Me too! So jealous but very happy that you and DH get to travel lots of fun places together! I loved NYC (went there when I was 16). Never been to Chicago!
No news here really. 24 weeks Saturday. Time is a-dragging along.. Wish it was Oct already
I hear ya Bex! I don't know how I'm gonna keep working right after the baby is here. I literally will have to work from home for about 2 months and then go back full time. But I will most likely be working right after I have him : / no maternity leave for us
What will you do with your kiddies sweetpea? Day care or home care or something? My mum is going to stay for the first month I return to work, and look after Emma, then she will be in daycare
My hubby works nights and I work days. LO is in preschool for a few hours in the morning and DH will be daddy daycare while I'm at work. I know I'm gonna have a hard time leaving him but we need for me to keep working
I would love if we could do that - one of us keep looking after Emma, but just not possible. We have entertained ideas of OH getting part time work in the evenings, and he look after Emma during the day, but dont think that is going to work for us. I dont want her to go to daycare but no choice. We need to get out of this one bed place, having Emma in our room is really affecting my sleep She needs her own room asap
Missed you guys. Sorry for disappearing for so long. I've been writing in my journal, posting in some facebook groups and trying to stay calm and carry on. After all, it is
I worried throughout my pregnancy. Even when she started kicking if there were quieter days I would worry. And now that she is here I still worry. It never ends and is a normal part of being a mommy. Everything will be fine, I am so excited for you!!
I'm always worrying too. I think it comes with mommy territory. Dh says I worry too much
i feel fine. I am getting to the uncomfortable part of the pregnancy. Can't wait to be in third trimester next week and on the home stretch. I think Brady bruised a couple of ribs last night cause they HURT like hell
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