CVS vs. Amnio [update on blood test results]


I have a beautiful boy!
Aug 23, 2011
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I am definitely having one of the two performed...I just haven't decided which one. Please help me clarify the issues. CVS can be done earlier (five weeks earlier) than amnio. Thus, if there is a problem, and I decide on termination...I can make that difficult decision still in the first trimester. I believe terminations are safer and physically easier the earlier in the pregnancy they are performed. CVS and amnio are the same level of accuracy with respect to genetic disorders. CVS does NOT test for nueral tube disorders; amnio does! Both CVS and amnio appear to have the same relative risk of miscarriage. CVS, however, appears to have, perhaps, a few more risks to the baby (other than miscarriage) that I have not read in relation to amnio. Amnio seems to be the more widely performed test--it has been around longer. Please offer more insight. Note: I absolutely respect people's decisions regarding termination--whatever your view points are on the subject. Personally, I would strongly consider termination based on the results. That is why I am choosing to have the genetic testing versus simply blood work and ultrasound. I feel I need the most accurate answer...even with the miscarriage risk. I will be 35 at delivery with no known genetic disorders in my or my boyfriend's family.
For me when I do get pregnant again (Trying in October) I will for sure do the CVS, reason though is I lost my Ava in March 2011 at 18 and a half weeks, i gave birth to her and we buried her on 3/11/2011.
I had my three boys at 21,23 and 30 then a total accident happened when I was 40 I got pregnant :cloud9::cloud9: Very unexpected we were done my kids are 20,17 and 11. I had no idea of any risks at my age, i was blind I guess I just knew I had 3 healthy pregnancies ate what i wanted and I was fine. They tell me I lost Ava because of a chromosomal abnormality but they don't know which one, they tell me they are 90 percent sure that is why she died . My point is I didn't find out till I was 18 and half weeks that she was gone and I gave birth to her as I didn't want a D and E very different than a D and C. After 15 weeks a D and E is all that can be performed or you can choose to give birth most doctors however don't recommend that. So now at 41 I plan on trying again and god forbid something is wrong I will know way earlier with the CVS, not saying it would be any less hurtful to me if I had to make a hard choice about the pregnancy but easier on my body at 11 or 12 weeks than at 18 and half.
There are no genetic disorders what happens ,happens at conception and most are random a fluke some are genetic but you would and should be tested for that. Mine was random and most are and most terminate themselves in the first trimester mine didn't mine happened in the second, unfortunately

I wish you all the best and I am sure you will be just fine..XOOXOO :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
thank you for your response, and I am so sorry for your loss. You bring to light a very good point--which is that there are certain genetic defects that will definitely result in a is just at what point in the pregnancy will you find out. in your case, with a CVS you and your significant other could have been armed with the information much earlier on. Without the CVS you were really taken completely off guard in the most devastating of ways. i am so sorry.
thank you for your response, and I am so sorry for your loss. You bring to light a very good point--which is that there are certain genetic defects that will definitely result in a is just at what point in the pregnancy will you find out. in your case, with a CVS you and your significant other could have been armed with the information much earlier on. Without the CVS you were really taken completely off guard in the most devastating of ways. i am so sorry.

Thank you. There is just no question that if I do get pregnant CVS is going to be done for sure, I just can't go through this again. My doctor did say they usually abort themselves most genetic disorders but some do not some abort later on in the pregnancy or some babies are born and live for minutes or days, it just depends. it is just heartbreaking :cry::cry::cry: I wish you all the best :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:s
I've decided I will be having the tests too,it's something that we have both decided right from the start.My kids are 12 and 13 and back then it wasn't even something you would think about but now that I'm 37 I am,worries me sick too.So sorry to hear your loss andypanda6570,all the best for the future :hugs: xx
I've decided I will be having the tests too,it's something that we have both decided right from the start.My kids are 12 and 13 and back then it wasn't even something you would think about but now that I'm 37 I am,worries me sick too.So sorry to hear your loss andypanda6570,all the best for the future :hugs: xx

You are so sweet, thank you XOXOXO :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: I wish you all the best also,XOXOOX

We are in the same position as you, and have already had a failed CVS this week at 12/13 weeks. (The sample did not contain enough to run the tests on) Am possibly going for Amnio in a couple of weeks. Still got to confirm.

I am sure whatever decision you make it will be fine, we have had to accept the failure of the CVS and move on. Feeling quite positive at the mo, as the scans have revealed a very active baby!!

Good Luck!!

We are in the same position as you, and have already had a failed CVS this week at 12/13 weeks. (The sample did not contain enough to run the tests on) Am possibly going for Amnio in a couple of weeks. Still got to confirm.

I am sure whatever decision you make it will be fine, we have had to accept the failure of the CVS and move on. Feeling quite positive at the mo, as the scans have revealed a very active baby!!

Good Luck!!

thanks for your post. yikes...having to go through a CVS and have it not work! I guess that is something i haven't considered. At least there is the amnio. Hey...did the CVS hurt? (I know, I know...child birth will hurt much more).
Hi I was 35 and did the NT scan and bloods. I decided that based on those results I would consider a more invasive test like CVS or amnio. I didn't have to make that decision because everything came back great.
Good luck.
Hi I was 35 and did the NT scan and bloods. I decided that based on those results I would consider a more invasive test like CVS or amnio. I didn't have to make that decision because everything came back great.
Good luck.

I don't want to have a false sense of security. Does anyone have anymore accuracy statistics on the screening? 79-90% accuracy when combines with bloods.

Since I had no family history of genetic defects on either side of the family, I didn't feel the risk, for myself, was worth it for a more invasive test.

If you really want to know for sure, then I'd suggest the CVS since you'll know sooner and the risk is the same vs amnio. (plus you get to find the gender out sooner and 100% for sure)
thanks for your post. yikes...having to go through a CVS and have it not work! I guess that is something i haven't considered. At least there is the amnio. Hey...did the CVS hurt? (I know, I know...child birth will hurt much more).

CVS didn't really hurt, but was certainly not pleasant (I have have a little phobia of needles to cope with too!). The worst part was the failure, and you do ache for a few days afterwards. Child birth will/does hurt more, but at least you get something nice at the end :winkwink:

I have been told that Amnio is less unpleasant and quicker, but still achy afterwards.

Hope I am not putting you off, I totally understand the reasons behind these tests, and wouldn't be going through them all myself if they weren't so important to my husband and I.

All the best and keep us posted.

xx 79-90% accuracy when combines with bloods.

Since I had no family history of genetic defects on either side of the family, I didn't feel the risk, for myself, was worth it for a more invasive test.

If you really want to know for sure, then I'd suggest the CVS since you'll know sooner and the risk is the same vs amnio. (plus you get to find the gender out sooner and 100% for sure)

There does not have to be a family history, it happens at conception and has nothing to do with a family history for the most part it is random and a fluke. Trisomies, down syndrome and others . I know someone who was 24 who had a baby with DS and had absolutely no family history, my aunt has DS (she is 57) and we tested her and it was not genetic . Back then in 1954 when my aunt was born it was called a change of life baby, my grandmother had her my aunt at 35. While there are instances of people being carriers of certain genetic disorders for the most part it is random and can happen at any age (Although 35 and over are at an increased risk) I was 40 when I lost Ava they think to a defect and neither I or my husband have ANY family history of anything . So I am just trying to say that you don't need to have a family history of something to be effected god forbid by a genetic disorder , it can happen to anyone, unfortunately . :flower: 79-90% accuracy when combines with bloods.

Since I had no family history of genetic defects on either side of the family, I didn't feel the risk, for myself, was worth it for a more invasive test.

If you really want to know for sure, then I'd suggest the CVS since you'll know sooner and the risk is the same vs amnio. (plus you get to find the gender out sooner and 100% for sure)

There does not have to be a family history, it happens at conception and has nothing to do with a family history for the most part it is random and a fluke. Trisomies, down syndrome and others . I know someone who was 24 who had a baby with DS and had absolutely no family history, my aunt has DS (she is 57) and we tested her and it was not genetic . Back then in 1954 when my aunt was born it was called a change of life baby, my grandmother had her my aunt at 35. While there are instances of people being carriers of certain genetic disorders for the most part it is random and can happen at any age (Although 35 and over are at an increased risk) I was 40 when I lost Ava they think to a defect and neither I or my husband have ANY family history of anything . So I am just trying to say that you don't need to have a family history of something to be effected god forbid by a genetic disorder , it can happen to anyone, unfortunately . :flower:

Oh, I 100% agree, which is why we did the NT and blood tests, but for myself that was enough because we had no history, so I didn't feel the need to test further. I completely understand why someone would prefer to do more tests with more accuracy. I was simply stating my reasons for deciding not to test further. :flower: 79-90% accuracy when combines with bloods.

Since I had no family history of genetic defects on either side of the family, I didn't feel the risk, for myself, was worth it for a more invasive test.

If you really want to know for sure, then I'd suggest the CVS since you'll know sooner and the risk is the same vs amnio. (plus you get to find the gender out sooner and 100% for sure)

There does not have to be a family history, it happens at conception and has nothing to do with a family history for the most part it is random and a fluke. Trisomies, down syndrome and others . I know someone who was 24 who had a baby with DS and had absolutely no family history, my aunt has DS (she is 57) and we tested her and it was not genetic . Back then in 1954 when my aunt was born it was called a change of life baby, my grandmother had her my aunt at 35. While there are instances of people being carriers of certain genetic disorders for the most part it is random and can happen at any age (Although 35 and over are at an increased risk) I was 40 when I lost Ava they think to a defect and neither I or my husband have ANY family history of anything . So I am just trying to say that you don't need to have a family history of something to be effected god forbid by a genetic disorder , it can happen to anyone, unfortunately . :flower:

Oh, I 100% agree, which is why we did the NT and blood tests, but for myself that was enough because we had no history, so I didn't feel the need to test further. I completely understand why someone would prefer to do more tests with more accuracy. I was simply stating my reasons for deciding not to test further. :flower:

Noooo i don't want you to think i do not agree, I think if your NT comes out good then no I would not have the CVS or Amnio cause there are more tests they can give at 16 weeks and 20 weeks following a good NT (Ultrasounds/Markers) but my NT measurements were fine for Ava it was my blood that didn't come out so good. I was 1 in 87 for Trisomy and 1 in 100 for DS but I for sure would not have scheduled Amnio if my numbers were better, but I think with age your numbers might not be good and the baby is fine. This scares me but being 41 and getting pregnant Amnio is pretty much 100% I have to get / :hugs::hugs::hugs:
They did tell me my loss was not due to DS because her measurements were perfect, they think it may have been trisomy but they are not sure cause her cells did not grow, so I will never know,.The doctor said it was a fluke it happens and to start trying right away, very easy for him to say. I lost Ava at 18 weeks and it's been 6 months not so easy to just try again.. Sometimes these doctors are cold.
andypanda - so sorry for your loss

i just had my cvs done. i chose it for reasons stated can find out sooner and make decisions sooner...i would say for those that would not do anything different (eg termination) then taking a chance with an invasive procedure might not be the best approach...but i am 44 and at this stage of the game, many many eggs may not divide normally and therefore produce an abnormal embryo owing to higher rates of miscarraige in older women...the genetic counselor informed me that largely one would miscarry before week 12, but as has been mentioned here too, sometimes that doesn't happen and the baby is carried longer---such a tough decision, but i am glad i did it

i would say that it is important to find someone who really knows what they are doing when it comes to cvs...not everyone has done a million of them as they have probably done amnio...and was a slightly unpleasant experience, but didn't last long!

Baby dust everyone!
andypanda - so sorry for your loss

i just had my cvs done. i chose it for reasons stated can find out sooner and make decisions sooner...i would say for those that would not do anything different (eg termination) then taking a chance with an invasive procedure might not be the best approach...but i am 44 and at this stage of the game, many many eggs may not divide normally and therefore produce an abnormal embryo owing to higher rates of miscarraige in older women...the genetic counselor informed me that largely one would miscarry before week 12, but as has been mentioned here too, sometimes that doesn't happen and the baby is carried longer---such a tough decision, but i am glad i did it

i would say that it is important to find someone who really knows what they are doing when it comes to cvs...not everyone has done a million of them as they have probably done amnio...and was a slightly unpleasant experience, but didn't last long!

Baby dust everyone!

I am so happy for you, congrats, that is amazing!! I wish you all the best xoxoxo :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I would say that there is distinct difference between risk of cvs (1 in 100 m/c) and amnio (1 in 200 or 1 in 300); a 2006 study argues 1 in 1600 for amnio, but that is very limited (in my opinion).

A few of you (in particular, andypandy...) will know that I myself have agonised over both cvs and/or amnio and decided not to in the end; my bloods/NT lowered my risk from 1in27 for downs to 1/162 and other from 1/40 to 1/955; plus, I trust my ob/gyn consultant who knows my fear of m/c as well as my fear of a huge problem. Our 16 wks scan showed everything ok, and we will do an even more exhaustive study at 19 wks. I am 43, will be 44 next month; and had always said that I would do amnio, but with a possible higher risk for women who have had previous m/c the .5% risk of amnio isn't worth it for me, as it's more 1-3% risk in my case. I hope I have made the right decision, but I thought I would throw my 2 cents in regarding statistics....

best wishes.

ps. I have stated elsewhere that as of now, nothing has necessitated the need for an amnio, BUT if there appears a huge problem at next scan and then would do (and get fast results), etc.
I would say that there is distinct difference between risk of cvs (1 in 100 m/c) and amnio (1 in 200 or 1 in 300); a 2006 study argues 1 in 1600 for amnio, but that is very limited (in my opinion).

A few of you (in particular, andypandy...) will know that I myself have agonised over both cvs and/or amnio and decided not to in the end; my bloods/NT lowered my risk from 1in27 for downs to 1/162 and other from 1/40 to 1/955; plus, I trust my ob/gyn consultant who knows my fear of m/c as well as my fear of a huge problem. Our 16 wks scan showed everything ok, and we will do an even more exhaustive study at 19 wks. I am 43, will be 44 next month; and had always said that I would do amnio, but with a possible higher risk for women who have had previous m/c the .5% risk of amnio isn't worth it for me, as it's more 1-3% risk in my case. I hope I have made the right decision, but I thought I would throw my 2 cents in regarding statistics....

best wishes.

ps. I have stated elsewhere that as of now, nothing has necessitated the need for an amnio, BUT if there appears a huge problem at next scan and then would do (and get fast results), etc.

Congrats!!! So glad to see another 44 (almost) year older here! Wishing you all the best...

My geneticist reported those stats too, and I have seen them...Some suggest though that since CVS is done between 10-13 weeks that some of these pregnancies may as well have miscarried on their own and since amnio is done well after the m/c risk has decreased (after 12 weeks) significantly that this might account for some of the reported risk statistics...however, I agree...No one should go into these procedures if they are seriously concerned or will blame themselves if something goes wrong....It is such a personal and hard choice....I am grateful for technology, but I wonder what do women do when they get pregnant in the jungle? This is something they must not have to deal with....:wacko:

Babydust all!!

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