Cramping, ovulation, new here, and confused


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
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Hello everyone. I am new to this site but have heard lots of good things about it. If I give you a brief history can you help?

Usual cycle length from 28 to 33 days.
Currently on CD20
Think i ovulated on September 7th - by CM (very egg white)
Bd'd at all the right times around then.

Since then had slight twinging and cramping in lower abd uterus area.
2 days ago - sharp cramps x 2 for about 15 mins.

Since then yesterday crampy but today not much going on.
No sore boobs or anything.

There is thick creamy almost lotion like CM - and only if i go looking for it - none on my underwear (tmi).

I am confused at my body signs. Do you think these are good symptoms? Also when would you do a preg test?
Sounds good to me hun but maybe its a little early yet to test.... could give it a try though but believe me its an expensive hobby! lol

Godd Luck :D
Hi hun :hi:

I am not too sure about the CM :?

As for the cramps, it could be a good sign.......but then how many of us have been there and got excited for nothing to happen :( So I don't want to get your hopes up, but it could be implantation cramps?!

As for testing, if your cycle is a max of 33 days, it would be that day I would test to be sure!

Good luck hun, I have everything crossed for you!! [-o<

Hi :wave:

I'm on CD20 too and my cycles vary between 28 and 33 days, ooh we're so close, how exciting.

I ovulated a little later than you though but I have cramps now and again and a lot of creamy CM and I mean knicker wetting :oops: . But to be honest I'm like this every month so I try not to get worked up, just in case.

Wed 27th Sept is day 33 so I'll probably test around then or maybe the day before.

Fingers crossed for you [-o<

Charm X
Normally implantation happens about 7-10 days after Ovulation...
So would be about right.
Have you been charting or anything or just going off of CM?

Welcome to the forum, i hope this is your month to get your BFP!!

Ohhh C!!

Good luck to you too hun!!

Thanks for your advice girls. I can't beleive that we are both on the same cycle! That is sooo cool.

I havent been doing the temps. I spoke to my doc about it - and she said not to because mine have been wierd and it its stressing me out. She also said that I have enough CM to note what is really going on :)

When are you gonig to test? On the 27th on CD33?
Are you kidding I'm a peestickaholic :lol:

I'll probably test sat 23rd and everyday for a week. I buy cheapies from Ebay and use those.
But I will do a proper test on the 27th Day 33 with a clearblue normal (just in case).

Good luck [-o< and let us know when you test.

Charm X
Thanks Mrs E. I will let you know! Let me know about yours too. I haven't found anyone with teh same cycle as me yet!! It's neat!
I love having a cycle buddy!
Me and Arcane Girl were cycle buddies, till she decided that she didn't want to anymore and is now 7 days behind me! lol!!!
(damn our irregular cycles! lol!)

Its great knowing that someone is at the same stage of their cycle as you!!

AF is due for me on the 6th October, so still awhile away for me at the moment! lol!!

If you have a look in the testing dates thread we're all on there i think!

Tam - you are pregnant right? What were your symptoms of pregnancy before it was confirmed by BFP?
:lol: Believe it or not babe, it was the one month I had NO symptoms at all, but...............

I did go giddy in the shower and nearly fell out a couple of times, and the clencher was when I was shopping in Tesco's and I had bad backache, I decided to do a test when I got home...........the best bit was, we were looking at baby clothes in Tesco's (nephew's B'day) and I said, "how about getting the clothes and not worrying about having a baby" (only coz they are so cute LOL). I got my BFP that same day :dance: so I get the clothes & the baby :dance:

I know it is easier said than done, but do your best to try and take it in your stride, I swear by not being the month I was we didn't catch!

Best of luck babe!

Hi Tam,

Thanks for the advice. I must say i started off this month not being obsessive - then I hit the TWW and it has been a bit stressul. I went to my fam doctor cos i was sure I had ovulated EWCM, mood change, cramps etc... but my temps went up and then back down and then up again (i'm new at charting) and it got me all stressed out. She said to me that I know my body and I know what EWCM is and that is the sign i should go by. SHe told me to stop charting which I did. It made me feel so much better not to be taking my temp in the morning... it was making me paranoid and stressed and I examined my things too much.

So i got better - then wham two week wait, started to get abd cramping and got all obsessive about baby symptoms.

I guess in some ways I am more relaxed... when I am at home I don't think about it much - but at work - i think about it all the time - i have a lot of time to think at work.

Only time will tell I guess.

Thanks for your advice. I think next month I will try not to think about it too much
jilligan said:
I guess in some ways I am more relaxed... when I am at home I don't think about it much - but at work - i think about it all the time - i have a lot of time to think at work.

Ooh me too, I like my job and the people I work with but Its so quiet and I'm in the office alone quite a lot (hence so many daytime posts :oops: ) so I have tons of time to myself to think. I so can't wait for that maternity break :toothpick:

I know what you mean. I only use these things at work. I can do it between all my other jobs and it doesnt interfere with work too much.

It is easy to get on here and start searching the net for different things.

Hang in there hun - i am sure we will get BFP at some point - soon hopefully
jilligan said:
Hi Tam,

Thanks for the advice. I must say i started off this month not being obsessive - then I hit the TWW and it has been a bit stressul. I went to my fam doctor cos i was sure I had ovulated EWCM, mood change, cramps etc... but my temps went up and then back down and then up again (i'm new at charting) and it got me all stressed out. She said to me that I know my body and I know what EWCM is and that is the sign i should go by. SHe told me to stop charting which I did. It made me feel so much better not to be taking my temp in the morning... it was making me paranoid and stressed and I examined my things too much.

So i got better - then wham two week wait, started to get abd cramping and got all obsessive about baby symptoms.

I guess in some ways I am more relaxed... when I am at home I don't think about it much - but at work - i think about it all the time - i have a lot of time to think at work.

Only time will tell I guess.

Thanks for your advice. I think next month I will try not to think about it too much

I know it is easier said than done hun, but try to make yourself busy, what about decorating a new room or getting a project on the go, so you are more wrapped up in that then TTC?! I was lucky as I had a lot on my mind that month, and it took over the TTC, I had actually found a lump (99% chance it is all OK) but I was thinking and worrying about that, so TTC was not my main priority for the month. Although I made sure we BD every night, but I also used that to take my mind off of other far as Paul was concerned, we were not even trying that month as I was so obsessed the month before, he was really pleased I was giving myself a really all of the stress was taken out of TTC!

I then got told the lump was nothing to worry about...............then BINGO with a BFP!!! :dance:

I really wish you all the best of luck!!
First of all - i am glad that your lump turned out to be nothing worrysome.

Second of all - i will try to take your advice. Did you still come on here or did you even take a break from this?

I don't think I will be able to come on this our bounty if I am trying not to think about it - they both get me really involved in it... what would you recommend?

Congratulations on your BFP. Send any remaining baby dust that you have to me :D
Thanks hun :hugs:

No I still came on here, as you can have a good laugh and still forget about things........just stay out of the TTC forum and hang around in the General natter bit..........the girls are great and you can just let your hair down. Not only that if yo uatre having a bad day, feel free to have a good rant, you soon feel better with the support on here!

That's how I did it anyway.......just kept me mentally active, sent me bonkers in the process, but hey ho! :wink:

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