Cyber Cycle Sisters !! xx

Am sure it isn't Lucy - can you get some of those lovely stockings they give you on planes just in case ! :rofl: Glad the nightmares have stopped tho, they are not fun

Did you wake up early so you would be in time for Daybreak! omg, i caught some of it this morning and it was so boring. i cant stand CB either, she is just so dull (and looks like she has had the obligatory WAG boob job)

Yay to doggie behaviour yesterday Lou! Your little one did you proud! Am sure we will get our bfps soon hun, where are you in your cycle atm?

JO, I imagine its sad with your due date coming up :hugs: do you have any plans? I found mine relatively ok and uneventful, esp as was expecting again at the time.

only 3 days to scan time again Lucy, v exciting!

afm, today at work has been absolutely fine. Its like i havent been away. Caught up properly with everyone today and am swimming in work already, argh! As I am typing, a pregnant lady walked past and I'm completely ok!

I feel sometimes that I quite enjoy having my body back (awful I know). I was just so exhausted before, putting on weight just by looking at food. Sorry if this seems really selfish as of course I would love to be pg again, but in some ways now I don't spend every moment of every day worrying if somethings wrong, its like a weight has been lifted.
Ah ok thanks for clearing that up.

Varicose veins are awfully common in pregnancy what i found last time round about your time was i started getting awful leg cramps 2-3 times per week. They would wake me up from sleeping and they were nothing like the cramps i had felt before... i would be dancing around the room almost crying as they took so long to go away. Apparently it was low calcium levels so i am hoping that does not happen again. The trials of pregnancy...
Rach i think its natural to feel that way... and although what happened was awful and I am sure you will be back pg with us soon you have to most certainly enjoy having your body back right now. Glad your feeling a bit better about work and stuff today... i think getting back into the routine right away is a good thing. I won't do anything about the EDD its next Thursday actually... will be at work and DH will be going to work in the evening I am sure I will think about it and its amazing to me now to think if i had stayed pregnant i would be having a baby so soon. I know its going to be hard with this one as Euan will just have turned 2 but wow not sure how i would cope and i have been thinking about it... i would not have got mat leave pay as i would not have worked enough yet to be entitled to it etc so all things happen for a reason i suppose... i don't mean that to sound flippant as obviously i will think about it... and feel a wee bit sad but don't think it will be too bad.. and your right i think it helps that i am preggo again.
Rach glad your 2nd day back went well. You don't sound selfish at all, i completly understand. I think i just keep looking on the brightside of things to keep me upbeat, as much as i would give it all up for being preganant, i am so pleased i'm back to size 8/10 and got to go horse camp, which was amazing fun. Enjoy having your body back for a bit, i'm sure our BFP be round the courner really soon!! I'm CD15, opk went negative today and yesterday, so think, if i did ov, it was over the weekend. Where are you in your cycle hun?

Lucy so glad you didn't have your nightmares last night, maybe rach was right and you was just so excited about daybreak you could not sleep! lol! have not managed to watch it yet to see how bad it is.

Hows everyones days been?
Hi Girls I know am not on much anymore, just wanted to let you all know am still around and promise to pop in now and again to see how you going. :hugs:
Hi Ladies

Rachel - good positive thinking - it's the best way to be - you could slip down a spiral but you're not and that is great :hugs:

Glad you little pooch was well behaved - all practice for when your little one is here :)

Hey Dee - how's it going?

Yep - my 2nd scan is Friday too - 3.30pm - can't wait. Had my first pregnancy yoga class today - was fab - think it helped my ankles a bit too :)

PS Lucy - crazy dreams are normal - sorry yours are scary - mine are like epic crazy adventures so kind of fun
Just home from having Euan at his 18 month injections... thankfully he does not need any more until he is much older about 4 i think... today he had one for pertussis,polio,tetanus,measles,and a infuenza one plus the 2nd dose if his MMR... as usual I was almost crying its such a shame to see your little one go through that but it needs to be done.

DH has just gone to work and I have had such a good time with him over the past few days that I am so looking forward to being off on mat leave again so i can spend time with my boys. I feel a bit heartbroken tbh to be going back to work, this 4 days off has spoiled me... I am going to miss not seeing Euan in the morning.
I'm CD15, opk went negative today and yesterday, so think, if i did ov, it was over the weekend. Where are you in your cycle hun?

I think I'm about that too if what I had 2 weeks ago was af (certaintely seemed like it). Hoping to :sex: tonight. DH went to bed and sulked last night as I turned the footie over at half time!! hehe
I am in such a bad mood today its unreal... firstly i was nearly crying when that alarm went off i am so not a morning person well early morning anyway as the alarm goes off at 5.30...i never wanted to leave the house.

Have come into work and there is so much crap on my desk to deal with from just being off yesterday... innane questions and lots of time consuming crap, on top of everything else i need to do today. Sometimes its not worth having that extra time off.

Anyway trying to chill out, its September my parents are coming over and out of 2 weeks I am only working 2 days which is awesome. I have Oct/Nov/Dec to get through then I have 4 weeks of vacation to take at the start of the year before I go off on mat leave in Mid Feb. I hate this job sometimes.

Anyway better get on with it... otherwise if i dont i will be missing lunch etc. My husband started at another garage last night as it was the only place he could go that would suit our hours... for childcare. I have to be home by 4.30 every day now so the pressure is on and I guess I will be missing out on most lunches.

This country is so f-ing s***e! Sorry!
Sorry you are having a pants day. Its so rubbsih when people drop on you at work, argh! Almost like they are punishing you for having some time off!

I always find ignoring people's whim's works and just do things when you are ready and have time. You'll get throughthe backlog, try not to let it get to you, you have SO much better things in your life right now like Euan & bubs (& dh!)

Hope hubby's new job went well today x
I started reading ‘Is your body baby friendly’ last night. It hypothesises that mcs don’t ‘just happen’, there is always a reason.

It focuses on the woman’s immune system being the cause and I think that must be the case for me.

I just wondered, did any of our pregnant sisters do anything different this time round? Baby aspirin, progesterone, extra folic acid, heparin? I think the answers no but just wanted to throw it out there ;)
i tried baby aspirin and vit b complex, plus i cut out caffeine. that was straight after my 2nd early m/c. i started them right after it, plus had a month off ttc to give my body a rest. hope this helps xx
Kanga - I just did evening primrose oil till ov and took fertility plus for women, OH took fertility plus for men and maca and we used conceive plus. I didn't do anything specifically for immune system though. I did acupuncture though with a fertility specialist and I'm certain that helped.

Jo - sorry you've had a s**t day hun, sounds hellish, I know what you mean about time off, sometimes doesn't seem worth it for the work involved before and after. I am not a morning person either - I couldn't do 5.30 am wake ups, am very lucky I don't need to be up till 8.30 even 9 sometimes. I will get my comeuppance when bubs arrives - I won't complain once I promise I'll just be so happy to have my LO. Its going to be ace seeing your parents, and the run up to xmas always flys by so before you know it maternity leave and LO!!! Focus on that xxxx

Two days till scan!! I really feel I'm having a boy!! I don't know why. I should know in 48 hours!!!!

Kicking has really changed last two days, feels much less strong though still frequent. Am hoping its just a change of position and he's further in. Oh gosh, so nervous and excited about scan. Hope LO is ok.
I changed my diet alot, last pregnancy i was having to much caffine, but thought it didnt really matter, ive cut it right down, and most days dont have any x thats about all ive changed x
i tried baby aspirin and vit b complex, plus i cut out caffeine. that was straight after my 2nd early m/c. i started them right after it, plus had a month off ttc to give my body a rest. hope this helps xx

did you continue taking in pregnancy?
yay Luc, only 2 more sleeps! Glad you are still getting regular kicking, bet that is v reassuring. I can't speak from experience but I would imagine a change in baby position would change the feeling of kicks (just my non-medical expert opinion!!)
i'm still taking aspirin now rach, vit b complex i stopped around 10 weeks. are you thinking of taking anything?? xx Lucy, how exciting!! my scan is in 12 days, i also think boy, but everyone else thinks girl!! can't believe i'll be 19 weeks on sunday! Jo, you've got lots to look forward to! just keep thinking that! Helen, are you finding out the sex too? Hope you're doing well toni xxx
Am home and just re read my post sorry for being such a moan i guess our situation is rubbish and it just gets a bit much sometimes... i was spoiled the last few days feeling like a family again and your right I have a lot to concentrate on... one good thing about work is that its so busy that the week passes past really quickly so cannot complain about that one.

Kanga I never did anything differently apart from this time i used pre seed.. that was it. I have PCOS so I reckon that was my cause of the m/cs, my doc briefly mentioned progesterone but never took it. I am sure that the docs will get to the bottom of it soon.

Lucy- 48 hours until scan woohoo... I am so excited that we will all know the sex in a few days and we will see if your gut feeling is correct. I am sure baby has moved or is having a growth spurt i remember Euan's movements slowing down for a bit about your stage too. I am torn this time around not sure if we will find out its a bit wierd but I almost feel a bit guilty if I did... we never found out the sex last time as we wanted a total surprise... and i feel like if i found out this time it means that we are not as excited this time around... that probably sounds mad but just like last time i would not take medications full stop this time i took anti sickness meds.... its like this baby is not as important but i guess it just means I have chilled out a bit more. Anyway lets move on from that one... not quite articulating it well.

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