Charlotte I'm also craving a drink, which is strange since I never drink in the first place. The last time I had anything to drink was... At Christmas. I had half a glass of wine with dinner, and it was gross! But I'm not craving wine right now, I'm craving Bacardi! See, everytime I pick up a magazine they have these ads for all the new Bacardi flavors and I want to try them! Stupid ads...
Apparently nt scans aren't offered in bc unless your bloods come back as high risk. And even then there was supposed to be only one place that did them... Vancouver of course. But oddly enough, they decided to train the people from one other hospital in bc and it just so happens to be my hospital. So if my blods come back bad I guess they'll book me for an nt scan.
And just for the heck of it yesterday, I checked into private scans in bc. None will tell you the sex before 20 weeks, and it's around 300.00 for anything more than 5 minutes. If you only want a 5 minutes 2d scan, then it's 60.00. Seems a waste to me.