December Babies 2013 :)


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May 10, 2009
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thought i'd start a thread for us mothers who've had or are due babies this month.. somewhere fpr us to chat about how our babies are growing/developing, for support or even just a gossip with other mums with babies the same age..
if we can all add our names, babies name, dob and weight then i can update this page as we go

December 2013 Babies

Dantes Mom: Mila Paris weighing 7lb 5oz :pink:

Loui1001: Holly :pink:

SarahJayne_x: Travis weighing 6lb 12.5oz :blue:

Bonnie11: Baby Girl weighing 7lb 11oz :pink:

Ruby2122: Luke weighing 8lb 11oz :blue:

KatyR: Elliot weighing 8lb 4oz :blue:

Alison69: Darcey Jayne :pink:

HB.x: Cole :blue:
Kelskiii: Rosie Marie weighing 7lb 4oz :pink:
Nyomi1990: Lilah Rae weighing 7lb 7oz :pink:

Kandidancer: Darcie India weighing 5lb 12.5oz :pink:
Ninagrrl: Calliope Rose weighing 7lb 14oz :pink:

BabyWhisperer: Jack weighing 7lb 14oz :blue:
Boo44: Freddie Paul :blue:
Linz85: Paige Elizabeth weighing 8lb 9oz :pink:

Jesssika: Charlotte Lilyana Rose weighing 7lb 6oz :pink:
JayMari: Baby Boy weighing 8lb 8oz :blue:

Clairaye: Lily weighing 7lb 1oz :pink:

Katiefx: Lacey Rose weighing 7lb 4oz :pink:

Bunny_Boo: Baby Boy :blue:

Lau86: Nicholas :blue:
Lola85: Baby Girl :pink:

Molly76: Maisie Ellen weighing 8lb 9oz :pink:

themoonwelove: Baby Girl :pink:

Louise88: James weighing 8lb 2oz :blue:

14 :pink: and 10 :blue: here so far :happydance:
I'm Ruby, I'm 32 and have 19 month old ds, William and new baby born 9.12.13, Luke.

Got home from hosp today... all great but my boobs are bursting! !!

How you getting in with Travis?
ah glad your home now.. nothing like being in your own home with a new baby..
have you had many visitors?
i know what you mean about bursting boobs, i so cant remember them hurting this much last time!! :(
yeah we're getting on great here, just cant believe he's a week old already.. its going too fast :( hes marvellous tho i dont hear him only when hes hungry and ive got the timing down to a fine art now, between every 4- 4.5 hours he wants a feed so im prepared lol.. hows baby luke settling in, and hows big brother william?xx
It's all going too, so much more relaxed about it all this time! William is still pretty young so we cant really explain. .he seems ok with thebaby but there is definitely a wierd feeling between sure we will settle altogether soon.

The (baby) sleepiness from labour seemed to end last night...he doesn't cry but spent a lot if time feeding and waking frequently last night...felt sick with fatigue this morning! Glad DH is around to get up with William! Trying not to worry how I will cope when DH goes back to work and am just taking things as they come!
How are you and yours adjusting?
yeah hes pretty settled now.. dont hear him unless he wants a feed :) and thats every 3-4 hours in the day and 4-5 hours in the night so i cant complain.. he can be awake for hours in the day and i still wont hear him..
Ashton is obsessed with his baby brother and wants to help feed him and change him and wind him.. hes really good and helpful..
im the same im going to find it very difficult when OH goes back to work getting into a routine with Ashton for school in the morning.. OH isnt due back in work until after xmas so the kids are still off school so come january im hoping we're in a bit more of a routine..
travis is very content though.. hes only on 3oz when he feeds.. had him weighed on thursday when he was a week old and he was 7lb, he was 6lb 12 and a half oz born so he put on 3 and a half oz in a week which i dont think its too bad :) cant believe hes 10 days old already i need time to slow down :( xx
also nice to see more december babies being born, we'll see more ladies joining us here soon too xx jealous of th feeding pattern! Can't believe Luke is a week old already
By far the best week of my life! Amazing since I would have to describe a week post partum ladt time as one of the toughest!

The tired ness is catching up...have been making sure DH gets his rest alt least by having him sleep downstairs so he has the energy to chase after William.

hope some more babies come must be awful to be overdue...I feel bad!
Hi, would love to join you. I'm Katy FTM and had my baby boy Elliot on 10th December.
only got home from hospital yesterday after an induction, 24hr labour and emergency c section and then baby had to have five days of antibiotics!
home now and getting into a routine. Breast feeding every 3-4 hrs although he cluster feeds for a couple of hours in the early morning 2 am ish! He had regained all his weight too so back to 8lb 4oz! Hr sleeps well too.
defo will need support from you ladies and looking forward to getting to know everyone and their little ones xx jealous of th feeding pattern! Can't believe Luke is a week old already
By far the best week of my life! Amazing since I would have to describe a week post partum ladt time as one of the toughest!

The tired ness is catching up...have been making sure DH gets his rest alt least by having him sleep downstairs so he has the energy to chase after William.

hope some more babies come must be awful to be overdue...I feel bad!

im absolutley amazed that Travis is nearly 2 weeks old.. this is going too fast :( going to register him tomorrow, been stuck on deciding a middle name for him..
yup tiredness def catching up here too.. i dont know how im going to cope when oh is back in work and im having to get us all ready and out in the morning..
going to need some kind of miracle.. health visitor came yesterday and weighed him, he was 7lb 6oz.. ironic as it was the date he was due yesterday and my eldest son was 7lb 6.5oz born..

katy - of course your welcome.. everyones welcome here :)
congratulations on the birth of Elliott.. 8lb 4oz is a good weight.. labour and birth doesnt sound the best but at least your home now and settling in ok.. :) we're all here for support and help anytime..

HI Katy, congrats on your baby boy!

I found cyber support invaluable as a ftm so I hope we can do the same for you (and for me as a second time mum which I am sure will throw up many challenges! !!)
ive found this site so helpful on numbers of occasions.. first time i signed up was when i was looking for advice for changing from 1st stage formula to hungry baby with ny 4yo and havent looked back yet..
not feeling the best in myself tonight, pounding headache and im freezing cold, got my heating on full, blanket on andstill cold :( got my oh on night duties tonight and school run in morning.. hopefully i'll wakr up feeling better.. how you ladies feeling? everyone always asks about baby but never about us :) xx
I have a banging headache too! Think BF is draining me of liquid and I'm dehydrated.
C section scar playing up tonight to but its manageable. DH has been amazing with looking after LO when I've needed a break too. Hoping i can get some sleep tonight as I spent all of last night watching LO sleep!!
Oh poor Sarah. ..sounds yuck. Yes Katy def sounds like dehydration.

I am fine...just very tired. Just wojen from 2 1/2hour sleep...longest stretch since tge birth. My nipples feel bruisedxand I can barely keep my eyes open.

I started using b&b when ttc my first can be really useful...although I find it fascinating just how differently people choose to parent. I think as a ftm you need tobe mindful that different does not mean that you are wrong.I constantly doubted my self last time but found that I just picked and chose tge advice I wanted (from all sources) and politely ignored unwelcome ideas.. no matter how vehemently someone else feels!
How was your night? I slept so well. Even got a solid four hours this morning!
yes ruby i agree.. for me everyone i know who's had a baby seems to parent the same-ish way but on here theres sooo many people whohave their own unique ways of doing it.. crazy..
feeling a little better in myself today, oh done night shift for me to sleep so my headaches gone.. still cold but got my blanket and hot water bottle :)
been to registry office this morning and he is officially Travis.. decided on a middle name late last night so we have a Travis Jacob :)
and omg its xmas a week today! where has this year gone? are you ready ladies?xx
Today is my due date! Lol. Crazy to think 9 days ago I was still preggo! Had an awful night. Luke would not settle...kept cluster feeding and falling asleep then waking withgrunts and roots the second I put him down. Felt awful this morning, having sweats and chills. Occurred to me I mayhav mastitis and sure enough there is a red patch on my right boob. Rang doc and picked up some antibiotics. :(

Ah Travis Jacob is lovely x
ive had a few nights like that around 8-9 days old, we had him weighed when he was a week old and he was 6lb 15.. he was 6lb 12and a half born and then HV came on monday which was my due date and he was 11 days old and he was 7lb 6 so he'd put on 7oz in 4 days due tp cluster feeding.. HV said its prob a growth spurt but i cant remember Ashton having one this young, it was over 4 years ago mind lol, fingers crossed its just a growth spurt for you too and he gets back into his routine soon..
ooh mastitis sounds sore, heard of a few people who had that.. in a way makes me sorta glad i formula feed.. do antibiotics have any effect on bf? as you can tell im clueless on bf..
my sister in laws picking my ds up from school today and taking him to her house for a few hours for him to see his cousin (both boys and only 16 weeks between them,.so they dont understand as well why they havent seen each other as often as before) and have some tea there, fingers crossed i have a happy 4yo when i go to fetch him.. at least i havent got to go out in this awful weather just yet..
so nice to see lots more december babies being born too :)
As far as I know antibiotics dont affect breast milk. I ff my ds from 9 weeks last time but I had pnd and was desperately trying to make things 'normal' was a huge relief to be able to share feeding duties! Not sure how long I will bf this time, must admit I am motivated to keep going as I hate spending money on formula! Will just see how I go.

Hope your ds had fun.

Trying a new tactic this eve...been asleep with Luke on my chest on the sofa since 8....I know the second I get up and put him in bed he will wake up so thought I would try to get some shut eye in a way I know he will sleep for a bit first. I didn't sleep as well as I had hoped but at least have had my eyes shut for a while! Gonna make the trip upstairs now...he has been wearing same nappy since 6pm too so time for a change....I suspect it is going to be a ling night...he has literally been sound asleep all day!
not too bad here.. had a mental few days trying to get the last few bits and bobs sorted for xmad and the dreaded food shop :(
still got to pop to home bargains at some point to get choc coins and some bits and pieces choc wise, wait for my OHs present to get here (guaranteed by xmas eve so fingers crossed) and then can get in the xmas spirit..
travis has been marvellous past few days going 6 hours between feeds in the night.. hoping hes gonna be a good sleeper like his brother :)
hes taking 4oz bottles and draining the bottles, he'll go every 3-4 hours in the day then come 6-7pm he can drink at least 12oz in a space of 2 hours then go 6 hours in the night.. cant quite remember if this is normal butit seems to be working for him so im happy to go with it for now :)
hows things with you?
ready for xmas?

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