I am definitely having one of the two performed...I just haven't decided which one. Please help me clarify the issues. CVS can be done earlier (five weeks earlier) than amnio. Thus, if there is a problem, and I decide on termination...I can make that difficult decision still in the first trimester. I believe terminations are safer and physically easier the earlier in the pregnancy they are performed. CVS and amnio are the same level of accuracy with respect to genetic disorders. CVS does NOT test for nueral tube disorders; amnio does! Both CVS and amnio appear to have the same relative risk of miscarriage. CVS, however, appears to have, perhaps, a few more risks to the baby (other than miscarriage) that I have not read in relation to amnio. Amnio seems to be the more widely performed test--it has been around longer. Please offer more insight. Note: I absolutely respect people's decisions regarding termination--whatever your view points are on the subject. Personally, I would strongly consider termination based on the results. That is why I am choosing to have the genetic testing versus simply blood work and ultrasound. I feel I need the most accurate answer...even with the miscarriage risk. I will be 35 at delivery with no known genetic disorders in my or my boyfriend's family.