***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

You do get used to the poohey nappies, I worked as a care assistant for the elderley for 7 years before my son was born so it didnt bother me at all having nappies to change. The weaning poos arent nice though!
After my last post Hayden seems to have quickly changed, he is constantly rolling now to get himself around and can move pretty fast.
We have started blw too and he has really taken to it and seems to really love his food. He even helps himself when he gets the chance, his brother will take a snack in the living room and hayden always seems to manage to get some. The other day I found him on his tummy happily mushing strawberry into the rug whilst eating it.
Thanks for the poo encouragement, lol. Sounds like I'll soon become immune to it!

Gabby FINALLY rolled (just from front to back) and I am so proud of my little chubster. Caught the second time on video. I hope this link works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZUH3TtexqQ Excuse my ridiculous baby voice in the background. Every video i have of her i sound quite silly.

I think DH wants to abandon BLW. He gets too freaked out every time we give her something she could possibly bite (cantaloupe, watermelon), but is totally fine giving her a bone to gnaw on. She isn't a dog, I keep telling him! So we will do rice crackers for her to hold and the rest purees. DH and I are also at war over the air conditioning. Its been 90 degrees here and we have no A/C. I want a window unit in my bedroom and Gabby's bedroom but for some reason he is being stubborn and wants us to try everything else first. I grew up with A/C, we both work and have enough money to afford it, so I don't know what his problem is. Men!
Chloe she's sooooo cute!!!!!! Well done gabby!

IST I can't get the video either! Just some photos?
Tooth, I don't know. Some people can see it I guess and some can't? I'm not good with posting videos so I did my best!

Chloe, Gabby is such a sweetheart. It's like she was taunting you when she stopped rolling mid roll! As if she knew what you were waiting for and she would make you wait, lol. They're so funny that way. She has beautiful eyes as well. And my voice sounds just ridiculous and awful on Cait's videos so don't fret. You don't sound nearly as bad as I do. Oh and as for AC, we are the opposite. I am opposed and DH insists. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad for it on those very hot days but DH would run it in the winter if I allowed him :wacko:

Sigh, DH and I both walk around the house singing the words from Cait's baby toys :haha: It's funny what babies do to people, isn't it? Oh I'm hoping Cait doesn't learn to stand any time soon. I think DH and I both would have coronaries, lol. She's already bumping her head on the coffee table:dohh:

Bean I don't know what kind of formula you have there but we use enfamil and we switched her from newborn to infant at around the 3 month mark as suggested. It's all the same price and the formula is basically the same. Again I'm not sure what formula is available to you. Perhaps read the ingredients and see if maybe they aren't essentially the same? Also, my Uncles's wife is fromShanghai. She is 6 or 7 months pregnant now and just came back from visiting her parents there. We have heard some about the Chinese culture from her especially regarding babies. It really is a different world from what I know! Oh and sorry about the inlaws feeding Amber a cookie. It's just an awful feeling when they give your baby food when you aren't ready. I hope they respect your wishes.

I hope you are all well.
IST - so glad Cait ended up enjoying swimming! And very cute pictures too, I love her curls.

Bean - How annoying that they gave LO a cookie. I would never consider giving someone elses baby food of any kind without asking. What the heck are people thinking? good for your OH for saying something about it though. As far as formula goes, the only thing I'm aware of that may be different about stage 2 formula could be the iron levels? Maybe look into that.

Chloe - such a great video of Gabby rolling!

We've tried some different foods the last couple days. So far she's had cucumber, banana, carrots, watermelon, and plum. She hasn't really taken much of anything in, but she did swallow some banana and really liked the plum. I just cut it in half (it was very small and very ripe) and gave it to her, and she sucked on the fleshy part. It ended up EVERYWHERE! But pretty sure she swallowed some.

I don't know about anyone else, but I'm so exhausted these days! By the time I pick Camden up from daycare, get her fed, stick her in the bathtub, clean up her giant food mess, and then make and eat something myself, it's time to nurse her and put her to bed. It's so go-go-go! I wish I had more time to just enjoy her. I would give anything to be able to quit my job right about now.
Scooby, I feel the same! Solids have introduced a whole new time commitment. I love it but my schedule is much like you described. I don't want to quit my job as I really like it, but I would love to leave work at 3 instead of 5, but still not get in until 8. If any working moms have any advice on time management, would love to hear it!
ist, so cute! She really learned how to get around. Carter is nowhere near that fast. He gets up on all fours and launches himself onto his chest and that's about it. He's been doing that for weeks and we're just waiting for him to figure it out one of these days.

Sigh, I get baby songs stuck in my head all the time. It's so annoying. And the other night, I told my husband, "I'm so tired. It's time for me to go ny-ny. I mean go to bed." Lol I need more adult conversation.

Chloe, the stinky poops are not fun! Carter's bum is getting increasingly toxic. Luckily he doesn't poop five times a day like he did before we started solids. He's down to about once a day which is nice. And go Gabby! Good job lil girl!

Scooby, I can imagine it must be so hard to work all the time and miss your lo. I feel very fortunate that I can stay home with Carter. Of course, we are super broke all the time because of it but I enjoy seeing him a lot.

C is still teething here. One tooth came in and the other is about to poke through any day now, I hope.He doesn't seem to be in too much pain though. Last night dh and I resorted to letting him cry to sleep. We share a room and I checked on him, patting him every few minutes but he just wanted me to pat him to sleep and I'm tired of it all! He cried for what seemed like forever and I didn't get to sleep until 2 am. But then he didn't wake until 6:30. I'm so done with his night wakings. I never thought I'd let him cry to sleep but I figure he cries anyways and he wasn't crying super hard, just a whiny sort of cry like, "get over here and rub my back until I fall asleep". I think I'm going to have to resort to no touching and just leave the room and check on him ever so often until he falls asleep on his own. It's hard in the middle of the night though as I just want him to sleep and will do anything for that.
Scooby and Chloe - I feel the same way! And my work is demanding where the last few nights I've had to log in and finish things after I get him to bed. I have zero time for myself; I'm very burned out. But this morning I cancelled my enrollment in a training I had and took my time getting ready (I have to work a lot, but thankfully my work is very flexible). I just have to "lean out" so to speak. I'm used to being a workaholic, so it'll just be an adjustment. I also have a work from home arrangement on Fridays because my commute is also 45 min to a hour each way, and Fridays are a nightmare.
Has anyone noticed wet diapers becoming less frequent now that its hot outside and solids are introduced? I hope G isn't dehydrating, but she woke up from bed this morning with a completely dry diaper. After i nursed her this morning, she peed, so i know she isn't blocked up, but DH said it might have been a tad dark, but that he doesn't keep tabs on what it normally is, so he wasn't sure if it looked different. But it has been so hot, so she has probably been sweating, and she is eating more solids and drinking less milk. So it kinda makes sense, but i dont know. Would make me feel better if others have also seen something similar.
Chloe, Cait is maybe peeing a tiny bit less. I stress the word tiny though. At nights she often leaks through her overnight diapers if I don't change he when she wakes at around 3am. I guess just keep an eye on Gabby and maybe try and give her an extra bottle? It's good that she is passing some urine but if you don't think it's enough it couldn't hurt to call the doctor and ask a nurse their opinion. Dh's cousin has a baby 2 months older than Cait and she wasn't passing any urine a few weeks back and she had some sort of bladder or kidney infection. Hopefully Gabby is fine, and as you said, she's just peeing less because of solids and the heat. If you are worried I'd get a nurse or your doctor's opinion.

Cait is ALL OVER the place! She rolls all over when I'm trying to change her and she throws herself when she's bored of being held and wants to crawl around on the floor. She seems to be getting faster by the minute and sometimes I turn around and she's into something! I really wasn't expecting this stage to come so fast and now I'm baby proofing as quickly as I can. I put her in her rib without her harness on yesterday for 2 minutes while I put her laundry away and she put her hand up on the rail! I nearly had a heart attack right there and DH lowered her crib! Luckily she can't roll with the harness on and she still wears it at night, otherwise she'd have fallen out days ago! I'm a nervous wreck! What happened to my little baby?!
Chloe, C is not peeing less but definitely pooping less. He sometimes goes a day or two without pooping. I give him water to help but he doesn't really drink it, just plays with the cup.

Bean, my mom gave C a sucker at my sister's kid's bday party a couple weeks ago. I was a bit upset! She though it was funny. At least it was only a couple licks and it was a natural, organic sucker.

Well, we started cc last night. He cried for an hour and it broke my heart. I checked on him every ten minutes til he fell asleep. He did so great after that though. He only woke a couple of times and I didn't touch him at all, just handed him his blankie and he went right back to sleep. Today, for his morning nap he babbled for about 20 minutes and then cried for about 20 minutes before falling off. Then just now, for his afternoon nap, he didn't cry at all! He tossed about for 10 minutes and then fell asleep on his own! Of course, then I woke him up by flushing the upstairs toilet so I had to go in and hand him his blankie (he can't seem to find it and rolls on top of it then cries). But then he fell right back. I'm hoping this is the ticket to sttn. Fingers crossed!!!
KellyM - Awesome! I hope it works out for you!! We had one night when she kept waking up since we sleep trained but she put herself back to sleep each time. Now she wakes up at either 1-2am or 4-5 am to feed, then wakes up around 6 am and whines/cries for a few minutes before she sleeps until 7 am ish. I tried the same cc thing for her naps this week and it didn't go so well. She sleeps in the swing so I figured I could transition her to the crib. The first days she did great - 3 short naps but all in the crib and the longest she cried was maybe 10 minutes on and off. The second day was HORRIBLE. First nap she cried for an hour before I got her and put her in the swing, 2nd nap she cried for 30 mins before i put her in the swing (SCREAMING and sweating ugh), 3rd nap she cried and I just took her and put her in the swing again. She was really upset and even holding her and roccking her didn't calm her but the minute I put her in the swing, she was out like a light. Not sure if I could do this again by myself since DH isn't here during the day. I know some of it is fake crying...I put her dolly in the crib with her and she was playing with it while crying... but still.

Chloe/Daydream/Scooby - YES I feel the same way. I'm lucky enough to work from home but by the time I'm done with my work, her night schedule starts... Nurse, then 6:30 solids (DH feeds her while I shower), then I stuff my face with food as fast as I can, usually while cleaning whatever mess she left, then 7:00 - bath, lotion, pjs book, then 7:30 I nurse her again for half an hour before she sleeps at 8. I can't imagine not seeing her during the day and then coming home to the chaos. DH is always feeling sad like he's missing everything.

Chloe - YES. Ellie is only wetting around 4 diapers a day now and she used to wet 6. I contacted my dr a few weeks ago about it and she said to give her water once a day if its hot. I think it's a combination between eating more solids and wearing a larger diaper size. Ellie also poos once a day now and she didn't every day before when she was EBF so I think that might affect it too.

IST - WOW Go Cait! I can't believe how mobile she is!! Ellie is nowhere close to even rolling back to front but I'm starting to make a baby proofing list so I can knock things out little by little. I'm starting with the electric outlets and loose cords. Can you let us know what you're doing? I feel lost when it comes to this stuff.
Sigh, I hear you are supposed to get down on your hands and knees and look for choking hazards, things baby could pull down on top of themselves and other dangerous cords and outlets. I've haven't proofed much yet. C is getting around but he's still so slow at it. I just have to keep my eyes on him, sometimes he surprises me and moves fast so I can't leave him anywhere anymore.

I think the thing with these sleep training methods is sheer consistency. It's so hard when they cry to not break down and do whatever works. But you have to be strong if you want it to work. They may cry for an hour or two but if you give in after an hour then it was all a bunch of crying for nothing. That's what I tell myself to get through it. I just play on my phone and sit outside his door, checking on him often. So far I've already seen improvement and I haven't caved. Hopefully it stays that way. I don't nurse at night anymore and I don't pat him to sleep. When we did training the first time we started patting his back and that became the new crutch so now we aren't doing anything to get him to sleep except our routine and then he has to do the actual falling asleep on his own in his crib. Here's to hoping....
ImSo - H is doing the same regarding trying to roll while on the changing table, so I give him a blanket to play peekaboo and that keeps him occupied. We also dropped his crib down. These babies, what do they think they're doing?? Growing up?? Not allowed!

Sigh - That's our exact nighttime schedule, I make sure I'm home for it though. It's all go go go, but it's so wonderful to interact with him during it.

For baby proofing, thus far we have covered all outlets, added bumpers to our coffee table and around the fireplace, put a lock on the fireplace doors, put guard on front doorknob, and DH has organized all the cords to our entertainment center (we bought a box to enclose it all). I have a long list of to-do's including: secure all tall furniture pieces to wall (TV, china cabinet, bookcase, H's dresser), add cabinet locks to knife drawer, cleaning supplies, medicine cabinet, install locks on sliding door & windows as our condo is on the second floor. I have more on my phone I think but I don't have it handy.
Thanks for the suggestions ladies! Do you think I need to secure the drawers of her dresser in the nursery? I honestly don't care if she pulls her clothes out of it but is it a safety hazard (could she bump her head on the corner of the drawer or try to climb the dresser?)

KellyM - Yea I know I probably made it harder for the next time I try but I had a work deadline so I needed her to sleep. If they cry for an hour during naptime you're supposed to end the naptime and try again in an hour or so... I didn't have time to entertain a cranky baby esp since I was by myself :(

Which brings me to my dilemma. When I was pregnant and looking into hiring someone or daycare options for when I returned to work, my mom (who lives 5 minutes away) was insulted and said, "No! I'll watch her during the day!" So I let her and little by little she started coming less and less and we're now down to her coming 2 days a week for 4-5 hours. I work 40, sometimes more but luckily I have an understanding boss and I finish my work up after Ellie sleeps. I somehow haven't lost my job yet, infact I just got promoted yesterday so I'll have a ton more work. Now that I have no time to interview people, she tells me that I need to hire someone. I've been looking for someone on care.com for the past month and half but the only people who respond are high school or college kids and I want someone experienced because Ellie can be challenging sometimes and I don't want someone immature who would lose their patience. My doctor also told me to avoid daycare if I can until she's a little older because of her ear infections... if she keeps getting them she might have to have the tube surgery that my sister had. I have no idea what to do and am so stressed about it. For those of you who are working moms, where does LO stay when you're at work? Is daycare really that bad?
Sigh, for sure, I know how it goes! I can't imagine doing that all while working. I take my hat off to you and all the other working moms. I only work a couple days a week, here and there but I mostly consider myself a sahm.
Sigh - I just plan to secure the dresser to the wall, I don't think I'll be putting the guards on the drawers. As for childcare, we have an amazing daycare that runs it out of her home. She only has four kids max total at a time. When he was in his first daycare, he was there only a few days and already brought home a cold (he was only there two weeks before we found the new lady). Since he's been there (almost two months now) he hasn't been sick at all. So I think if you can find an in home provider that keeps the number of kids low then it shouldn't be bad
I would never do any sort of 'sleep training', babies do cry and wake during the night and surely that is what we all signed up for?
Personaly I think they are babies for such a short amount of time and I want to enjoy them every oportunity they get and if that means cuddles and nursing at 2am then so be it.
Has anyone on here ever looked in to/heard of baby calm?
To those sleep training, don't feel bad about it. You have to do what works for you and not everyone is blessed with a baby who knows how to sleep well. I take slight offense to cookies comment, and I don't even do sleep training since I am one of those blessed with a great sleeper. I'm sure no one here likes hearing their lo cry but there is a point where no one can function and no one is happy if lo never sleeps.

Sigh, yes ear infections are much more common for daycare babies, but they aren't a guarantee. I take g to a daycare with 11 other infants in her room. She has gotten some colds but I dont have many other options. And its not cheap. Just remember u get what you pay for so don't go to the bargain daycare. My friend did that and her son just came home bitten and bleeding (10 bites!) Now a lawyer is involved and he is no longer in that daycare.
Sorry to side track ladies but I gotta tell you FINALLY jospeh ate an ice cube size of purée pear mixed with a little mummy milk today!! I've been keeping going all this time mixing a teaspoon of food each day letting him lick it mess with it and spit it out etc. also he's been having melon and pear in a munchkin net this week. But he actually ate today!! Little licks off the spoon like a kitten! I mixed milk today and haven't bothered for a while so maybe this helped.

Hope he progresses now!

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