting for NHS. If you need to know anything else just let me know xx