Rachel, in the last three weeks I went from absolutely terrified to supremely confident and finally able to "enjoy my pregnancy." I still have the momentary scare, but the majority of the last two weeks has been happiness and planning for the future. It feels amazing. I am so lucky.

Symptom-wise, the first few weeks were a lot of moodiness (now occasional pissed off or weepy, but not quite as bad) some nausea and random food aversions and heavy fatigue. I'd cry out of exhaustion by about 5 lol, fall asleep early, wake up a lot throughout the night, go to the bathroom constantly and wake up for real at 6.30am like clockwork. (Not normal for me to wake up before 9am - I start work at 10am.)
Now the only thing left is occasional nausea, stuff makes me cry or get protective more easily, I drink a ton of water and always need more, a little fatigue, but not as bad as before. ....And there's this guy at work who I've been avoiding working with by taking some shifts off. I told my job it is kind of a summer vacation - but the taking it easy ends at the end of the month.... too bad cause he really stresses me out.......... but my wedding is November 23! So I'll be leaving for a wedding vacay in mid november and then taking (unpaid) maternity leave early - so I'll be off, wedding through due date, Jan 28 and then a few weeks or months on top of that. It'll be good to feel I have my life in order before baby comes, or be on bed rest if necessary. My wedding is happening when Im thirty weeks, so Im trying to really take it easy/not take chances.
Rmsh1, that is great news about your career taking off again. You can do it, mamma.
Sweetpea, I've been seeing pictures of your girl on fb and love 'em. R&R, you you too. My what cuties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Haus, how you feeling today? What exciting jet setting plans do you have coming up next?