Currently CD 3 and looking for a buddy!

Hi ladies! I'm on CD8.

The hubby and I just recently decided to have our first little one so we are very excited! Trying not to think about it too much though, as difficult as that might be :winkwink:

I'm showing low today but would love to join you all on our journey! Will update here and there! :flower:
Hi ladies! I'm on CD8.

The hubby and I just recently decided to have our first little one so we are very excited! Trying not to think about it too much though, as difficult as that might be :winkwink:

I'm showing low today but would love to join you all on our journey! Will update here and there! :flower:

Welcome! I'm CD6 today. I'm going to take my first EVER OPK test strip tonight, lol. (Can you tell i'm excited to try them?) How long have you been TTC? Keep us updated and good luck!
Hey girls, im also on CD3 and on my 2nd month TTC, have been WTT for a while now! Im 30 yrs and a mother of one 5yr old and been with my husband 14 yrs, married for 3. First pregnancy was a welcome suprise, wasnt trying! I have irregular cycles anything from 26 days to 63, and actually got preg after 1st AF with my first child (however had no AF for 1.5yrs after stopping BC pills before that, tests for pcos inconclusive) Last cycle was 28 days tho so im hoping that maybe my body will finally be getting more regular. Will be using opk this month due to irregular cycles n hopefully will catch it on the right day! Be good to share with people at the same stage in cycle and compare notes! Good luck everyone ;-)
Meant got preg after first AF following being on BC pills- first ever AF!! Ha!
Hey girls, im also on CD3 and on my 2nd month TTC, have been WTT for a while now! Im 30 yrs and a mother of one 5yr old and been with my husband 14 yrs, married for 3. First pregnancy was a welcome suprise, wasnt trying! I have irregular cycles anything from 26 days to 63, and actually got preg after 1st AF with my first child (however had no AF for 1.5yrs after stopping BC pills before that, tests for pcos inconclusive) Last cycle was 28 days tho so im hoping that maybe my body will finally be getting more regular. Will be using opk this month due to irregular cycles n hopefully will catch it on the right day! Be good to share with people at the same stage in cycle and compare notes! Good luck everyone ;-)

Good luck, keep us updated!

I took my first OPK this morning, the line was very light (as expected). I want to take one every morning until CD11 (then ill take one in the morning and one at night) to see exactly when the line starts getting darker. I'm keeping all of them and labeling them to keep them in order. Pics later when my surge comes!
Got my first high today on CD9 with the CBEFM. Seems knd of early for me but it is my first month using it and it's still "getting to know me" as they said. I am expecting to have my OD sometime this coming weekend so I suppose it's not too far off!

Started taking prenatals three days ago. Really praying that I'm one of those that gets the BFP on the first cycle using the CBEFM!!!
Got my first high today on CD9 with the CBEFM. Seems knd of early for me but it is my first month using it and it's still "getting to know me" as they said. I am expecting to have my OD sometime this coming weekend so I suppose it's not too far off!

Started taking prenatals three days ago. Really praying that I'm one of those that gets the BFP on the first cycle using the CBEFM!!!

Good luck!
I'm excited to see which day I get my surge on. It always suprises me when people say, "I wasn't getting my BFP then the first time I used OPKs, they said I ovulated on CD18 & I got pregnant!" :) makes me hopeful. On the other hand, I'm pretty nervous that I'm not going to ovulate at all. Hoping for the best though!
Hi ladies, jumping in a bit late but do you mind if I join? I also have long and irregular cycles, 38 days last time so the wait for the big O is so long! Then I have a long luteal phase of about 16 days so I guess it would be great to have buddies to wait with.
I have 2 kids (2 & nearly 4). Didnt have any trouble concieving them but have had a couple of mc's and ttc last month with no luck. Wondering if it was because I O'd on day 21.

I use cheap opk's starting on about day 13, they are so hard to read though so I also back up with a clearblue digital when I think its a positive with the cheapies. Its great to get a firm positive rather than driving yourself crazy wondering if the line is dark enough to be positive!

Cant really talk to my husband about all this, he thinks I get a bit obsessive and should just wait but the 2ww is so hard and my mind and body tricks me into thinking that every little thing is a sign of pregnancy, anyone else do that?
Hi ladies, jumping in a bit late but do you mind if I join? I also have long and irregular cycles, 38 days last time so the wait for the big O is so long! Then I have a long luteal phase of about 16 days so I guess it would be great to have buddies to wait with.
I have 2 kids (2 & nearly 4). Didnt have any trouble concieving them but have had a couple of mc's and ttc last month with no luck. Wondering if it was because I O'd on day 21.

I use cheap opk's starting on about day 13, they are so hard to read though so I also back up with a clearblue digital when I think its a positive with the cheapies. Its great to get a firm positive rather than driving yourself crazy wondering if the line is dark enough to be positive!

Cant really talk to my husband about all this, he thinks I get a bit obsessive and should just wait but the 2ww is so hard and my mind and body tricks me into thinking that every little thing is a sign of pregnancy, anyone else do that?

Haha, I'm with you on thinking every little thing your body does could be a sign of pregnancy. I don't really rely on "symptoms" because I drive myself nuts! It seems like all I want to talk about is TTC and I don't want to push OH off the idea or make him less excited about it by constantly obsessing over it. That's why I'm glad I found this website! Agreed - the 2WW is ridiiiiculous! Especially for women with longer cycles. After I get that BFN I just want :witch: to get here and do her business so I can try again in the next cycle! I also am using the cheap Internet OPKs (50 plus 25 pregnancy tests for like $13!) so I'm interested to see how well they work for me, or if I'll have to break down and buy a more expensive kind. I got my BFP after BDing on CD14 with my oldest son and another BFP after BDing on CD13 with my youngest, so I expect my surge to be anywhere around CD13 and 15. (I don't know if that's going to happen, especially with my long, irregular cycles, but we will see!)

Keep it up everyone! :hugs:
I get my O around cd15-16 according to my temps, so I'm not gonna start with OPKs till closer to time.
My temp was way low yesterday but DH was sick and woke me up early, so I assume that's what caused it.
I expect a few wonky readings this month. I've been working evening shift for months, and starting Wednesday I am working first shift for a week, then the following week I'm supposed to switch back to nights again --- but its for a good reason, training for a promotion! Could throw off my temps and O day, so this will be my first month using OPKs
:hug:Yeah, the confusing thing is that pregnancy and the witch seems to have the same symptoms, even down to throwing up in the morning. It is so all consuming that it is really hard to try not to nit pick every little thing but it does drive you crazy. Exactly why I started looking for forum, I have never been on one before but thought it would be great to connect with others who are going through the same thing.
Def recommend the clearblue digital opk, it takes the guess work out of it, it will be interesting to see how you go using them for the first time. With my boy it wasnt till after I got a BFP that I realised the opk was positve on the day I 'thought' it might be, although that was at the start of my baby making journey. Thats why I decided to go straight for the digital ones for my daughter, but they are really expensive here (in New Zealand) about $65-70 US$ for 7 tests so its quite an investment! Luckily it worked first time with her so only had to fork out once.
Really looking forward to the big O this month but its still at least 10 days away so enjoying a couple of wines and some sushi till then! Good luck everyone!
I get my O around cd15-16 according to my temps, so I'm not gonna start with OPKs till closer to time.
My temp was way low yesterday but DH was sick and woke me up early, so I assume that's what caused it.
I expect a few wonky readings this month. I've been working evening shift for months, and starting Wednesday I am working first shift for a week, then the following week I'm supposed to switch back to nights again --- but its for a good reason, training for a promotion! Could throw off my temps and O day, so this will be my first month using OPKs

Good luck with your training! I just started a new second job today & hoping to make it a full time job - much more convinent hours for the kids!
:hug:Yeah, the confusing thing is that pregnancy and the witch seems to have the same symptoms, even down to throwing up in the morning. It is so all consuming that it is really hard to try not to nit pick every little thing but it does drive you crazy. Exactly why I started looking for forum, I have never been on one before but thought it would be great to connect with others who are going through the same thing.
Def recommend the clearblue digital opk, it takes the guess work out of it, it will be interesting to see how you go using them for the first time. With my boy it wasnt till after I got a BFP that I realised the opk was positve on the day I 'thought' it might be, although that was at the start of my baby making journey. Thats why I decided to go straight for the digital ones for my daughter, but they are really expensive here (in New Zealand) about $65-70 US$ for 7 tests so its quite an investment! Luckily it worked first time with her so only had to fork out once.
Really looking forward to the big O this month but its still at least 10 days away so enjoying a couple of wines and some sushi till then! Good luck everyone!

Wow! I have never priced out any OPKs besides the super cheapies that I ordered. $70 IS an investment! I'll try the cheapies for awhile and see if they work for me. I took another tonight (CD8) and the line is the same as last night, you can see it clearly but it's not a positive or even close to positive. I can't wait for them to start getting darker! :happydance:
I'm on CD 12 and the CBEFM said "high" again today.

I also use an Android App called "My Days" which I use to keep track of when I get my period, when we DTD, etc. It charts everything and tells me when I'm high fertility, ovulating and when I should expect my period. It's a great app especially for those of us that are irregular. I really recommend it.

According to this app, my "high" days begin tomorrow (Thursday) and the CBEFM started registering "high" on Monday. It's not too far off so I'm assuming since it's my first month using the CBEFM that it's "getting to know me" still.

Anyways, hubby and I are getting to work so I'm really hoping for that BFP in a few weeks!

How are the rest of you doing?
hi, yeah I downloaded a similar app, it is good for keeping an eye on your cycle. Although mine is quite irregular so Im not sure how well it will work. Ill still have to use OPKs and check cm. Is cbefm a fertilty monitor? How does that work?
yeah its crazy, everything like that is so expensive here, I guess its got to do with being at the bottom of the world! Will be interested to see how you go with interpreting the lines, I find it really hard to tell if they match or not, exciting!
I think I might start testing in a couple of days, still too early for me.
I also have an app on my Blackberry, simply called period tracker. It "guesses" fertile day and such based only on numbers of days, (but I don't put much stock in days only of course) but its real handy for tracking everything else too. It does NOT have a good temp chart though, so I have finally cracked into my old FF account and simply made a clickable bookmark to my chart. If you can use FF you don't need anything else, because I haven't found any apps to be as good as FF.
First early morning training day today, went pretty smoothly! Was a little rough waking up at 6, coz I never got up before 9 in the past several months. I ended up thrashing around a lot, looking for my alarm clock and didn't bother to temp after all that thrashing lol
CD9 today, plan to start with the OPK's about CD12. I can get a 20-pack at Target for a reasonable price, and my sister gave me about half a tube of Preseed for this cycle.
I've looked into Geritol, my Walmart carries it. Doesn't seem to have much in it so I wonder what the magic ingredient is?? At 12% alcohol I wonder if its the booze! LOL I've always figured it was alcohol that got people pregnant. But since I will be Oing about next payday, I guess I will try the Geritol next cycle so I can take it pre-O and maybe there will be a baby in my bottle --- er, bottles. At 8 servings per bottle it will take almost 4 for a cycle! But its like $3.50/bottle so even 4 bottles isn't a huge cost investment.
hi, yeah I downloaded a similar app, it is good for keeping an eye on your cycle. Although mine is quite irregular so Im not sure how well it will work. Ill still have to use OPKs and check cm. Is cbefm a fertilty monitor? How does that work?

Yes, it's the ClearBlue Easy Fertility monitor and I'm on my first month using it. Every morning you take a urine sample and the monitor reads it. It's digital so it's super easy to read. It tells you your six most fertile days. I'm really excited about it since it has received awesome reviews. Hoping for my first ever BFP this month!
I've been trying out the different apps on my iPhone for tracking my fertile days and what not, but I have 9 different apps (put in the same info in all of them) and they ALL say I ovulate on different t days! Not only different days, but completely different weeks! Those just don't work for me because my cycles are so irregular, I think. I do like the FF mobile app because I can record my findings (CM, OPK results, etc).
hi, yeah I downloaded a similar app, it is good for keeping an eye on your cycle. Although mine is quite irregular so Im not sure how well it will work. Ill still have to use OPKs and check cm. Is cbefm a fertilty monitor? How does that work?

Yes, it's the ClearBlue Easy Fertility monitor and I'm on my first month using it. Every morning you take a urine sample and the monitor reads it. It's digital so it's super easy to read. It tells you your six most fertile days. I'm really excited about it since it has received awesome reviews. Hoping for my first ever BFP this month!

Can you use the ClearBlue Easy Fertility monitor as many times as you want?

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