BlobloI hear how frustrating this is for you, don't forget it takes two to make a baby! Has DH gone through his tests recently? Just to maybe double check and make sure his little swimmers are strong? Thinking of you, giving great big cyber hugs!
BlobloI hear how frustrating this is for you, don't forget it takes two to make a baby! Has DH gone through his tests recently? Just to maybe double check and make sure his little swimmers are strong? Thinking of you, giving great big cyber hugs!
He went for SA today at the same time as my HSSG, will get his results early next week. Going to our fertility doc on Wednesday so should get some advice hopefully...
My cycle started Oct 30 this month. My app said my fertile window was Nov 8-13. CM on the 14th thou? My husband and I were not technically trying this month due to CP last month. So if it happened it happened, until I got the huge globThat would be the reason for not BDing during my so called fertile window according to this app. I'm questioning that app a lot now due to this finding. Last month was the only month I had ever used O tests due to using clomid. Got my + and had already been BDing and continued for 3-4 days after so all bases were covered
so I thought
So BD on the 14, 15 and 16 for me. Who knows I guessI am planning to test early now. I just can't help myself
Will do one on Nov. 21. This will be 7dpo. If that is negative I will be waiting till Thanksgiving or after. Do you think BD on the 14, 15 and 16 would be sufficient if I dropped an egg on the 14th or would it not give the little
time to get there??
The fastest swimmers may find the egg in as little as 45 minutes. It can take the slowest up to 12 hours. If the sperm don't find an egg in the fallopian tubes at the time of intercourse, they can survive inside you for up to seven days. About fertilization, it takes about 24 hours for a sperm cell to fertilize an egg. The same lifespan of an egg. So spermy and eggy should meet before the egg dies in 24 hours. This means that if you ovulate within this time window you could still conceive.
Had HSSG today, came out clear, no blockages in tubes, no fibroids in uterus. Everything looks exactly as it should. All hormone tests this month also came back perfect. I am happy that nothing is wrong.
But i am starting to lose hope. If there is nothing wrong, then there is nothing to fix. Is it even possible to take this long to have a baby when nothing is wrong?