This is my first time posting here. Quick background: this is our 11th month TTC #1. Each month, I typically have the same symptoms prior to AF (cramping, brown CM a few days before, sore boobs, etc.). This month I have had none of the same symptoms and AF is due in 2 days. I have slight cramping that only lasts for like 30 seconds at a time and then goes away. I have noticed extra white CM for the past week or so - and it looked like there was a lot in my urine today (or white-ish tissues?). I had a BFN today and yesterday.... has anyone had similar symptoms but still get BFNs 2 days before AF??
Other note: my cycle is very regular - usually 27 days, with the occasional cycle at 28 days (Rarely longer or shorter!)
Other note: my cycle is very regular - usually 27 days, with the occasional cycle at 28 days (Rarely longer or shorter!)