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Dating scan advice please


Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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I'm pregnant again after a miscarriage back in August, and while I am trying not to get excited as very scared of having another miscarriage, I do have a question about dating scans...

We are due to be going on holiday in May, on a cruise, and in the docs it says that they will not accept guests who reach their 24th week at any time during their stay. I will be entering my 24th week on the exact day we come back (it's a UK cruise so no flying). I'm wondering whether I can fudge my dates to my doctor to say af was a couple of days later than it was so that it has me reaching my 24th week a couple of days later as well, or could this all end up bodged at a dating scan anyway? Do they amend the edd at the dating scan?

I know this is all in the future, and it may not come to pass anyway, but I am curious about what to do if anyone knows?

Thanks :)
They'll be able to tell at the scan - at my early scan, they measured baby and it came up with a date on the screen from that measurement. My mw appt was today and I asked if it would be the same at the 12 week and she said yes. They will take measurements and get a date from that.
Ah. Is it likely to be an earlier or later date do you know or does it vary? Sorry, I know it may be a stupid question just feeling a bit confused...?
They will usually work out your due date at the dating scan at 12 weeks or so. I had an early scan at 8 weeks and baby was measuring dead on for the dates I'd worked out but at my dating scan they moved me forward by a week. I think that around 10-12 weeks is the most accurate time for measurement and that will be the date they use for the official paperwork if that's what you'd need for travelling?
ETA- I think it's pretty much impossible to know beforehand whether your date will stay the same or be moved back/forewards until the scan x
Have you paid for the cruise already? Could easily end up a week either way based on the scan!
We haven't paid fully but payment will be due around 12 weeks and not sure what the rules are sought postponing. It's a minor irritation for us, I'm obviously very happy to be pregnant and would prefer to have to cancel than not have the baby!! Just would be lovely to be able to go and be pregnant.

thanks everyone for your replies xx
As the other ladies have mentioned, they change your EDD at your 12 week scan if you're measuring ahead or behind, but after that they leave it, even if you're measuring ahead or behind at further scans (they just put this down to differing fetal growth rates - my son was always two weeks ahead in size, but he was born at 40+5 and was 9lbs, so he was quite big).

Could you give the cruise company a call and explain it to them? Seems a bit unfair that they would keep to the rule on the day you're returning.

Could you pay for a private dating scan? It might be cheaper than cancelling the holiday? Also check the rules and see what evidence they want.

I was told they'd use my lmp to date until I get my official due date at 20 week scan. That's even when they agree based on my previous scans I'm 3weeks behind that.
Could you give the cruise company a call and explain it to them? Seems a bit unfair that they would keep to the rule on the day you're returning.


If my dates do mean that it would be entering the 24th week on the day we come back I will call and see what they say. They may be quite relaxed about it, I just suspect not for some reason.

Could you pay for a private dating scan? It might be cheaper than cancelling the holiday? Also check the rules and see what evidence they want.

I was told they'd use my lmp to date until I get my official due date at 20 week scan. That's even when they agree based on my previous scans I'm 3weeks behind that.

If I pay for a private scan would they not just change the date anyway if I was measuring differently at the NHS scan? It's just a bit frustrating as it seems like there is no one policy - loads of different ladies seem to report different ways that they have got to their dates!

Thanks everyone for your replies. I think I am going to have to keep my fingers crossed that my little bean sticks, and then just see what happens re the date at the scans. I'll ask my doctor when I have my appointment with her (not even booked it in yet as was expecting another m/c). If I have to move my holiday then I will, it will be worth it in the end. :thumbup:
Grrr. Doctor says it's not really worth paying for an early scan as the date may well change at the 12 week scan. The cruise company says we cannot travel if I hit 24 weeks at any point, even if it's on the last day. Our insurance doesn't cover pregnancy. We basically have two options - don't pay the invoice for the full amount and lose the deposit, or we pay the balance when it's due and then pay £75 each if we need to postpone.

Either way very annoying as it's our own fault and it's a lesson learnt for future!! :dohh:
Hi. It is very odd that they will not let you travel at 24 weeks that seems way too early to put a restriction on it. When i was pregnant with my last 6 years ago, it was 28 weeks even for flying and i read in my information the midwife gave me the other day that it is now 34 weeks! I know everyone has their own policy on this which your cruise obviously does but it seems way too early. Also, if you are returning on that day, i personally would try to get away with it. How will they know anyway? do you have to give them a doctors note or something? The edd is put on the scan photo. My 2nd baby was estimated by my lmp as 15th november, my scan date said he was due 29th november, he was born on the 15th of november but they classified that as being 2 weeks early. I will never know if he was 2 weeks early or they were two weeks wrong!
Yep, it does seem stupidly early. The reason they give is that they are not equipped on board to deal with pregnancy related health issues/early labour(!) I will have to give a doctors note saying my due date and that I am not high risk. It's not worth just risking it, as if anything did happen it would void our travel insurance.

It's ridiculous as dating is so far from accurate a lot of the time but they're the rules I guess and companies can't make exceptions for one person. I'm just really hoping that I can try and get scanned early (I'm hoping ten weeks as opposed to 13 weeks that my doctor said) so I can try and determine whether I will actually be able to go.
Oh and I have heard lots of stories about babies being born on the original edd calculated from lmp rather than the dates given from scans - I think it stands to reason that some of the time babies are not going to grow in exactly the way listed on the standard charts!
Do you mind me asking who you are going with? We have a cruise booked with P&O and are due back 4 days before EDD. I haven't spoken to them yet, I'm waiting for my scan first before I do anything. Was hoping we could possibly transfer our deposit to a different cruise.
Celebrity. Fingers crossed, you should be able to if you pay and amendment fee. We were initially told we couldn't rebook, we would have to cancel and lose deposit but oh kept asking the travel agent and he finally said that we could move the booking but it's quite hard, and we have to find a new cruise leaving before May 2015 and book it before 14th March. So time really is of the essence, which is why it would be helpful to have a scan before my 12th or 13th week as it will be cutting it fine if we need to rebook!!

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