Hey Spud, haven't updated in a couple of day. How are you getting on? Any sign of O for you?
Didn't bother updating yesterday as my OPK was just a barely there line and I had another flashing smiley on the CB digi OPK which left me feeling a bit
as I only had 2 test sticks left and didn't want to go and spend £20 on a whole new kit and turn out to only need like, 1 extra stick and fall pregnant and not have a use for the other 9 iykwim? So anyway, told myself I'd buy more today if I didn't get my solid smiley... but I did
I was SO relieved when that little face showed up and it didn't flash. I stood watching it for a minute just to make sure (in case it was trying to lure me into a false sense of security perhaps?! You knkw what these pesky tests are like
) but nope. Just a nice solid smiley. We've got a fair bit of BDing in the last week. I just hope the timing has been ok. We dtd CD11, CD12 (when I got my first flashing smiley), CD13, CD15 (yesterday) and will also try and get BDing in either tonight or tomorrow morning. I don't want to overdo it in case it leads to lower sperm quality?
it's all ao confusing this timing malarkey(sp?)!
My Ovia app is saying I have one more fertile day (tomorrow) due to getting a positive OPK today, does that mean I'll be 1dpo on CD17? Or 1dpo tomorrow?