Hi All...
My Ex made it perfectly clear he wasnt very interested in our daughter or our relationship from around me being 6 months pregnant.
He has met her three times, and the last time it was for 45 minutes and then he text saying he didnt think it would be wise to see each other again as it was to 'painful'. So I said fine and left it at that.
Anyway - he is totally unreliable has been since we got together really. He is up to his eyeballs in debt and has another daughter that he doesnt want to see and who he didnt pay anything for for years so is now paying off an £8000 CSA debt.
The CSA take the maximum off him each month that they can, so it wouldnt affect him monthly if I did claim CSA, he would just be paying his arrears for longer.
Thing is Im starting to struggle finacially, and I am considering claimung maint through the CSA. Question is - if I do this will he be allowed access to my daughter?
He isnt on the birth cert and hasnt been in touch since she was 8 weeks old.
I DONT want him anywhere near her. He has never bothered with her before and I feel that if he did request access it would be more out of spite than actual want to see her.
I personally think he will be too lazy to fight anything and he cant afford a legal battle... BUT I'm just scared he will make this request and they will grant access because she is so young......
Any advice or should I just struggle on to make sure that he cant get near her?
My Ex made it perfectly clear he wasnt very interested in our daughter or our relationship from around me being 6 months pregnant.
He has met her three times, and the last time it was for 45 minutes and then he text saying he didnt think it would be wise to see each other again as it was to 'painful'. So I said fine and left it at that.
Anyway - he is totally unreliable has been since we got together really. He is up to his eyeballs in debt and has another daughter that he doesnt want to see and who he didnt pay anything for for years so is now paying off an £8000 CSA debt.
The CSA take the maximum off him each month that they can, so it wouldnt affect him monthly if I did claim CSA, he would just be paying his arrears for longer.
Thing is Im starting to struggle finacially, and I am considering claimung maint through the CSA. Question is - if I do this will he be allowed access to my daughter?
He isnt on the birth cert and hasnt been in touch since she was 8 weeks old.
I DONT want him anywhere near her. He has never bothered with her before and I feel that if he did request access it would be more out of spite than actual want to see her.
I personally think he will be too lazy to fight anything and he cant afford a legal battle... BUT I'm just scared he will make this request and they will grant access because she is so young......
Any advice or should I just struggle on to make sure that he cant get near her?