EDD is 40 weeks from LMP. When using LMP to calculate EDD, cycle length has no effect as it's just counting to 40
as you said, you've never been able to go by LMP. (so your pregnancies are probably dated by an ultrasound)
OBs here use LMP and cycle length doesn't affect that
That makes no sense though. For example, with my son, my LMP was about the middle of November in 2009. Lets just say the 20th, for arguments sake. 40 weeks from then would have made my due date about August 27th 2010. But I ovulated on the 4th of March 2010 (a very long cycle) so my son would not be due on the 27th of August because of the long cycle. He was due on the 25th of November 2010.
I have dated my current pregnancy and my daughters by knowing when I ovulated, I don't think LMP is very accurate for long cycles. Are you trying to say I should think I am just over 7 weeks at the moment because of my LMP? I don't see how you don't see what I am saying. Cycle length certainly does change the EDD when you have long cycles.
It will.effect.your ACTUAL EDD.
My OB goes by LMP and only LMP (if known)
my ACTUAL EDD going by when I ovulated is April 24th but since ovulation date doesn't change my OBs mind about my EDD., none of that applies to me.
When dating a pregnancy accurately, it changes things. But when your OB couldn't care less about when you ovulated, or what baby is measuring when there is a LMP on record...it doesn't
I don't see how ya'll don't understand what i'm saying...