Sorry you're sick, Jo. That's brutal. I feel sick enough as is, can't imagine a cold on top of it
My boobs are finally starting to let off on the super-pain thing. I've lost a lot of weight in the last year so no stretch marks despite literally doubling in boob-size. Just filled out my saggy skin again, lol
While my boobs hurt less, nausea is getting worse. I woke up today at 11 and was up for about 30 mins before I thought I was going to die from the stomach queasiness. I tried to eat some raisin bran but gave up and went to bed until 4pm. I've been sick ALL day, and eating isn't helping. I even tried my go-to french fries and no luck, still so nauseous. Gravol has made me barf previously, but I may have no other choice. I go back to work soon, and this wouldn't be tolerable at work. It's barely tolerable as is!
As for nurseries, I CAN'T WAIT! ! ! I'm going to do a serious shopping trip in the US because your prices are so much better. I also just found out that baby stuff is duty free. Gotta start saving now.
I don't know if I'm going to be patient enough to wait for a baby shower, lol.
Have you guys bought anything yet? I'm holding off until we get our ultrasound on May 8th but my mom already bought us an adorable baby blanket. After the 8th, fingers crossed all is well, the spending-floodgates will likely open.. hahaha.